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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

i know some of the parked votes on like keldeo and eifie are probably just ppl forgetting they voted some 500 posts ago, but it still makes me go Hm
Yes hello this is me. I'm also still reading in near real time but yall are going too fast for me to keep up with the logic :( Gonna just unvote because I don't really get how you're deciding between ILS and ottercopter and either seems sufficiently inactive/nonparticipatory to be a non-awful choice.

I see. But why did you [rari_teh] not want to say it [that you scumread Keldeo] right away?
just want to say, as someone who was in a very similar position to rari_teh, a leading possibility is "I am new here and Keldeo is clearly part of the in-group, so I don't want to rock the boat without stronger evidence".

not that this is even relevant rn.
I wrote a vote on ILS and just couldn't make myself pull the trigger

imo let him be for now and see if he gets counterclaimed tomorrow

I'm so sorry Rebecca

Yes hello this is me. I'm also still reading in near real time but yall are going too fast for me to keep up with the logic :( Gonna just unvote because I don't really get how you're deciding between ILS and ottercopter and either seems sufficiently inactive/nonparticipatory to be a non-awful choice.

just want to say, as someone who was in a very similar position to rari_teh, a leading possibility is "I am new here and Keldeo is clearly part of the in-group, so I don't want to rock the boat without stronger evidence".

not that this is even relevant rn.
this is an acceptable reasoning that I can jive with tbh
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