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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

I looked at the stuff I previously skimmed over and like... I honestly just have no idea what I want to do today. I'm already bored of my two pushes.

Maybe it's time to actually revert to memes!
I looked at the stuff I previously skimmed over and like... I honestly just have no idea what I want to do today. I'm already bored of my two pushes.

Maybe it's time to actually revert to memes!
That would be great to bring spirits up!

btw may I bring attention to the fact that the post numbers are already looking like years?
Alright. I'm looking at the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to make a change....

So what are our viable options for today? As far as I see it, Panini kinda cleared herself with a longpost that made people trust her. I know she's probably good enough to like, do that even as scum, but I read it and got good vibes so there's that. I know people are cautious about M&F but I don't see any real push to lynch her, and I do like her contributions more lately, so blame me for getting suckered by anyone who makes long, well thought out posts. What else is there? We're wanting a vig to take Ottercopter I think? That would probably be a wasted lynch anyway. RNP is meh as a wagon. I think someone still has a vote on panini, which I do not support at this point (although I was kinda buying it back before the longpost. Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm trying to remove it) And does anyone want to go back to taking Odie out just to clear that slot? Is that really better than nothing (abstaining), strat wise? I also have Not Great feels on serimachi... if anyone wants to remind me why y'all townread them, hit me with it. Wasn't it the post about Eif? I think it might be a bit far to give someone a Whole Townie Pass based on that.

I'm kinda driving myself WIFOM crazy thinking about if VM is gonna be the next target, and if he can heal himself (which we have to assume he can, for the sake of not giving the mafia too much info), and if he's gonna heal himself with the expectation of being the next target. But then you go back and forth in circular reasoning trying to predict the mafia's next move.

Going off of the actual kills (which I believe are just standard mafia kills tbh. occams razor and such) then I think the mafia might be trying to be unpredictable? Cause the boq kill certainly stirred up "huh?"s like crazy. On the other hand, a VM kill would be predictable, and people wouldn't really be talking themselves mad over it. So maybe they're trying to confuse us on purpose.

So my ideal train, based on bad vibes, is on serimachi. (However, I'm not gonna put my actual vote in bold until I get some actual evidence to support the vibe check.) If not serimachi, I think I'd be cool with a RNP or Odie wagon. M&F is also obviously an option, and I wouldn't like, try to stop an M&F wagon, even though her more recent posts have been giving me more good feelings. If there are any other viable options, let's hear them too. Feel free to change my mind on this, guys. (Idk if all my thoughts have already been laid out before and if they have im sorry ://// but these are my thoughts as of now!)
I don’t even think I mentioned it, but last night I dreamt I was here playing mafia with you all and we were having a grand old time :) It had been a while since I’d last had a wholesome dream…

About Herbe’s longpost, though, idk mate, after better thinking I don’t know if M&F is solid enough? I mean, her last posts made me feel like she might be town after all and we’re all ruffled by Eif’s suspicion :(
ok herbe and i aren't lovers i promise i just think his posts are so cute HAHA anyway:

Alright. I'm looking at the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to make a change....
yes king. 2020 is the year of change, and of ... covid's global spread ... but change

As far as I see it, Panini kinda cleared herself with a longpost that made people trust her.
idrk how others feel about it all the way but i do feel a bit better about it, at least for now. her comments about her reasons for camping between the two wagons seem easily explained but i never went back all the way to read beyond skimming (i keep saying i'll do that and then i don't, imagine having a real life in meatspace smh)

I know people are cautious about M&F but I don't see any real push to lynch her, and I do like her contributions more lately, so blame me for getting suckered by anyone who makes long, well thought out posts.
same and same tbh

We're wanting a vig to take Ottercopter I think?
herbe how do you feel about her roleclaim? i sort of liked it
RNP is meh as a wagon.
Sorry. Im sorry. Im trying to remove it. (i agree now that theres actually ?real stuff? to discuss for sure)
I think someone still has a vote on panini, which I do not support at this point
yeah that's mist iirc
And does anyone want to go back to taking Odie out just to clear that slot? Is that really better than nothing (abstaining), strat wise?
i think it could lessen a maf count if odie happened to roll maf but it would also maybe be unideal. it's hard to tell, because even if
if anyone wants to remind me why y'all townread them, hit me with it. Wasn't it the post about Eif? I think it might be a bit far to give someone a Whole Townie Pass based on that.
this is p much why. i agree with you. seri has just been inactive to the point of unreadability imo beyond that first post
Cause the boq kill certainly stirred up "huh?"s like crazy.
i agreed with you about the unpredictability possibility except for him smiling so now idk
they ARE mafia they have no incentive to protect odie
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