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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

It's my cop cover though, so it doesn't mean everyone else should be taking it as fact. I'm too lazy to find the posts about it again but I recommend going back and reading them
yeah i'm p sure i thought it was even more meme than normal since it was in the mechclear tier, alongside only keldeo :P
To clarify, it's not making little contribution that I find/found suspicious, it's making little contribution while also posting a lot (even excluding jokes).
i kind of am sad that this was posted before i finalized my list because it does change one of my cusp reads
Hi, guys. First time player here.


Also, I didn't count on how it would genuinely make a part of me feel gross to vote on people to kill! :ROFLMAO: I'll abstain based on no good grounds to suspect anyone, unless someone explains to me why that's a bad idea.

Not saying this is SUPER suspicious, certainly not enough to nominate or anything, just making a quick note that Serimachi abstained pretty early and hasn't said much. Since there hasn't been too much to talk about recently.
Otter, you didn’t like Seshas for saying we should lunch someone early, right? Is it just like all early mentions of voting that make you a bit suspicious, or are the reads more nuanced than I’m thinking of them?
Yep! Day phases are so long... Although yeah, fair point, early voting for a lynching definitely felt more suspicious than early abstaining, which didn't really seem off to me until days later when I'm trying to find things to make note of that people haven't already said.
Starting to think that's a worse habit than I initially thought it would be, heh.
Yeah I'm so bored today haha. Can't really be bothered to read more posts. I hope exciting stuff happens tonight!
Yep! Day phases are so long... Although yeah, fair point, early voting for a lynching definitely felt more suspicious than early abstaining, which didn't really seem off to me until days later when I'm trying to find things to make note of that people haven't already said.
Starting to think that's a worse habit than I initially thought it would be, heh.

I’m interested in how you feel about Seshas and Rari given their thoughts on you earlier?

Are there any people you particularly trust right now?
I feel dead inside
I skimmed but I didn't really catch up

@:Keldeo Otter's reaction was in line with a Mafia thought process, and is probably less in line with Town thought process depending on meta stuff
I'd give them a ~50% mafia flip rate for now
Not saying this is SUPER suspicious, certainly not enough to nominate or anything, just making a quick note that Serimachi abstained pretty early and hasn't said much. Since there hasn't been too much to talk about recently.
fair pull. i think they abstained early as a bit of an inactive because they might've gotten scared by some early gentle voting, but that's just my theory

Mewtini, where are you at on Maile?
honestly pretty close to neutral, i put him below my other pure neutrals because i felt like (moreso than mf, who was the cusp-read i later commented i was unsure about post-kokorico's remarks) he started to veer towards "talking pretty frequently, but not saying much" for me. he participated in early flavorspec so i was chill with him then because he was pretty much in league with everyone else. he later went up in towniness for me, because he was receptive/open when neg explained away a lot of the confusion around seshas' role, so for a while i had neutral-good vibes.

i guess my main qualm nowadays is that idk how to read his post after VM's superpower claim:
I'm confused by how we know if VM is joking or not? Is it because his role seems overpowered in addition to having the universal backup, or did I miss something else?
because it was something that even otter, after not being involved in much discussion, realized pretty quickly (??? i think? that was a weird timeline honestly) and that given he's been keeping with a pattern of activity-punctuated-by-nontrivial-posts i was confused that he, one of the more cerebral? posters, was thrown off guard by/felt the need to investigate a claim that i thought was a really obvious shitpost. so maybe i'm paranoid, it just seemed off

ALSO, i totally forgot otter in making my list, and want to mention that she's between kokorico and mr. ultracool in the second tier haha
maybe it just went over my head because im tired but what is this habit
Impulse posting things just because I haven't posted much or noticed much, but wanna contribute (Mewitti said something earlier about us both having a complex about being insightful enough for Mafia and that's pretty spot-on).

(Keldeo, thoughts on Rari and Seshas in progress, reviewing stuff now. Although I feel like this'll be hard to answer in a neutral-sounding way when they're both suspicious of me.)
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