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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake


An ancient legend speaks of a lovely Pokemon that inhabits a lake. This lake is hidden in a mostly unexplored region, with only a few travellers having returned with texts written in stone, in trees, and in the sky itself

The legend states that this Pokemon, more beautiful than a Milotic, more powerful than Arceus, and more kind than a Blissey, sleeps at the bottom of the Lake, waiting for the day that a worthy trainer would come and awaken it. Upon awakening, it would give its loyalty to this trainer. Depending on who got to it first, this could mean great time, full of prosperity and peace, a golden age in essence, or it could mean dark times, filled with fear and doubt, people and Pokemon alike fighting one another for land, food, water, shelter, and safety, people would live in a hell on earth as the very sun itself begins to die...


You are a trainer OR a member of Team Rocket, out to get this Pokemon. This region is filled with powerful Pokemon, and is home to even immensely powerful legendaries. Offspring of Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mew, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, and even Celebi are said to roam the forests and plains of this dangerous land, among other powerful and dangerous Pokemon, some legendary, some not. It could be superstition, or it could be truth. After all, not even flocks of trained Salamence have managed to come back alive, save one or two, whom were near death. As such, you had best have a powerful team if you hope to survive

The Form:

Team: (Trainer or Rocket. There must be at LEAST two Rockets, and at LEAST one trainer excluding myself)
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon:
Pokemon: (Up to six, each one must have the below form filled. You MAY have a member of a trio, or a Lati. Otherwise, no legendaries allowed)
-Identifying Features: (Shiny, Odd markings, Scars, etc.)

As a note, everybody starts out with the following items, and must scavenge for any new items that they may want or need:

-Five Max Potions
-Two Revives
-Five Full Heals
-Two Full Restores
-One Max Revive
-10 Ultra Balls, to be used at own discretion. However, since you ARE after a VERY powerful Pokemon, it may be best to save them until then

We will start when we either:

A) Have 5 people, excluding myself, or
B) After one week

So, join up!

My Form:

Name: Eric
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Team: Trainer
Description: Brown eyes, short brown hair, Phoenix Medallion, glasses, pale skin, blue jeans, black shirt, black jacket, black runners. Somewhat skinny, and is 5'7"
Personality: Somewhat shy sometimes, can be outgoing though. Is friendly and can handle being by himself or with others. Has a nasty temper sometimes
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: Wants to capture at least one of each species of Pokemon. This is a new Pokemon, so he feels the need to catch it

Pokemon: (Up to six, each one must have the below form filled)
-Name: Pikachu
-Species: ...Guess...
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Abnormally small
-Personality: Is kind and motherly, always worrying about Eric and small Pokemon (even though small is usually bigger than herself anyways)

-Name: Aljrlieguh (Pronounced AHL-sar-LIE-ee-Juh)
-Species: Milotic
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Blue eyes, and the huge scales (?) that make up the fan on the tip of the tail are a solid sapphire blue
-Personality: Calm and methodical. She tends to approach a battle in a logical manner, thinking of how best to approach the situation when left to her own devices. Is also quite modest, but mischievous

-Name: Ribbon
-Species: Garchomp
-Gender: Female (I may like female Pokemon a LITTLE too much...)
-Identifying Features: Is more suited to marine life, having extra claws positioned in such a way that it allows her claws to mimic hands. Her dorsal fin is also much larger than average, and the 'jets' on the side of her head are pointed on both ends. Her tail also has sharp spikes curved towards the tip of her tail
-Personality: Vicious, to say the least. She will not give up, and cannot stay still, leading her to being described as Adamant and Likes to Thrash About
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

I'll join tomorrow afternoon. Its to late right now.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Name: Baby (yes, that's her real name)

Age: 9


Team: Trainer

Description: Baby is tiny and thin, with long curly blonde hair that falls to her waist. She wears a yellow sundress that falls to her knees, patterned with orange flowers. Her eyes are massive and pale green.

Baby is very shy, and is usually found clinging to Zeek's short, soft fur as he carries her around. She will sometimes have a quiet spell, where she refuses to speak to anyone but Zeek, and will shrink away if touched. Otherwise, when she gets to know someone, she will talk to them in a way that makes her seem older than her years.

Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: She wants to makes sure that no-one ever suffers the way she did, so she desires to use it's power to destroy the 'bad people'...


