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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

that being said

there is likely some maf among the active players as well, as much as i hate to say it
well, yeah. naturally. :((((
y'all what if butterfree is scum

I'll take the hit and go with the serimachi vote, to hopefully pressure some info out. Not gonna make mewtini do another inactive wagon. @serimachi hello! whatcha thinkin bout the game? what are you up to? any thoughts are valid, spill!
page 101. over 2k posts. damn

also serimachi, when you get here, i'd be interested in a (however vague you want) tierlist - seems to be useful for getting a sense of general vibe and how people are reading players. idk
serimachi said:
[many words that Herbe quoted and I’m too lazy to tag here]
Under the risk of getting some shifty looks, I think I kinda understand what seri was trying to say?? Like, we spent some 15? 20? pages discussing the possibility of Jack’s corpse being undead, then we spent another good amount of pages speculating about Seshas’s obscure words – which was pretty much ended by one single post by Seshas when she came back from IRL® and claimed Mysterious Informant, then there was the VM outtake/Noodle Incident that needn’t to be explained. Yeah, if serimachi’s been logging in only seldomly, I can understand why he’d say that.
there is likely some maf among the active players as well, as much as i hate to say it
Statistically, there definitely is. I have my suspicions, but I shouldn’t say anything because a) it’s just a gut feeling, b) we’ve been playing along well and c) I’d have to find some real good evidence to point fingers.
@ rari's point.... Yeah, fair I guess. Maybe I jumped too early, haha.

Still gonna keep the vote for pressures sake, but we can still investigate other avenues. No shifty looks, dw
Yeah, if serimachi’s been logging in only seldomly, I can understand why he’d say that.
this is lowkey a big if. i wish i'd been checking when they were logging in (stalker claim rip), like i was with otter earlier, but alas

also not to beat a dead horse but seri's post has infinitely more "pretending to be naive" value than any of the controversy with rari from earlier lol

Statistically, there definitely is.

I have my suspicions, but I shouldn’t say anything because a) it’s just a gut feeling, b) we’ve been playing along well and c) I’d have to find some real good evidence to point fingers.
i'm interested even if it's just a gut feel, but i understand if you want to keep it under wraps for now
I have my suspicions, but I shouldn’t say anything because a) it’s just a gut feeling, b) we’ve been playing along well and c) I’d have to find some real good evidence to point fingers.
not to be dramatic but as soon as you're ready I really want to hear lmao. discussion is good!!! rooting out the maf will likely be uncomfortable esp with more active players but we gotta do it!!!
uh just for posterity i don't actually claim that serimachi is feigning newness lol. just that their post didn't feel as authentic to me as others' have, and felt like it had some lurking potential; i hope we get something better to go off of than analyzing post count soon
this is lowkey a big if. i wish i'd been checking when they were logging in (stalker claim rip), like i was with otter earlier, but alas
I’ll shamefully step forward and declare myself guilty of sometimes taking a peek at the frontpage to see who’s online. That, by the way, may or may not feed into my gut feel I mentioned…
It’s worth noting that as per what I learned earlier today, the absence of a person’s name on the online list doesn’t mean that they aren’t online, so there’s that.

also not to beat a dead horse but seri's post has infinitely more "pretending to be naive" value than any of the controversy with rari from earlier lol
I hadn’t thought of that?? Hm. I’ll read seri’s post history again.

i'm interested even if it's just a gut feel, but i understand if you want to keep it under wraps for now
not to be dramatic but as soon as you're ready I really want to hear lmao. discussion is good!!! rooting out the maf will likely be uncomfortable esp with more active players but we gotta do it!!!
Sorry, I’ll stay hush for the moment D:
I’m afraid of taking a misstep and then be accused of Wrongful Shade™, or worse, convincing a majority of their guilt and cause yet another wrongful death. I’ll be dredging up my sus’s post history, though, maybe I can grasp onto something…
I hadn’t thought of that?? Hm. I’ll read seri’s post history again.
aaah no, this isn't a real claim ;( what herbe quoted just felt very LAMIST to me

the absence of a person’s name on the online list doesn’t mean that they aren’t online, so there’s that.
yeah but if you're committed like me you'll remember who's set to invisible and who isn't ;)

Sorry, I’ll stay hush for the moment D:
no don't be! i understand. i wasn't sure if it was another instance of being afraid/nervous like with some of the early/ongoing (?) keldeo worries, i'm just very curious and am hoping you can talk about this soon in a way that doesn't make you feel too uncomfy
what herbe quoted just felt very LAMIST to me
Ok I only now noticed that LAMIST is an acronym, and not lame + -ist lol
I do agree they push very hard the “sorry lol am just a n00b” agenda – literally three out of his four posts mention it in some way. Hm :unsure:

early/ongoing (?) keldeo worries
I’ll say this much: my suspicion isn’t on Keldeo. (Not that I trust him 100% though)
Ok I only now noticed that LAMIST is an acronym, and not lame + -ist lol
oh yes sorry. Look At Me, I'm So Town for anyone reading this hah

and oh yeah, i more meant a scenario that was similar to that, not that it was necessarily kel himself
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