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Favourite Fictional Characters?

and Harkat from Cirque du Freak.
Harkat wasn't in the book Cirque du Freak ;D WHEYYYYYYYY

Anyone, ima do my own thread, because im a fearless bastard.

Movie Characters: Not much of a backstory to go by, but I just love the first evil ex, Matthew Pattel of Scott Pilgrim. Just do. Oh, and Wall-E.

Book Characters: Kernel from the Demonata series. WHERE IS MAH EYEZ.
Also Spook from the unknown Shapeshifter books (Spook > Malfoy)

Anime Characters: Just to keep this section short, lets just stick with Rock Lee from Naruto (A INSPIRATION TO ALL), Hibari Kyoya from KHR & the Kishin Asura from Soul Eater.

Video Game Characters: N and Cheren. Simple.
Movies: Howl, from Howl's moving Castle, and Calcifer.

Tv: Ryuk, from Death Note. Also, House and Mordecai from Regular Show.

Comics: Green/Blue (the female one) and gold from Pokemon Adventures, and Joey from Yu-Gi-Oh!

Video Games: Junk Man from Megaman Blue Moon. Maybe some others... I don't play too many video games.

Theatre: Mr. Cladwell from Urinetown and also Hot Blades Harry from that play, and Officer Lockstock... and other character from other plays...

Books: Twig from the Edge Chronicles.
Books: Uhh.. I've read too many, but recently, Number Four from I Am Number Four

Anime: *points to profile* Also, Osaka from Azumanga Daioh.

Video Games: Big The Cat, N, The Grim Heaper...
Movies: Valentine, Mirrormask

Books: Spottedleaf, Greystripe Warriors series; Diane Rivers, Helen Burns, Jane Eyre

TV Shows: Twilight Sparkle, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic; Chuck, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

Video Games: Bianca, Pokemon: Black; Ruby, Moe, The Legendary Starfy

I'll probably add more later.
I'm not sure if I have an absolute favorite, but still...
Pokémon: Blaine
Star Trek: Odo and Seven of Nine
Film: HAL-9000, 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Books: Mr. Bennet, Pride and Prejudice; Ged, A Wizard of Earthsea; Arya and Sansa and most of the rest of the cast, A Song of Ice and Fire; Locke Lamora, The Lies of Locke Lamora.
TV: Laura Roslin, Battlestar Galactica; Audrey, Twin Peaks; Kaylee, Firefly; The Ninth Doctor, Doctor Who; Joan, Mad Men; Stuart Alan Jones, Queer as Folk.
Video games: Um. I don't know. Ritz and Shara, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, maybe? Oh, and HK-47, Knights of the Old Republic.
Theatre: Estragon and Vladimir, Waiting for Godot. Can't possibly choose one or the other, they are effectively one character. :D
Comics: Adrian Veidt, Watchmen; Death, The Sandman (plus most of the other Endless); and, on a totally different note, Osaka, Azumanga Daioh.
Film: WALL-E from WALL-E, Woody from the Toy Story films, Dobby and Dumbledore from the Harry Potter films

Books: Pretty much everybody in The Stand by Stephen King, pretty much everybody in Asimov's Foundation series, Lord Asriel and Will in His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman.

TV: Capitaine Berthaud in Engrenages, Nicholas Rush in Stargate Universe, The Eleventh Doctor, everybody in The Event, Josh and Nate from Waterloo Road, Martha Costello and Nick Slade in Silk, and let us absolutely, definitely not forget Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson in Glee :D but I love the whole cast, seriously

Video Games: Theresa in the Fable series

Theatre: Hamlet and Macbeth in their respective plays, Shylock in The Merchant of Venice, Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet - I really need to watch more musicals


*uncontrollable sobs*
I have two new ones: Louis and Claudia from Interview With The Vampire. Louis is just such an amazing character, though a little bit annoying when he starts bitching and complaining about being a vampire. Claudia is just powerful and awesome (as in 'leaves me in awe'), the just thought of a girl who must remain in the shell of a child for all of eternity and what that character has to go through... It's amazing.

At first I didn't like Claudia (I watched the movie before I read the book) and I thought she was annoying and bitchy, but I felt bad for her in the book, and now that I actually understand her (I'm watching the movie again right now) I'm starting to like her again.
Film: Dennis (Monty Python and the Holy Grail (help help I'm being oppressed)), Doc Holiday (Tombstone)
Comics: The entire main cast of Watchmen, The Joker (esp. The Killing Joke). I need to read more comics.
Books: Alex (A Clockwork Orange), Lord Henry (The Picture of Dorian Gray), Temeraire (Temeraire series)
Vidya: everything in Portal
TV: ninth and tenth Doctors (Doctor Who)

Feel like I'm missing a lot. Will update this later, most likely.
Film: Jules (Pulp Fiction), Red (The Shawshank Redemption), Teddy (Memento)

Video Games: Illidan Stormrage (Warcraft III), Jim Raynor (StarCraft: Original and Broodwar; not the SC2 one whose moral character has been pretty much completely changed), Samir Duran (StarCraft: Broodwar), Tychus Findlay (StarCraft 2)
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I don't have very many of these. Wheatley and GLaDOS from the Portal series have to be my favorites, though. Karkat Vantas from Homestuck is a good character, too. As is Aradia Megido. And Vriska Serket. And basically fucking everybody.

EVERYBODY FROM PORTAL AND HOMESTUCK, BASICALLY. Also, Heavy Weapons Guy is really funny from what little we know of him.
Off the top of my head, and ignoring characters absolutely no one will have heard of...

Cartoon: Mandy from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Film: Luna from Harry Potter; Hudson from Aliens
Television: Doctor Who 9, 10 and 11; Alan Partridge
Games: Lego Ki-Adi-Mundi
The six protagonists of Trauma Team.
(see sig :3)

Edit: Oh, oh! Homestar. Runner. (and all the rest)

Edit #2: How could I forget ol' Sweet Tooth. That guy is just pure, concentrated badass.
Doctor Edward Richtofen, from Call of Duty/Nazi Zombies. But you probably could've figured that out on your own.
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