-Name: Ezekeil
-Species: Raikou
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Ezekiel (or 'Zeek') is a very large creature, even for his kind, standing at six-foot-six at the shoulder. He bears a large scar in the shape of an 'X' across his chest, and his claws are longer and sharper than most.
-Personality: Zeek believes it is his duty to protect Baby from the world around her, having saved her from being killed by her father, who was high at the time. He received the scar he bears from that battle, against Baby's father's Arcanine. He's brave and noble, speaking for Baby when she has one of her 'spells'

-Name: Edward
-Species: Gallade
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: A scar over his right eye, and numerous small ones on his arms.
-Personality: Edward is noble, and serves to take down anything with special defenses that Zeek can't bypass. He will carry Baby in his arms as gently as as kitten one moment, and slice through foes the next. He cares very much for his young mistress, even to the point of something more than friendship...

-Name: Riptide
-Species: Swampert
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: A large chunk missing from his tail fin, scars along his arms, Larger than normal.
-Personality: Riptide is nearly merciless, throwing his massive bulk around like nothing. He is fast, attacking with powerful physical and special moves. He doesn't take bull from anyone.

-Name: Daemeon
-Species: Skarmory
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Tattered wings, a long scar down the left side of his beak.
-Personality: Daemeon is the quiet type, and can unnerve others quite easily buy just sitting and staring. In battle, he uses flight to his advantage.
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

I let all my other RP characters die for some reason... Maybe this time I'll manage to get into the story better...
Name:Will Ralin
Age: 16
Team: Trainer
Description: Shoulder length, messy red-brown hair, somewhat dirty jeans, a grey t-shirt, a black vest, hazel eyes, pale, skinny, medium height.
Personality: Cold to those he doesn't know, but hyper and strange among those he likes. Dislikes doing work without a reason for it, and is rather lazy.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: Feels that if he can capture it, people won't think he's weak anymore.

-Name: Zoran
-Species: Donphan
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Zoran's tusks are covered in metal plating, and there's a small triangle drawn on the top of his head.
-Personality: Extremely loyal to Will, Zoran is a serious creature who makes Will get off his lazy butt when there's something that needs to be done.

-Name: Neria
-Species: Mawile
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Dark green, instead of yellow.
-Personality: Shares Will's attitude, but amplifies the hyper side many times over, annoying her friends to the brink of insanity. Also rather careless.

-Name: Vales
-Species: Skarmory
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Easily annoyed by things he dislikes, Vales finds himself annoyed quite often, and is somewhat insane because of it.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

I have a question. Do Dialga, Palkia and Giratina count as a trio?

Name: Aria
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Team: Trainer
Description: Four feet ten inches tall, with very long, pink hair that goes down to her knees. She has green eyes and likes wearing a shirt the color of her hair, with a butterfly the color of her eyes. Aria wears blue jeans, black socks and plain white running shoes.
Personality: Quiet but intelligent, Aria is usually thinking. She always thinks before she acts, considering the advantages and consequences. Of course, sometimes she lets instinct take the lead. Aria has a quick temper. She can get emotional if things are intense. She's often seen reading manga, and she often feels just what the characters feel. If she needs to, she'll tell others what she's thinking, but usually she prefers to keep to herself. She also gets tired easily.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: She wants it to help her defeat Team Rocket and keep all Pokemon safe from unnecessary harm.

-Name: Stonefrost
-Species: Regice
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Is shiny.
-Personality: Serious and cunning, and only obeys Aria.

-Name: Deadcloud
-Species: Mismagius
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Has sapphire blue jewels instead of red jewels.
-Personality: Deadcloud often causes mischief, and needs a strict trainer to help her focus. Luckily, Aria is the kind to handle her.

-Name: Moonshadow
-Species: Umbreon
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Serious and cunning, Moonshadow likes stealing from foes. He's the perfect one to help Aria on her quest, due to his loyalty.

-Name: Flamefoot
-Species: Hariyama
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Where a normal Hariyama has orange, he is a fiery red.
-Personality: Has a fiery temper, and is also very loyal to Aria. He was her second Pokemon. They trained together, not only building strength, but friendship also. Enjoys using the move Arm Thrust.

-Name: Windfeather
-Species: Staraptor
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Is shiny.
-Personality: Flies Aria around the region, and loves to battle. Windfeather is very good at executing midair attacks, and does so whenever she gets the opportunity.

