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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

It’s okay to not be insightful!! Post silly thoughts and stuff you haven’t thought too hard about! \o/

I like mewtini’s process in Mawile in #878.

Eifie, idk either lol but I was mainly thinking that him being around but not really talking to you much was like, adjacent to his play in Small Town Mafia? I skimmed everyone but you in that game so tell me if I’m wrong hehe.
i really want rnp/stryke/flora to exist more

how do you y’all get a read on mist btw?? i feel like every game i just see them saying they haven’t read much but will catch up later and they always get townread fsr

that said they always are actually town so maybe that’s cause for a town lean lol
how do you y’all get a read on mist btw?? i feel like every game i just see them saying they haven’t read much but will catch up later and they always get townread fsr
fwiw this literally is exactly my read, my ranking of them was based off of that and eifie's (possible cover) mechclear
farfetch'd, the chicken and eifie seem town to me tbh

it was ages ago where i played at a new place and had to balance between being serious or go full meme. It is a hard balance to find smh and i am used to go by prior knowledge of peeps to do my reads. I am reading tho tbh
farfetch'd, the chicken and eifie seem town to me tbh

it was ages ago where i played at a new place and had to balance between being serious or go full meme. It is a hard balance to find smh and i am used to go by prior knowledge of peeps to do my reads. I am reading tho tbh
wow! I'm town!

tell me more. 😁
hey keldeo have you given a read on eif yet aside from the mason thing? also how do you feel about mist bc now i’m thinking about this
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