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Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie


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Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Ohayou sued Joe for the name change.
Ohayou recieved 1000 exp points.
Ohayou leveled up.
Ohayou is trying to learn the move Poop, but he knows too many moves.
Which one should he forget?
Ohayou forgot Breathe and learned Poop.
He began turning blue from suffocation.
Ohayou fainted.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Patrick poked Ohayou, then took out a rifle and said, "ANNIE GIT YUR GUN!"
Patrick brought in an NPC!
Patrick fainted!
Oooohface whited out!
*Is brought to a Pokemon Center in Tennessee*
Nurse Joy sez: O HAI YOU
Nurse Joy said the magic words!
Nurse Joy and Patrick were teleported to Ohayou!
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

West turned around. "I better get going." With that, she headed off into the sunset on her Bibarel. "I'LL RETURN IN THREE DAYS!"
But she still took time to catch a Purugly going by. "YAAY!"
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Ohayou used Poop.
It's super effective!
Ohayou is hit with recoil.
"I think I ripped my ass! That one was huge!"
Ohayou fainted.

Echo sent out Echo!
Echo was too shy to battle.
Echo fainted.
Echo whited out.
*Echo was teleported to a Pokemon Center in Joemomma's dick*
Nurse Joy sez: O HAI YOU
Nurse Joy said the magic words!
Nurse Joy and Ohayou were teleported to Patrick and the other Nurse Joy!
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

And Joemamma legally changed his name back to Joe and had sex with Grace momentarily.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Nurse Joy met the other Nurse Joy!
Brock came!
Brock got REJECTED!
Everyone died!
Patrick changed his name to Zahmagah.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Ohayou use Poop!
But it failed!

"How did I fail at shitting myself after that???"
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Chip repeated what West had did, avoiding everything dangerous.

"Can I see it?"
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

((I can't follow all the randomness...))
Mysti lit on fire.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

((No fair I missed the catch...oh well. Am I the only one not being insane anymore? Why's it still open if the Pokkemon's already been caught?))
Blade watched the madness and craziness far away, on the volcano where the legendary beast of Flames once lived. Blade decided not to kill himself just yet, for there will be more Legendary Beasts to capture.
Re: PotPie

(((Yes, but we need an epic chase scene involving everyone trying to go to the same bathroom 200 miles away. If you piss your pants Joe will make you do terrible things.)))

Ohayou, now weighed down by the weight of Patrick, was moving at such a small fraction of speed, that it seemed as if it would take him an hour to move a cm.
Re: PotPie

(For the sake of randomness):

And while Ohayou was inside Joe, he got annoyed and passed a kidney stone on Ohayou.
Re: PotPie

Ohayou, now scarred for life, curled up into a ball and cried, the kidney stone sitting on his head.
Re: PotPie

"I want to see the pie Pokemon!" Chip said, holding out a chicken pot pie. "This is my treat for it!"

He began to sing. There was a word and then "MY SOUL ON FIRE!" He caught fire.

"Aaah! Put it out!" he screamed running in circles.

He sang fast and then slowed down near a part that would save him. "TILT!" he said, leaning over and falling into the water. He climbed out, the flames doused.

"That's why I like that song."
Re: PotPie

Ohayou used Launch Joe's Kidney Stone.
The Kidney Stone hit the gas station.
It's super effective.
Gas station fainted.
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