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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

assuming kyeugh is town RNP is already a confirmed roleblocker, so the second one wouldn't entirely hold. i'm just not at all convinced that he's town, but i also haven't played with RNP before ... i'll be the first to admit that i'm just kind of annoyed by his play
this is common tbh. but not a good feeling to solve on i don’t think.
i’m still riding the logic of like, i think scum rnp tends to be more involved/responsive bc his individual contribution matters more to his team, so he’s probably not scum in the game? idk. if he does this again i’m going to vote against him i think
i missed seshas tbh

Like, as Mafia RedneckPhoenix has absolutely no reason to clear up what happened between Stryke/VM/kokoriko D2
i'd have to go back and read, but ... this crossed my mind and i wasn't really swayed by it? i think it also could've been an attempt to confuse everyone/point fingers at possible town PRs, and i don't think it's impossible he's blocking other roles instead

like it didn't clear things up. it's confirmed that he's a roleblocker but nothing else (other than when he RBed kyeugh) has been proven or disproven, right?

ftr i'm not like purely suspecting him because of my awkward toneread of him or whatever, even if there are some elements there that i'd probably start publicly dissecting if i thought it were productive/useful
maybe im tunneling

but even when i try to read through it assuming RNP is town i just get. confused. like both by why he'd even choose stryke and like, by acting as pure chaotic neutral, i just don't get it. it doesn't feel like it's beneficial to town, and i think the only Positive takeaway i can see so far is that he 'cleared up' d2, but i don't know if that's how i feel about it yet
  • fwiw I'm still considering it a possibility that VM was lying about the backup thing and the neglected extra detail was a fabrication; mafiosi pull that pretty often with their fakeclaims. I'm not lending that theory any further credence at the moment than that it's technically possible, but it sure is
  • I also do think there's a solid likelihood that VM will croak next -- possibly because the mafia is invested in keeping Jack's secrets, sure, but moreso because the mafia would get a two-for-one in containing information from town and also offing someone who can, by the next day, turn himself into a confirmed innocent. and if Negrek isn't mafia, then getting people raring to lynch her would just be the cherry on top of the cake
Vipera probably town
speaking of which, though, I did also get the feeling that Keldeo is gently off in this game. like, he's doing his usual thing, but I sensed a lack of going all the way in it; maybe it's his self-admitted low engagement with this game in particular, but then, mafiosi do sometimes claim that in order to get away with playing hands-off, so... cooooould go either way.

but we all know that the realest kind of scum here is Eifey and-
Keldeo probably town
and for clarity, this is less of a directed burn than some of the more visible examples of how some of us just aren't going to show up with the same playstyle we used to have Back In The Day

this goes even for old bags like say Negrek- whoops that also reads very much like a directed burn doesn't it
Mewtini definitely town (we already knew tht), maybe Herbe as well
In any case, M&F certainly didn't improv their claim
also bringing this back. seeing as how the votes are looking rn it probably doesn't matter, i'm just putting this here in case MF turns up or something ... i know it was proposed that it was because she assumed early on she was a paranoid cop, but that wouldn't make any sense to assume that early in the game imho, and it wouldn't be consistent with her roleclaim
cor blimey I keep forgetting I have a clear on Mawile

gonna have to counterbus Stryke for now;
interested in hearing more about the 'clear' haha....
that you're pocketing him, but you did just volunteer an additional boquise FoS from farther ahead in the thread than I've checked, so either I'm misremembering or you're a weathervane, I guess

Kyeugh probably town
well, we have less going on, so, time to post quotes before some freak accident happens and they disappear from my listing ig

this was a read list that he posted:
I find it strange how high up Keldeo is considereing that this list both antecedes and postcedes quite a few posts where he expressess suspcion of keldeo. hmmmmmmmm...
(altho I'm not pretending like the elephant in the room isn't there at the bottom)

other quotes on Keldeo:
this was in approval of a post putting him on blast
aimed at Keldeo also

all of that said, though, he didn't seem to mind bouncing off Keldeo for speculation on whether rari_teh was being supported by scum buddies or not (and that particular topic was such a mess I couldn't bring myself to focus on it, so, I guess there shall be no quotes). anyways, it's weeeeeeeird.


on ottercopter:

I only selected these two quotes to point to another possibility that's been emerging for me: boquise was pressuring ottercopter well before the EoD disaster, and was pushing to lynch her until the very end when he pushed Panini instead to break the increasingly head-hurting dichotomy.

so yeah, that'd be a terrible unreveal, but as far as killing people that were on scent goes, it's possible that this was for ottercopter. wouldn't exactly be a fantastic move, being that she's very unlikely survive much longer anyway, but we can't always assume the mob is playing well, can we?

of course, though, I'd now have to go check if boquise really stood out for any reason out of everyone else in the din that were the votes flying between ILS and Ottercopter, so... I guess that's one more thing to analyze! maybe I'll do it after I catch me some zzzzzzz

and lastly, I just quoted this one to showboat
Keldeo probably town given how blatantly M&F is shading him here
Ottercopter town
thank you so much for putting it into words holy shit

the thing that first started bugging me about Keldeo is that, while asking questions a lot is what he does as town, there's persistently been something off about his approach in this game, and I think that's just it

pat pat

anyways, I also accept the Stryke wagon, although I'll only hop on if I deem it necessary
Panini may be town from that? I feel like M&F wouldn't mention it if Panini was his buddy to avoid looking like buddies.
Not sure about Keldeo anymore just from interactions by M&F, because M&F is actually hardpushing him.

That comment at the end swings Stryke down in reads a bit
seri is increasingly striking me as an useful inactive lynch piñata, yeah; if we drive that train in and the result we get is mafia, that's potentially be a solid source of raised eyebrows; it'd clear Eifie more solidly for one, and it'd possibly turn that strange bit of speculation into a lead
as well.

on first look-through i think the non-TRs - going off of MF's iso - are RNP, emmy, seshas, koko, flora, stryke (because of what seshas just quoted above me), and i think that's it? and out of those emmy/seshas are town (i just found the people who MF didn't name or who she FoS'ed, in stryke's case)
i'm probably missing something, though. twas a very cursory glance

*also didn't mean FoS, idrk what phrase i was going for
might as well follow since there's not much else to do right now? hm

mysterious informants: seshas, emmy
white mages: VM, kokorico
nano dr: stryke
roleblocker: RNP (role also confirmed by skylar)
thanatos gambit/town: ottercopter
swappers, associated: ultracool, rari, keldeo
widower: herbe
kind of with respect to roleclaims and MF interactions i guess.
still ordered within tiers, mostly

the queen:
@Eifie <3

trying her best !!!:

likely town:

probably town?:
panini (swap!cop!keldeo clear)
serimachi (would usually be in a "read unknown" tier, but putting them here by virtue of MF)

third party:
herbe i'm sorry for your loss, homie

not great feelings:
flora **inactive

farewell, my friend:
it's 6:42 my time and i woke up 15 minutes ago

is it bad that my first thought was "oh, it's almost end-of-day in mafia" which was immediately followed by "it's almost the end of the day in real life, idiot"
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