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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(Argh.... so much happens when I don't bother posting... not even sure if I should continue with the character or not...)
Will hadn't battled, because he wanted his pokemon to be at full health for the Lake Pokemon. Now he followed the others thinking to himself, I don't understand any of this... Team Rocket? Magma? Aqua? Who are these people? Maybe next time I go on some crazy journy to find a legendary pokemon, I'll do a bit more research before hand...
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ohayou heard the fight from behind him, and looked back to see everyone finishing it up.
"Wow... this riddlin makes me so boring... I can't even pay enough attention to fight. Oh well..." Ohayou stopped walking, and glared at the sun.
"Now YOU need to stop being hot... I liked the storm better! Wash, Freeze, Cut, Spin, and Heat, Rain Dance please!" He said, releasing Freeze.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Wait, changing Latias to Flower. We already have a Mist.))

The air shimmered, and Grace appeared on the edge of the Dragonite's territory, along with the others. She was panting hard.
"I don't think I'll be able to do much for a while."
"That's okay. You've gotten us out of some place dangerous, which is good enough," said Lucidia.
"But we're still in danger," added Flower. "This is the territory of that Celebi I was telling you about. See how the forest is thicker here?"
Lucidia looked at the trees around them. "I guess so, although this rainforest is all pretty thick. Do you think we could maybe stay on the border until we find some place safe?"
"It's better than going right through the center."
"Wait," spoke up Mist. "How can we tell where the borders are, anyway?"
Flower was silent for a few moments, before saying, "I don't know."
Lucidia gulped. "We're doomed."
"Just try not to make any noise."
"I should probably stay in my Poke Ball," said Grace. "I'm tired, and more likely to make noise. And I need a rest from walking."
"Me too," murmurred Shimmer.
Lucidia said nothing, but silently returned them.
"Let's go, uh, that way," she said, pointing in a direction that didn't have too many Bug Pokemon, and walking in said direction. The rest of the group followed.

They had wandered for a while, when Mist whispered, "Why the hell aren't we just flying over this Arceus-damned rainforest, anyway?"
"Sounds like someone's hungry," chuckled Joy.
"Yeah, but I'm serious."
"You know, that sounds like a good idea," said Lucidia. "How about if I ride Joy, and Flower flies beside us?"
"Alright," chirped Joy.
"Sounds like a plan to me," said Flower.
"Then return, Mist."
She tapped the Safari Ball he had been caught in to him, and he silently returned to it.
She then mounted the Togekiss. "Alright," she said. "Let's go."
And they flew up through the canopy and into the wide-open sky.

They had been flying for a while when Lucidia started panting.
"Seems hot."
"We're getting nearer the desert," Joy chirruped. "But you're right. It is hot, even for a desert."
Lucidia moaned. "I think my blood is boiling. Did Grace accidentally teleport us to Venus or something?"
"Hey, look!" spoke up Flower. "There's people down there."
"Maybe they have water," said Lucidia. "It's worth a shot."
They started to descend, until they had landed nearby.

(I have caught up with you yay :D)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ohayou, waiting for the rain dance to finish, looked up and saw something descend nearby.
"Everybody! Someone else is here!" he called to the group.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat saw something or someone descend near. Cat didn't know of the newcomer and he was rather late to come in but he could join the group unless he was a rocket, but in life you have to take chances and Cat was planning to. 'Hi' Cat yelled in a friendly voice to the boy who had just finished landing.

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Oh no, not another person! Patrick thought. More to compete with...
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Darn this heat... maybe I can help with it too, Will thought to himself, completly ignoring the newcomer. He pulled out his pokemon guide and checked what moves his pokemon learned. "Ah, so Skarmory learns Icy Wind? That'll help. And Mawile learns Rain Dance, so... go Vales, go Neria! Make it less boiling! I want it at least tolerable or you don't get to go to the park this weekend!" he shouted throwing the two pokeballs to the ground.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

The heat was now rising rapidly and soon even after the many rain dances and sun shone bright as ever. The sun got hotter and hotter as if it was trying to stop the group even near the Pokemon of the Lake as everyone called it. But of course that wouldn't stop Cat and her Pokemon. Cat sent out Lapras again and ordered it to use Rain Dance 10 times. Lapras of course obeyed. 10 times the water that there would usually be was now poring down. Cat realized to late that it was a mistake, the heat and long walk had made her not think right and make this usually smart girl tired. The rest of the group had not seen any of this and were rather surprised by the sudden blanket of rain. The rain was refreshing for a while but then it got cold and Cat began to shiver rapidly.
'Anyone got a Pokemon that can use Sunny Day that isn't afraid of water like most fire types.'

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Yay! More rain! This is great without all the wind!" Ohayou cried, somehow the riddlin already gone.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Patrick looked at Skye. "Yes?" he said.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

'I'm singing in the rain' Cat sung while the rain poared down ignoring Patrick and Skye.
PS: I know it's a short post, no time.
From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

As the rain poured down, Patrick was getting extremely wet. "Anyone have any protection from the rain?" he asked.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric frowned. "Tough it out and enjoy it. We will soon be in a sandstorm that will overpower even twenty Rain Dances performed simultaneously, anyways. Heck, when I checked those satellite records over the course of a few weeks, the clearest day in the desert still made it nigh-on impossible to see"

And, as Eric spoke, sand started to pick up, despite being wet and clumped together from the water. Eric frowned. "On the plus side, this means we should be about an hour away from the mountains, at most"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Yay! We're almost there!" Ohayou yelled! Must... refrain... from starting... another race.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Yes," said Patrick, whispering towards Skye. "Giovanni... He wanted to get this Pokemon no matter what. But how come he only sent like 2 of us?" he asked.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Patrick shrugged. "Maybe," he said. "Anyways, we have got to catch that Pokemon no matter what. How did you get into the Rockets anyway?"
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