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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Does anyone think there is someone suspicious that the thread as a whole is largely townreading or not suspecting?
maybe, not yet enough to FoS yet, i'm working on figuring out this read. maybe more later depending on how things progress

i agree with what seshas said about otter. i already kinda started townleaning her i think but if MF flips red i would probably bump her up another step even.
for why he wouldn't have inherited Jack's role unless Jack was, like, a "terrorist"/"out-group mafia who flips town" role, because we presumably had an out-group mafia in Mawile who flipped mafia.
i know this is handwavey, but what if the flip was another instance of infoscrambling? (ofc we don't know if the scrambler can actually change particulars - bear with me just briefly assuming that they do. given that the n0 death is one where the mafia don't have a ton of leads, i think that electing to just screw with the flip would be a good initial step to fuck with town?)

What do you think about any reasons that VM might lie about inheriting ILS's role
openly admitting that i'm definitely trying to figure out how to fit the game into a world where VM isn't lying, but it's because i see literally no reason for him to as of now
(ofc we don't know if the scrambler can actually change particulars - bear with me just briefly assuming that they do. given that the n0 death is one where the mafia don't have a ton of leads, i think that electing to just screw with the flip would be a good initial step to fuck with town?)
an important note is that mawile's claim said that this was impossible lol and it is kind of mean, i'm totally just throwing things at a wall and seeing what sticks rn
I don’t think it makes sense if Jack’s flip was deliberately scrambled or altered to read “not mafia”, because I assume the mafia would assume they’d be killing a not-mafia on night 0. Even if it was altered in some other way, the mafia would still be targeting one of their own on night 0 and idk why they’d do that either.
ope. yeah, my post was kind of dumb there - i keep forgetting about that :x
I was looking through a few pages of old posts and thought this might be useful to keep at the forefront-ish since some of us have admitted to being kinda disengaged. Although since we can still only speculate about most of these for now, maybe not? Oh well.
Alright, here's a hopefully exhaustive summary of unresolved mechanical or weird stuff. I would like to make an actual list/summary at some point unless someone gets to it before me.

Jack's flip: JackPK flipped not mafia on N0. ILS claimed to be doctor and flipped not mafia on D1. VM claimed D1 that his role is to inherit the first "non-mafia" to die. VM said D2 that he inherited White Mage, a doctor role. Negrek said D1 that Deadly Doctor was Jack's role, and D2 that White Mage was ILS's role.
— some possible resolutions: Jack was not mafia and an exception to VM's role; Jack wasn't "not mafia" even though he flipped that way; someone's lying

rari_teh / MF cop results:
- Rari claims sane cop: N0 green on Ultracool, N1 red on Mawile, N2 red on M&F
- M&F claims possibly insane cop: N0 red on Mawile, N1 red on Negrek, N2 red on Keldeo
- Eifie claimed D2 that she had a N1 green on Mr. Ultracool

Eifie's death: Stryke claimed he healed Eifie N2, Eifie died anway.
— some possible resolutions: healer clash on Eifie N2; Stryke was roleblocked or redirected N2; the kill on Eifie bypassed protection somehow; Stryke is lying

Death flavor: No one has been physically wounded. Jack died outside indignant, Boq died in his bed smiling, Eif died in an alleyway with a gun.

VM's whisper: VM claimed D2 to have gotten an anonymous message saying kyeugh isn't mafia. We don't know where it came from.

Mysterious Informant info: IndigoEmmy claimed D1 that the nanobot doctor (Stryke) and magic doctor (ILS->VM) don't get along, and we don't know what that means. Seshas claimed D1 that "mafia are pulling strings", and we don't know what that means. Odie_pie's info has been lost in time... like tears in rain...

Unflipped people's roles: We don't know them. According to Negrek, JackPK was Deadly Doctor, Boquise was A God Am I, Eifie was Vigilante Man, Odie was Mysterious Informant.
But since then, there's also been:
  • VM claiming to have healed Kyeugh with magic and Kyuegh claiming that she was healed by VM's nanobots
  • Herbe's claim of being a bitter widower
  • RNP claiming to have blocked Stryke for multiple nights now.
    • Also, just from looking through old posts, Negrek was wary of Stryke and I think that's worth keeping in mind even if I'm not sure what we can do about it on this particular day phase.
Also, it's not really a current issue, but... with so few posts, I may as well say it? I'm wondering if maybe Boq's death triggered VM getting the message about Kyeugh? They happened on the same night and there's no immediate evidence that suggests anyone else has been given a PM. Unless one was sent to an inactive player or something.
Speaking of, we haven't heard from MF or Serimachi today, right? Or Flora, but... that's probably gonna be a constant. It's probably safe to say that there's at least one mafia member, presumably the killer, who's keeping up with the game (Lynching Negrek right after a mafia member gives a dramatic confession and picking off a lot of the active talkers), but I can't think of any way to narrow it down further for now.