-Name: Onestar
-Species: Kadabra
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: A darker color than normal Kadabra.
-Personality: Was Aria's first Pokemon. Is the most loyal to her of all, and would gladly die to save his trainer. He helps Aria stay awake with his psychic powers.

[Image of Aria's team: click here]
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Name: Lucidia
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Team: Trainer
Description: Lucidia has long, straight, blond hair, and is rather tall for her age.
Personality: Lucidia likes to help those in trouble, and can't stand leaving anyone behind. She wishes to become a nurse, and spends a lot of her time reading books about diseases and how to stay healthy, besides a few novels she likes.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: She has heard the legends. Apart from having a soft spot for beautiful and/or powerful Pokemon, she has also heard of its kindness, and hopes to heal alongside it someday.

-Name: Joy
-Species: Togekiss
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Joy's red spots are actually a rich purple.
-Personality: Joy is a lot like Lucidia. She enjoys healing and is naturally motherly.

-Name: Grace
-Species: Gardevoir
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Grace is graceful, which is guessable from her name. She is silent most of the time, and, although she too enjoys healing, is willing to make sacrifices if nessecary.

-Name: Mist
-Species: Dragonair
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Blue body, like the normal, but gold orbs, like the shiny.
-Personality: Mist is the guardian of Lucidia's team. He watches over others to make sure that nothing sneaks up on them. He has chosen not to evolve because he thinks Dragonite isn't as good-looking.

-Name: Shimmer
-Species: Articuno
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Shiny, with a thin scar on her left wing.
-Personality: Shimmer is the main powerhouse, the one that is called to action by Mist's cry when there is danger. She fights out of loyalty and gratefulness.

-Name: Unknown
-Species: Latias
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Unknown.
She is currently in treatment.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Reserving a spot... My form will be filled out sometime tomorrow. (Monday)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Name: Patrick
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Team: No one wants to be a TR member, so I'll be one D:. But I need people to join me plz...
Description: Black mop hair, short-ish, but has long arms. Blue eyes, usually wears black jeans and a blue tee. Has glasses.
Personality: Aggressive, snobbish, but very kind to Pokemon and non-strangers.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: Forced to join TR as a kid, and has been one of their rising stars. Sent out to catch them along with a few other Rockets.

Name: Aero
Species: Latios
Gender: Male
Identifying Features: A scar on his right eye from fighting when he was young.
Personality: Only listens to Patrick as Latios was found by him when little. Otherwise, a strong battler who is very protective.

Name: Swampy
Species: Swampert
Gender: Female
Identifying Features: His back fin is very pale, and his normally orange cheeks are blue.
Personality: Also only obeys Patrick. He was his starter. Likes to play things safe.

Name: Squish
Species: Wigglytuff
Gender: Female
Identifying Features: Is very round for a Wigglytuff
Personality: Kind of like Harley's Wigglytuff, Squish is much eviler than other Wigglytuffs. Has an spoiled attitude.

Name: Haps
Species: Happiny
Gender: Female
Identifying Features: Has a gold-covered egg.
Personality: Still young, so very much like a baby Pokemon. However, Haps is extremely strong, and likes to hang out on Patrick's shoulder, exploring the world curiously.

Name: Ketorp
Species: Entei
Gender: Male
Identifying Features: Has fangs that are sharper than Seviper's, and they are bigger than Digletts.
Personality: Almost uncontrollable, Ketorp has to be kept in a special ball designed just for him. First caught by his father, who actually almost destroyed TR single-handedly, but returned home very weak, almost permanently in a coma. Ketorp was given to Patrick when he was 5. Extremely terrifying, attacks almost everything in sight, and not afraid of anything. Patrick has only used him about 5 times before, and he almost died every time.
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Name: Orixx
Age: 15
Gender: male
Team: Rocket
Description: Long staight black hair, brown eyes, wears a rocket t-shirt, and has blue jeans.
Personality: A queit person but when it come to being a rocket member he can be a very agressive person.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: To be one of the best trainer in the Rocket organization and to be a great trainer outside Team Rocket.

-Name: Croc
-Species: Feraligatr
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: has a scar down his left eye.
-Personality: He has the same personality as Orixx.

-Name: Princess
-Species: Persian
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features:none
-Personality: She loves attention so if anybody tries to take that awayfrom her she gets aggressive.

