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Favourite Fictional Characters?

Movies: Jack Sparrow from PoTC, Timon and Pumbaa from The Lion King, Charlie the Unicorn and the Annoying Orange (if viral videos count as movies), Toothless from How to Train your Dragon, and Cera from The Land Before Time.

Books: Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Tarzan, and Robinson Crusoe.

Video Games: Arceus, Peppy Hare, Shadow the Hedgehog, Diddy Kong, Xemnas

TV: Guilmon from Digimon Tamers, Perry the Platypus, Eric Cartman, Billy from Power Rangers (I could've SWORN I saw [David Yost] the actor who played him, over the summer, at video game "thingy" at MIT), Mr. Krabs, Xander from Dinosaur King, and Brian from Family Guy

Mythology: Hades, Set, Loki

Comics: Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, Aquaman, and Iron Man
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Movies: Woody, Buzz........

Books: Percy Jackson, Artemis Fowl

Television: Phillip Fry, Leela, Bender, Peter, Lois, Stewie, Quagmire, Stan, Kenny, Kyle, Eric, Butters, all from Futurama, Family Guy, and South Park respectfully.

Video games: Samus, Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, Daisy, DeDeDe, Kirby, Meta Night, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Charmander, Celebi, PKMN Trainer. (all from SSBB, except aisy and Charmander. And yes, celebi is in SSBB wii, you just need to encounter it by usig countless Pokeballs and get lucky to see it)

MLP: FiM: Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparckle, Princess Celestia, Discord, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom, AppleJack, Rarity, Spike

Myths(greek myhs for me): Poseidon, Athena, Artemis, Zeus, Hermes, Eros, Ares, Aphrodite,
Video Games: Midna, Zelda/Sheik, Yoshi...um....Pit...I think that's it.

Movies: Snake Plissken, MacReady (The thing), Max Renn (videodrome)

Comics: Ghost rider, Rorschach, The Joker, Tony Stark, Dave Strider, Gamzee Makara

Books: Mostly Stephen King characters. George Stark from the dark half is probably my number one, and I also like Jack Torrance, The Crimson king, Randall Flagg, Mr. Gray, Paul Sheldon and Annie Wilkes. Other characters from other books include Eli from Let the right one in, Teddy Daniels from Shutter island (The movie version was good too) and Herbert West (Re-animator).

Other: Warhammer stuffs. I love the concept of The Skaven and Tyranids.
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Listed by show, book, etc. because I'm lazy. Extra-favorites are underlined.

Doctor Who:The Doctor, River Song, Captain Jack
Hetalia:England/Arthur Kirkland, N. Italy/Feliciano Vargas, Japan/Kiku Honda, America/Alfred F. Jones, France/Francis Bonnefoy
Eureka:Douglas Fargo, S.A.R.A.H., Taggart
K-ON: Yui
Harry Potter:Luna Lovegood, Fred and George Weasley, Sirius
Sonic the Hedgehog(includes Sonic Underground): Manic, Tails, Shadow
Pokemon: Blaziken, N, *list dragon-type here*
Fruits Basket: Tohru, Yuki
Inheritance Cycle: Saphira, Arya

I don't really watch movies, btw.
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I'm terribly fond of Santana, Rachel, and Blaine from Glee. Despite the show being mostly awful and ridiculous, they managed to create several incredibly likable characters. It's really its saving grace. (Although I do wish they had kept Rachel's sex-positive views from S1 and not made her a ~*~prude~*~ in S2/3. It's sort of saddening.)

Can I say Spyro from the Spyro the Dragon series? Technically he's not *much* of a character, being a video game protagonist and all, but he's a smart-mouthed piece of awesome and he made his games especially awesome. (Up until The Legend of Spyro, anyway; I haven't played those and am mostly reluctant to, so I can't really pass judgement on that.)

MAN WARRIORS OMG. I need to start picking those up again. /childish and still loves YA novels :( I always liked Cinderpelt, Onewhisker/star, Tawnypelt and Leafpool. But I really haven't read the books in so long... oh! Bluestar, too. <3

Also I like Aradia, Dave, Jade, and Feferi from Homestuck a lot.
Can I say Spyro from the Spyro the Dragon series? Technically he's not *much* of a character, being a video game protagonist and all, but he's a smart-mouthed piece of awesome and he made his games especially awesome. (Up until The Legend of Spyro, anyway; I haven't played those and am mostly reluctant to, so I can't really pass judgement on that.)
Yes! The original Spyro was a snarky, cocky little bastard and I loved him for it. Unfortunately, Spyro's character in the reboot is about as bland and dull as you can get. And Sparx is an annoying asshole who never shuts up.
Show: Trevor (Whitest kid U know)
Anime: Takagi (High School of the Dead)
Video Game: Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat) or Cole McGrath (Infamous)
Book: Katniss (Hunger Games)
I like Fregley and Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I also like Leo from Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero.
Movies: I thought Robert Fischer in Inception was awesome personally, though nobody every remembers who that is ;_; I also like Captain Kirk in the new Star Trek, and Meryl Streep's performance of Miranda Priestley in The Devil Wears Prada.

Books: Phineas Nigellus (I just know I spelled that wrong) was my favourite Harry Potter character. Sadly, that's all I can think of right now.

TV: McLachlan and Caan make a great duo as McGarret and Danno in the new Hawaii 5-0. I also really like Mike Chang in Glee. And everyone in The Dick Van Dyke Show and Seinfeld.

Video Games: Well, GLaDOS of course, but I also really loved Cave Johnson and Wheatley (all from the Portal Series). Marth is also a favourite of mine, both in SSBB and Fire Emblem.
Harry Dresden, from The Dresden Files. He's just so amazingly great uggh. I mean, come on, he once fought a demon while naked! Outside! IN TORRENTIAL CHICAGO RAIN

Also, illustrious and wise Bartimaeus of Ur.
After playing Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, I can add Phoenix Wright, Mia and Maya Fey, Larry Butz, Dick Gumshoe, Lotta Hart, Manfred von Karma, Emma Skye, Angel Starr, Damon Gant, and Jake Marshal to my list of favorite characters.
Movies: I thought Robert Fischer in Inception was awesome personally

This! Poor guy, it absolutely gets me at the end when he finds the pinwheel in his dad's safe and starts crying. </3

A few new favorites since my last post:

- The Eleventh Doctor from Doctor Who
- Kratos Aurion from Tales of Symphonia
- Midna from LoZ: Twilight Princess
- Norrington from Pirates of the Caribbean (I guess I'm kind of a sucker for guys with tragic deaths and unrequited love)
- Colonel Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
- Severus Snape from Harry Potter
To answer the thread question, Piccolo Jr. from dragonball z.

Also Videl, also from dragonball z.
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