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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

I have info that says that mafia are pulling strings behind the curtain
from which I inferred that Mafia doctoring the flavor is a possibility
That piece of info still strikes me as pretty weird. Maybe it's not you, it's me, but I'm currently somewhat suspicious of where you could have gotten this from.
i also still am a bit suspicious of this. i think it's possible (anything is possible, lmfao) but given what little seshas has told us of their role i'm still not really understanding a) where this comes from, or b) what it even means ... waiting on more to come out before i think too hard on it
apparently in the last tvtropes mafia there was a killer that could write down someone's trope like a Death Note and kill them like that
I understand that there is weight in analysing the death of Jack and the circumstances in the obituary, since it is seemingly relevant based on the past game, but it is a bit unstimulating and I don't really see how that catches scum?
If I understand this correctly... what's stopping the mafia from killing VM to frame Negrek as mafia? That almost seems too easy. I'd be cautious about implicating Negrek as mafia immediately if VM dies tomorrow.
Nothing stops them from doing so, but if Negrek is indeed mafia, everything stops them from not doing so.
In other words, RIP VM. I hope somebody protects him during the night.

i'm kind of ignoring indigoemmy right now lol but i agree with keldeo that it seems weird to be acting this intentionally suspicious as mafia, especially if she's actually played in any capacity irl.
My read on IndigoEmmy is that she’s some sort of Hermit Guru, probably independent.
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