-Name: Zane
-Species: Zangoose
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: His fur is darker than a regular zangoose
-Personality: Shy and likes to keep to himself and probably the nicest pokemon that Orixx has,.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Name: Hayden
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Team: Rocket

Description: Hayden has grey eyes and neat brown hair that appear to make him look like a mushroom. He is of average height and weight for his age, although perhaps slightly more fit. He wears a white T-shirt with the Rocket symbol on it, though he wears a red vest over top of this to hide the symbol from the unsuspecting trainers. He also wears black pants and sports sandals.

He carries a couple of switchblades on his person, hidden from view, and is quite skilled at using them.

Personality: Hayden is very demanding of his pokemon, and outright cruel to opponents or victims. The thought of others in pain, emotional or physical, amuses him greatly. He'll joke around about killing others to their face, especially when annoyed, and revels in reading or creating fictional scenes where a character suffers greatly. Critical of others and sarcastic, Hayden doesn't bother trying to make friends, and he will physically kick or hit anyone who annoys him too much if they're within range.

Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon:
It's a mission, and he refuses to let his team-mates cause him to fail. Success will probably lead to a nice promotion, too, and he won't have to do menial tasks like minor steals or be police bait while higher-ranked Rockets do the important stuff.

Pokemon Team

Name: Onychectomy
Species: Meowth
Gender: Male
Identifying Features: Onychectomy lacks the usual gold coin on his forehead, where there is a large scar instead. He also has missing patches of fur and slash marks all over his body. His left paw has been declawed, though his right paw's claws are much longer and sharper than usual, partially showing even when sheathed.
Personality: Onychectomy lives for the fight, and seems to know nothing else; honestly, that's what his life has consisted of since he could fight. He is vicious and aggressive, as well as agile and quick. He is constantly spitting and hissing, analysing his opponent as he attacks the most painful areas he can. He never backs down unless forcibly recalled. Upon winning a battle, he tries to take a "trophy" of some sort if he can - whatever looks most valuable, especially if it's shiny.

Name: Supercell
Species: Zapdos
Gender: --
Identifying Features: Supercell is much larger than the recorded size of a zapdos, and has comparatively larger wings, talons, and beak.
Personality: Supercell is perpetually furious, always lashing out at others and never getting along with anyone. It is very willing to drop likely-fatal thunderbolts at anyone who pisses it off, and constantly seems surrounded in a metaphorical thundercloud of frustration. On particularly sunny days it might summon a thunderstorm out of spite.

Name: Neurotoxin
Species: Seviper
Gender: Female
Identifying Features: Neurotoxin's fangs and tail blade are silver, and usually glistening with a clear liquid. Twin scars, both bordering the same eye, run from near the back of her head to her upper lip.
Personality: Neurotoxin believes that power is the most important thing to have, and it determines how valuable someone is. She seeks power by fighting others, both physically and with stronger poison. She'll try to remove anyone she thinks is more powerful than her unless it benefits her to keep them alive. She is the Only One Allowed to Defeat Antivenin, who is the only zangoose she allows to live; she fights him in other ways. Any other zangoose, however, and she'll attack them viciously.

Name: Antivenin
Species: Zangoose
Gender: Male
Identifying Features: A large, deep scar runs through an eye from his forehead to his neck. Many puncture wounds, each coming in pairs, dot his body, although they're covered by his fur.
Personality: Antivenin is chivalrous and polite, except for a certain few he deems despicable. He does enjoy battle, but he will only fight one who knows of his presence. However, once in battle, he prefers to dodge attacks and use his speed to quickly end matches. He is the Only One Allowed to Defeat Neurotoxin, who is the only seviper he allows to live; he fights her in other ways. Any other seviper, however, and he'll attack them viciously.

Name: Viduity
Species: Gardevoir
Gender: Female
Identifying Features: Viduity's dress is pure black, and her face has a grey tinge.
Personality: Viduity's protectiveness of her teammates and trainer borders on obsession with keeping him alive, and she even be cruel to them if need be. She is very suspicious of others, and would like to sterilise the world if it would keep those she cares about alive. She doesn't care about their mental or physical health, or anyone else's. When not obsessively on her guard for dangers, she's quiet and mournful, although she rarely allows herself this time to grieve.

Name: Firestorm
Species: Typhlosion
Gender: Male
Identifying Features: Firestorm has darker fur and brighter flames than the average typhlosion, and he is somewhat smaller.
Personality: Firestorm is usually kind, cheerful, and friendly, wishing to protect others. He doesn't like hurting others, though he's sometimes unaware of the pain he's causing. However, under high stress bloodlust may fill his mind and he seems to become a different pokemon, one who focuses only on utterly destroying a designated target and everyone else. He never remembers these rages, however, when he reverts back to normal.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

:D I'll join!

