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(For metalheads) Where It All Began

Nightwish's "Amaranth" a little more than two years ago. I haven't been into metal very long.

It kind of sucks that the first metal song I liked was from such a shitty band, but oh well.
Nightwish's "Amaranth" a little more than two years ago. I haven't been into metal very long.

It kind of sucks that the first metal song I liked was from such a shitty band, but oh well.


Anyway, I first heard Iron Man in April of 2007. In fact, I think I can remember, in correct order, the first ten metal songs I listened to. (Not counting glam metal or songs that are only partly metal [AC/DC, Deep Purple].)

1. Iron Man - Black Sabbath
2. Rock You Like a Hurricane - Scorpions
3. Living After Midnight - Judas Priest
4. Paranoid - Black Sabbath
5. Through the Fire and Flames - DragonForce
6. Revolution Deathsquad - DragonForce
7. Black Sunshine - White Zombie (through Guitar Hero 3)
8. Before I Forget - Slipknot (again, through GH3)
9. Stricken - Disturbed (and again)
10. Bark at the Moon - Ozzy Osbourne
Seriously listened to? Symphony of Destruction by Megadeth.

Unintentionally? Metallica.
Enter Sandman. I have heard it since I was a leetle one. Or any metal songs from Guitar Hero. But what really got me started was:
Angry Again-Megadeth
War Pigs-Black Sabbath
The Trooper-Iron Maiden
Those were some that got me into metal. Well.....Not counting guitar hero.
When I was younger I used to be one of these guys that thought metalheads suck.

Then my cousin became a Metallica addict and got me into it.
I have Cradle of Filth to thank for getting me into metal. I downloaded their Nymphetamine album out of curiosity as to what a band called "Cradle of Filth" could possibly sound like hahaa. I'd heard a couple of Metallica songs previously and enjoyed them, but they didn't have as much of an impact as Cradle did. They were so heavy, so extreme (compared to the stuff like Razorlight I was listening to at the time anyway) and really just evil sounding, like a pack of demons screeching in my ear or something, while still being melodic and quite easy to get into. They very quickly became my favourite band, nothing else I had at the time could compare.

A few months after I got into Cradle (this was at some point 2005/2006 can't remember exactly lol) I bought a magazine which had an interview with Dani Filth where he talked about "the songs that changed his life". These included songs from bands like Iron Maiden, Emperor, Slayer, Bad Religion, Deicide and Dissection. Say what you like about Dani's own music, but he has great taste haha. As luck would have it my local CD shop had Deicide's first album on sale for a fiver, I bought that based on Dani's recommendations (first ever metal album I actually bought) and that just had me hooked, so much darker, heavier and generally evil than Cradle was.

I checked out all the stuff the Dani Filth article had recommended eventually and it was all brilliant. Initially I was more into the black metal stuff, looking up bands like Mayhem and Darkthrone and being fascinated by the whole history behind the Norwegian bands, but while I still like black metal the Deicide CD stuck with me more, and laid the path for what could turn out to be a lifetime's obsession. Death metal forever :D
The first metal song I ever listened to was... Iron Man, I think. I'm not exactly a metal-type of person, so I can't really name anything else I've listened to in the world of metal.
Well, I'd like to thank my video game addiction. It had to be Metallica's "One" (which, creepily, I'm actually listening to right now...) on Guitar Hero 3. This was my first exposure to pre-Black Album Metallica and also my first exposure to true metal. I knew from the instant that the song began metal was for me, and since I didn't listen to music at all before this, I became a devout metalhead. And what a glorious devotion it is. Horns up \m/.
They have enough metal characteristics that qualify them as having a "metal" sound. i.e. the basis of their songs is metal (riffs, drum patterns, etc). Most of their stuff sounds like Metallica riff-wise, who they always seem to borrow from. I can understand people doubting it, and yeah, if we're talking Herzeleid I can see where you're coming from, as the industrial influence is a part of them too.

But in the basis, the riffing that the song is built on - I can see it as metal. I think you could pit KMFDM under metal for the same reason.

But yeah I can see the argument for them not being classified as metal.
I don't think they're metal in the sense that Death is or Celtic Frost, no. But if you broaden the definitions a bit to be more than songs played at 200 bpm, achromatically, I'm sure you can fit them in. And if you don't want to put them under metal but industrial I'm okay with that too but there is metal in their sound definitely.
I generally just refer to bands like KMFDM, Rammstein, and Hanzel und Gretyl "industrial," although I will admit that is one of the most infuriatingly ambiguous terms in music.
Um. Iron Maiden, I think. Or. Actually I don't know. Probably Iron Maiden or Megadeth. I went through a phase where I enjoyed them a while back. Four years ago or something.
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