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Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

Name: Thorn Pennyfeather
Age: 11
Pokemon: Ancient (Male Relicanth, Lv. 12) Piutros (Male Tropius, Lv. 14) Zigzag (Female Zigzagoon, Level 12) Root (Female Lileep, Lv. 11) Ember (Male Torchic, Lv. 13)
Personality: I choose the option where you form an opinion on me as we play along.
Pokemon personality: Ancient has a long memory, and is very shy, although very intelligent. Piutros is ready to charge into anything and sometimes reckless. Zigzag is playful and likes to joke a lot. Root is always serious and never jokes. Ember is talkative and excitable.
Ok join in as it plays on!

Ian handed the ball over to Violet not knowing what she was doing, but she was the only mechanic here.
A girl wandered through the alleyways of Veilstone City. She got lost easily here, as she was from Hoenn, and this was Sinnoh. She spotted a man having his lunch outside a cafeteria. She took one of the PokeBalls from her belt, and whispered, "Zigzag, we need you." A small raccoon with zigzag layers of fur forming a pattern by alternating between light and medium brown materialized next to her. "Go and grab as much food as you can from him. And don't mess around," she said. The Zigzagoon nodded, and ran off towards him. Rather than just grabbing sandwiches like the girl expected from her, she instead grabbed the whole lunchbox and ran off with it, making sure to detour around where the girl was hiding, in case the man followed her. He yelled, but didn't chase after her. She ran around in a circle, and finally reached the girl. "Good work, Zigzag," she said. Now that work was over, Zigzag had returned to her regular, joking self. To prove it, she said, "That man must've been a glutton. No wonder he was fat. Look, there's six sandwiches in here, which is enough for each of us, and he had a seventh one that he was eating," and smirked. The girl opened up the lunchbox to find six sandwiches, like Zigzag had said, and she took out the other four Pokemon of hers. "So who wants turkey, and who wants peanut butter and jelly?" The Relicanth, who had a little inflatable pool that could be filled up with water when there was no rivers or lakes or bodies of water nearby that he was in now, said, "Screw the bread. Just throw the turkey in here," while the Tropius said, "I'll be fine just eating from the trees." Zigzag, of course, took a peanut butter and jelly, while the Lileep took a turkey, and the Torchic ate the Relicanth's bread and the bread off of the sandwich that the Tropius had denied. The girl took a peanut butter and jelly, threw the turkey from one of the sandwiches in the Relicanth's pool, gave the bread to the Torchic as well as the leftover turkey, and threw another turkey sandwich in the hole in the top of the Lileep's visible body, where two yellow eyes gleamed. Then they all settled down and ate their lunch.
Where is Thorn, Ian wondered. "I'm going to look for Thorn guys!" Ian called.
Ian walked down the street, he spotted a man furiously stomping off towards the Police Station.
"Uh oh." Ian exclaimed.
Ian ran down the alley to find Thorn there and sighed a sigh of relief.
"It's goo-" He didn't get to finish.
The man had obviously told the police that a pokemon was stealing food and they investigated the area.
"Lets go Thorn"
OOC: We're not in an alleyway. We're in some forest near the edge of the town.

The Tropius paused in his eating, although everyone else had already finished and were now chatting happily. "But I didn't get to eat my fill yet."
Thorn replied, "Piutros, there are trees everywhere. You get to eat all the time!"
"But I'm hungry."
"Well then, eat from those trees around the orphanage!"
"But we're not allowed to eat from those, isn't that vandalism?"
"Since when has that stopped you?"
Piutros put on the closest face a Tropius could get to a pout, and said, "Touche (that's that one word that's pronounced TOO-shay, I don't know how to spell it). I'll do it, but only because you need watching over."
"You're the one who needs watching over!"
"Do not!"
"Do to!"
"Do not!"
"Do to!"
"Do not!"
"Do not!"
"Do to-"
"Ha! You even admitted that you need watching over!"
Piutros pouted again, while everyone but the Lileep laughed merrily, especially Zigzag, and she recalled them all and ran after Ian.
OOC:Sorry about that, it seems I'm not so good at RPG's.