Name: Cal
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Team: Trainer~
Description: Cal has dark blue eyes and shaggy black hair. He's chubby, but muscular and pretty powerful. He's around 6'2".
Personality: Cal is dark and determined, unsympathetic and an all-around asshole. He treats his pokemon like dirt, but most of them don't seem to mind. He'll do anything to find and catch this new pokemon.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: Power, bragging rights, money.

-Name: Dagda
-Species: Blastoise
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Just a basic blastoise
-Personality: Very strong and power-hungry, like his master. Doesn't mind too much being treated like a tool.

-Name: Persephone
-Species: Gardevoir
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Much larger than an ordinary gardevoir
-Personality: Loving, caring, sweet. The only reason she sticks with Cal is because she's hopelessly in love with him, though he doesn't know this.

-Name: Pan
-Species: Tauros
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: One of his tails is shorter than the rest
-Personality: Laid-back, go-with-the-flow type, doesn't mind anything, can generally take Cal's verbal abuse.

-Name: Proserpina
-Species: Misdreavus
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: General Misdreavus
-Personality: HATES Cal with all her might, but can't run away from him. Weakest on the team, and gets the brunt of Cal's anger, making her very bitter towards him and humans in general.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Joining Please. Thanks. EeveeSkitty

Name: Cat

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Team: Trainer

Description: Cat has long, straight black hair and brown eyes. She wears a purple t-shirt with a matching jacket. On the bottom part of her body she wears long jeans and dark blue sneakers. She is kind of short but is VERY skinny and is underweight.

Personality: Cat can be very positive sometimes but sometimes
She is very negative. She loved Pokemon from a young age and is very caring for them and her team mates however on the battlefield she is competive. She is also very smart and enjoys her talent: Academic and Thinking Skills etc Maths, Spelling, Writing, Reading...

Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: Loves to be a hero. She also likes money but wouldn't do it just for money.

Pokemon: Espeon, Delcatty, Lapras, Ninetales

-Name: Elegant
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Where a Ruby is usually found on her head there is instead an Emerald. She also is a lighter shade of purple than normal Espeon’s.
-Personality: She is very smart. She can be a little be of a show off sometimes and can Overdo showing off.

-Name: Delicate
-Species: Delcatty
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: She is also a lighter shade of purple than normal. Her tail is also slightly longer than normal and she has real paws.
Personality: She is kind and as her name says Delicate. But sometimes she won’t obey commands for no reason.

-Name: Goldenflame
-Species: Ninetales
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: She is a golden colour and has only eight tails
For an unknown reason.
-Personality: She is very quick to think and act. She can react very quickly and can jump to conclusions. She follows instinct but her knowledge is quite good. She can be rather negative.

-Name: Seasurfer
-Species: Lapras
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: She has a very light shade of blue which she got from swimming in clear water a lot. Her shell is less spiky than other Lapras.
-Personality: She is very calm and never panics for any reason. She is a leader and is good at keeping control. She can make mistakes easily as she can rush things.

From EeveeSkitty
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Name: Dart
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Team: Team Rocket
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: Wants to take over the world, simple enough.

-Name: Blitz
-Species: Suicune
-Gender: No gender, but prefers to be called a female.
-Identifying Features: Faster than a normal Suicune.
-Personality: She is rather caring and protective, especially of Arrd.

-Name: Arrd
-Species: Charizard
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Bigger and more powerful than most Charizards, also he has a scar across his left eye, which makes him almost blind.
-Personality: When Dart got his Charizard -then a Charmander- he was playful and always happy, now he is ruthless and bloodthirsty because of his owners personality.

-Identifying Features:

-Identifying Features:

Will finish later :3
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

I have a question. Do Dialga, Palkia and Giratina count as a trio?

Name: Aria
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Team: Trainer
Description: Four feet ten inches tall, with very long, pink hair that goes down to her knees. She has green eyes and likes wearing a shirt the color of her hair, with a butterfly the color of her eyes. Aria wears blue jeans, black socks and plain white running shoes.
Personality: Quiet but intelligent, Aria is usually thinking. She always thinks before she acts, considering the advantages and consequences. Of course, sometimes she lets instinct take the lead. Aria has a quick temper. She can get emotional if things are intense. She's often seen reading manga, and she often feels just what the characters feel. If she needs to, she'll tell others what she's thinking, but usually she prefers to keep to herself. She also gets tired easily.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: She wants it to help her defeat Team Rocket and keep all Pokemon safe from unnecessary harm.