Also, there's still the part where Rari_teh's quoted the phrase at me and I dunno who to send it to next. I still think that Keldeo, Rari_teh, or VM would be best, but I dunno how to narrow it down further. As far as inspecting goes, I'm personally most interested in RNP, VM, Stryke, and Kyeugh, but I guess that all depends on who actually ends today as a cop. Oh, or Herbe. Fake claiming lovers would be pretty damn bold and incriminating, but this was also before Rari_teh claimed inspector.

It feels like we've got a few people who've kinda formed associations with each other (VM and Kyeugh and RNP with Stryke), but I worry that some of them could be attempts by a mafia member to incriminate a townie if they die and flip Mafia? Or just w/w, but I'm with the rest of you that mafia VM would make a lot of their past claims pretty damn weird.
Also, there's still the part where Rari_teh's quoted the phrase at me and I dunno who to send it to next. I still think that Keldeo, Rari_teh, or VM would be best, but I dunno how to narrow it down further. As far as inspecting goes, I'm personally most interested in RNP, VM, Stryke, and Kyeugh, but I guess that all depends on who actually ends today as a cop. Oh, or Herbe. Fake claiming lovers would be pretty damn bold and incriminating, but this was also before Rari_teh claimed inspector.
If it helps, out of those, I’m the most interested in RNP and Stryke.
whenever this thread goes inactive, i'm reminded of how little excitement i have in my #quarantined life. i'm like. compulsively refreshing the page. i hate myself for this

i'll fully read that post in a bit, but otter, i think your warning against swapping with RNP is ... justified. so that leaves VM/stryke/kyeugh/herbe? i kinda believe herbe's lovers claim even moreso now that he's sort of checked out of the game though. i think knowing about VM/stryke would be especially useful since they're the two supposedly-PRs left in there, and i still have better vibes about VM, though i'm ambivalent between who to check between them
I'm wondering if maybe Boq's death triggered VM getting the message about Kyeugh?
this is interesting honestly. another possibility is it was some sort of one-shot that just coincided? hrm.
Speaking of, we haven't heard from MF or Serimachi today, right?
in seri's sort-of defense (except not really defense) they've posted like, once every day phase. lmao. MF has gone off the radar, though, in a way that i sort of think is an admission of guilt - i would be interested in knowing who she (... hypothetically) inspected though
the phrase
VM and Kyeugh and RNP with Stryke
do you mean this as alliance or just pure association?
though now that i think about it,
lol HOT TAKE: stryke and RNP are w/w, RNP is 'roleblocking' so stryke has an excuse for his heals not doing anything-
simply claim to have protected people who didn’t die, and when it fails point at the mafia or suggest redirection
hey wait a minute
(for the record i don't really suspect stryke that much more than anyone else but. lol)

I can relate 🙃 the quarantine is one of the reasons I signed up for this game in first place
LOL. i'm not begging you guys to post more, but ......please. i need entertainment
VM/kyeugh is just straight up bizarre
mechanically, if no other roles interfered, VM is the more likely mafia since kyeugh lying about this would be just weird
Which is why I think it's more likely a role interfered
If kyeugh is mafia, they would only claim it if they knew Mafia had a role that could interfere

So if we're assuming VM is town, then it's safe to assume that mafia have some sort of information-screwing role
RedneckPhoenix keeping block Stryke pings scum who locked themselves into a claim so are now openwolfing?
But I don't see why he would openwolf when he could just as easily not

So I'm leaning Town who can't be annoyed to pay attention to the game, or maybe (?) Mafia who can't be annoyed to pay attention to the game and was told to claim by a scumbuddy? I'm not sure about the second one.
yeah ?? i don’t really understand the me/vm thing. i guess the rnp/stryke thing is... something? but also not really tbh. i think if rnp is scum it doesn’t really say anything about stryke
did i already vote? well m&f in case i didn’t ig
assuming kyeugh is town RNP is already a confirmed roleblocker, so the second one wouldn't entirely hold. i'm just not at all convinced that he's town, but i also haven't played with RNP before ... i'll be the first to admit that i'm just kind of annoyed by his play
btw i was joking about the rnp/stryke thing, in case it wasn't clear.

(also i don't get the kyeugh/vm pairing either, that's kinda why i asked if otter meant association or alliance - maybe she's just connected the two because of the whisper and the later heal???)
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