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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

jeeeeesus my brain cannot keep up with this thread, most of our games didn't have half as many posts as this in their entirety. I think social media has puréed my brain and made it where I don't have the attention span for this kind of thing anymore.

I guess I won't mind if i do get offed right away. In fact, oh yeah, I forgot to mention another part of my role: I learn the name of all the mafia members on N1, and I also have unlimited daytime vigilante kills. Would be a real shame if something were to happen to me tonight~

@Boquise: VM made this joke claim and like, a few hours (and some number of posts) after he made it multiple people came into the thread at once taking it seriously and commenting on it
i just don't really feel that strongly about it but tbh my eyes kind of glazed over on your post bc i just have not really been coping well with posts that are longer than two lines in this game so far. will give it a better read later
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ehh not really. mostly i was just saying that for your benefit since it seems like you're sort of unsure whether the thing you're saying is good or not ("i'm new so maybe not")
this is exactly my fear lol. also i'm kinda scared of being seen as inconsistent for playing a bit more aggressively recently given how, like, mediatory i was for so much of the thread
@Boquise: VM made this joke claim and like, a few hours (and some number of posts) after he made it multiple people came into the thread at once taking it seriously and commenting on it
It wasn't really at once, it was ILS the next morning and Otter like 10 minutes after that, supposedly spurred by ILS's post
this is exactly my fear lol. also i'm kinda scared of being seen as inconsistent for playing a bit more aggressively recently given how, like, mediatory i was for so much of the thread

inconsistency can be a villagery trait and villagers should just post whatever the hell they want to post without worrying about how it's seen imo

(much easier said than done)
inconsistency can be a villagery trait and villagers should just post whatever the hell they want to post without worrying about how it's seen imo

(much easier said than done)
I feel like mewtini has been somewhat implicitly self-conscious for the whole game, and I'm partially townreading her for that seeming genuine :wowee:
Stryke feels pretty similar to Resistance tbh.

lol cross-game type reads, lol two post reads, etc.
Eifie, how do you feel about Boq emphasizing his newness to the site / the fact that this is different from sites on which he's played before? I don't know what to think about it. Is it something he thinks regardless of alignment?
Is there something that bothers you with that tbh?
The element of incorporating out-of-game-thread information into that read is not explicitly banned but is discouraged, I think?

Is there something that bothers you with that tbh?
You've brought it up a couple times and it feels like it could be an excuse for being somewhat "off" for people who know your town game. It also feels like it could be a genuine thought from either alignment, so I didn't really know what to make of it and wanted Eifie's take. I won't bug you about it since you're catching up.
someone else might know better but i've thought it worked (in moderation) to indicate lurking over inactivity, esp when the react functions are so easily usable
sounds like when eifie made reads on me in a mu game based on my activity on discord tbh
The element of incorporating out-of-game-thread information into that read is not explicitly banned but is discouraged, I think?

You've brought it up a couple times and it feels like it could be an excuse for being somewhat "off" for people who know your town game. It also feels like it could be a genuine thought from either alignment, so I didn't really know what to make of it and wanted Eifie's take. I won't bug you about it since you're catching up.
eh it is pretty difficult to be in an environment that is unknown to you. So yeah, it is an excuse/reason for why I am off and struggling making reads tbh
@.keldeo i don't know if you've spoken to this or not (i don't think you have) but do you have any thoughts surrounding an eventual lynch target? you talked to me about odie but brought up the exact reason that i think lynching them is a waste over literally anyone else
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