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I haven't got one because I can't imagine anyone would want to ask my many questions. X3

But I think they're pretty cool; very useful for people who you might not be on speaking terms with but still are interested in. There's a musician on YouTube who I really like and who has one, and I've found it really fun reading her answers to questions about her instruments and the like. :3
...I just use it for my roleplay characters. >.> Whiiich is kind of lame, but hey, I have some interesting (and snarky) conversations! :D
I know a person on Deviantart who has one of these...
*considers getting one*

EDIT: Is this by Facebook? If so, I must boycott it with a passion...
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EDIT: Is this by Facebook? If so, I must boycott it with a passion...
no, but you can cross-post things with facebook and twitter.

and honestly, why the facebook hate? It's not nearly as bad as most other social networking sites (in fact, it's the only one I like).

Watershed said:
Following ya.

found you!
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I once made a thread here about how random sites refuse to work on my computer for some inexplicable reason... well this is one of them. :\
no, but you can cross-post things with facebook and twitter.

and honestly, why the facebook hate? It's not nearly as bad as most other social networking sites (in fact, it's the only one I like).

I just hate social networking sites in general. I really don't feel like going into explaining it right now. (Perhaps I could answer that if I got an account on this site...).
We know. It's because you have nobody to network with.

I have friends and people to network with, I would just rather talk to them when I see them, rather than joining the giant group of people using facebook. I don't like doing things that everyone does, and social networking sites are a big one. I have other ways to contact people, so quite frankly, I have no use for it.
I don't like doing things that everyone does...

to me this is a stupid reason to not do anything. It is just as bad as doing something because everyone else is doing it; you're basing your decisions on what everyone else is doing either way.

I didn't think I'd use facebook either, but it's actually kind of cool, especially because I've gotten to know people better that I usually never get a chance to talk to. But you should totally get a formspring! sometimes you get really weird questions :o
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