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Favourite cartridge?

Hmm... I think Silver's probably my favourite catridge. It's just such a lovely colour. I remember that I got it while on holiday in America, and I took the cartridge and my Game Boy Colour while we were going somewhere, and I sat in the car just gazing at the cartridge. :D

The FireRed one is very pretty too, and I must say, the LeafGreen cartridge is also cool. But um, I like all the cartridges, so yeah.
I like the Crystal one. I thought it was so cool that I could see inside the cartridge when I first got it...

LeafGreen is cool too, that particular shade is just... I dunno, really eye pleasing.
I like the Ruby and Sapphire cartriges. There was something about those games that always made me play the game. They were my first Pokemon games ever, but i was hooked on Pokemon when I played my friend's Red Version. >sigh< Memories...
You mean Sapphire is supposed to be blue?

Dammit. I have a bootleg, then x__x''

Gotta kill my parents. They said it was legit =O

I like Crystal, because it's kind of light blue, and I love that color.

What's yours colors XD?

I always liked Sapphire and Emerald.
I have to say Sapphire's my favorite too.

Gold and Silver are the shiny ones, though, and, well, I suppose that's nice.
I'm trying to decide between Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. xP They're all so pretty~<3 But whichever one I end up deciding is my favorite, Crystal will be a close second. Sparkly light blue FTW!
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