Ian ran after her just as the police came around the corner.
Eric was minding his own business, when two Rocket Grunts attempted to capture him. Eric seriously needed someone to save him! He shouted "HELP! SAVE ME! THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME! HURRY!"
"Okay then~!"
The girl recalled Umbreon and dashed off to the Pokecenter with Flare. She traded the Abra and Umbreon, looking around at the other people. One little girl was holding an Eevee with a hurt paw and talking to the nurse at the counter. She pulled out a Pokeball and opened it, pointing at Flare. Before it closed because he was already caught, she held it open. The tiny machine beeped. That meant there was an error, what she wanted. If she did this right, it would think it had a pokemon in it and she could trade it. She "traded" it for Umbreon and left, throwing away the now-useless pokeball. Seeing Ian by some trees, she handed Umbreon's pokeball to him.
"He's officially yours now, but his OT is still the guy."
She left Flare at the shack and went back outside, planning to go back to route 215 to release the Abra. Two rockets were pulling Eric away.
"Go! Frostbite!"
She threw the pokeball, realizing it was the Abra's. It was too late to change.
Aw, crap.
The tiny sleeping Pokemon yawned and stretched. Suddenly, a purple and blue aura surrounded it. The two Rockets screamed and fell over, she guessed that they were unconscious.
"Whoa, since when do you know Psychic?"
The Abra yawned and went back to sleep, ignoring Violet.
Terrence ran down the streets of Veilstone, hurrying to get to the forest. He was already late for meeting up with everyone else. As he was running, a wanted poster caught his attention. He stopped and turned to read it. On it, to his horror, he saw his picture.
Wanted for mugging over 50 people and killing at least 3. Girno is part of the orphans that live off of thievery in Veilstone. If found, please contact the Veilstone police.

"Damn it," Terrence muttered. He tore the poster off of the pole and stuffed it in his pocket. He was one of the more vicious of the other orphans, so natuarally he was going to be the one most wanted. He turned back to the street and ran for a few more minutes, before arriving in front of the infamous shack. He took the poster out of his pocket and showed it to the group.

"We have a problem," he said.
Eric was nearby, and one of the Grunts said "You'll be a great slave to our cause." Eric talked back, "SHUT THE HELL UP YOU BASTARD! I'LL NEVER DO A FUCKING THING FOR YOU OR THE REST OF YOU SHITTY LITTLE SCUMBAGS! DAMN YOU ALL!"
Violet gritted her teeth and tackled Eric, covering his mouth and hissed into his ear.
"Shut up. Way to attract attention!"
People that were walking by stopped to stare at him. The Abra slept nearby with complete apathy towards all humans.
Onna looked up at Terrance and the paper he was holding. The human looked upset about something, and she tried to look over his shoulder to see it. Her trainer had once tried teaching her to read. The Mawile could, at about the level of a seven or eight year old.
Eric was free. He was saved. He said to Violet, "Wow. You SAVED my LIFE! Not even ARCEUS knows what those miserable Rockets would've done to me if they succeeded in capturing me. They could've enslaved me, or even KILLED me! Is there anything I can do to repay you? I owe you one." He got up and followed her, after picking up three Pokeballs one of the Grunts dropped in an attempt to flee. Treecko, Magikarp, and Phanpy were inside them.
Violet blinked, somewhat embarassed. She watched Eric, interested in the Pokemon he took from the Rockets.
"No problem! Uh, if you don't mind, can I have the Phanpy? They're cute~!"
She laughed.
"Actually, I didn't do too much. The Abra did. Speaking of which,"
She turned to the sleeping Pokemon,
"You can go whenever you want. Teleport, or whatever. You're released."
The Psychic Pokemon slept on, ignoring Violet.
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"Uh, about that. He's not exactly mine. I was about to release hi-"
I am a female.
Violet stopped. Was that the Abra?
Yes, I'm a Pokemon. And I'm not a "he". And I don't want to be any of yours.
The Abra yawned lazily and focused on Terrence.
She's fine, as far as I know. I'd really prefer if I had a say in whether I'm given away or kept like a stuffed animal.
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