-Name: Tigerstorm
-Species: Kyogre
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Is dark orange where a normal Kyogre's blue would be, and black where red would be.
-Personality: Enjoys ferrying Aria and friends across the water. He is destructive when released, due to his short temper, so Aria only uses him in emergency situations.

-Name: Deadcloud
-Species: Mismagius
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Has sapphire blue jewels instead of red jewels.
-Personality: Deadcloud often causes mischief, and needs a strict trainer to help her focus. Luckily, Aria is the kind to handle her.

-Name: Moonshadow
-Species: Umbreon
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Serious and cunning, Moonshadow likes stealing from foes. He's the perfect one to help Aria on her quest, due to his loyalty.

-Name: Flamefoot
-Species: Hariyama
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Where a normal Hariyama has orange, he is a fiery red.
-Personality: Has a fiery temper, and is also very loyal to Aria. He was her second Pokemon. They trained together, not only building strength, but friendship also. Enjoys using the move Arm Thrust.

-Name: Windfeather
-Species: Staraptor
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Is shiny.
-Personality: Flies Aria around the region, and loves to battle. Windfeather is very good at executing midair attacks, and does so whenever she gets the opportunity.

-Name: Onestar
-Species: Kadabra
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: A darker color than normal Kadabra.
-Personality: Was Aria's first Pokemon. Is the most loyal to her of all, and would gladly die to save his trainer. He helps Aria stay awake with his psychic powers.

Sorry, I must deny this application. You can still join, but get rid of Kyogre

The trios are:
Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres
Entei, Raikou, Suicune
Regice, Regirock, Registeel
Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit

Those and Latios and Latias are the only allowed legendaries

We will start once this profile is ammended, and all reserved people have finished their profiles

Registration is now closed. It will say Open until all profiles are done


EDIT: I counted roughly 15 applicants :D I had a good rp idea! Yay!
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Name: Skye
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Team: Rocket
Description: She has black hair with blonde steaks. She has it up in a ponytail. She is a Team Rocket grunt, so she wears the uniform. She has blue eyes.
Personality: She's usually quiet, except when she gets mad. Then you expect her to yell at you for...quite a while. She is smart and keeps her mouth shut about the mission when in disguise.
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: To take revenge on people who mistreated her.
-Name: Noxio
-Species: Weezing
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: A darker purple.
-Personality: Surprisningly, he is very playful and plays pranks on Skye.

-Name: Tress
-Species: Ivysaur
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Scar under left eye, Flower is white.
-Personality: She's sneaky and uses many attacks to get her way.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

I had the form this morning, but internet died! *tries again*

Name:Mystari (Mysti) Allyssa Endris
Team:Must...Go to the dark side...They have cookies!:3 Team Rocket!
Description:As a baby, her parents died. Giovanni found her and raised her as his own. Now a low-ranking Rocket(but not the lowest - she has a legendary!), she is the outcast - the one everyone makes fun of. Has the ability, though never shared, to understand what Pokemon are saying, and they can har her(I'm thinkin' Dr. Doolittle!)
Personality:A mixture of sweet, serious, and sarcastic(three S's!)
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon:Naturally being the outcast, she wanted to shun them all. She set out before Giovanni declared it a mission to both get the Pokemon and find Mysti!

-Gender:Preffers to be entitled Female
-Identifying Features: Has a bow on her front right leg. Everywhere that's white is silver.
-Personality:Is the cariong, loving one. Doesn't fight if she doesn't have to.

-Identifying Features:Just your average Mudkip
-Personality:Enraged easily.

-Identifying Features:Her rings are mood rings, but the top right ear was stained pink.
-Personality:The one to always go first on an adventure. Natural enemy to Steel Wing.

-Name:Steel Wing
-Identifying Features:His fire is black, whether it be out of his mouth or it be his tail. Wears a red bowtie.
-Personality:Same as Moonlight. Matural enemy to her, too.

-Identifying Features:Is black where orange is, and red on the tails and the fluff thing on it's head
-Personality:Sarcastic, pretty much!
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