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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

I think Ottercopter is most likely not an in-group mafia but I feel like I'll never be able to trust her more than like 40-50% after that EoD claim so I still advocate for a vigilante to resolve her. If she does actually flip mafia I'd actually be very suspicious of RNP, who was sort of derailing and distracting at the end of the day and adding more confusion and I've been wondering if there was a purpose to it. It reminds me a tiny bit of the time when he was kinda posting weird stuff as a last-ditch attempt to get people to vote me instead of Panini in the invitational.
Oh yeah, I bothered to actually read the page for A God Am I and okay bodyguard does not fit that. I wonder if it could be something like he martyrs himself (takes the kill that night) in order to ~ascend~ and achieve something after his death?

Or maybe the mafia just plain killed him but what is that satisfied smile smh
Oh yeah, I bothered to actually read the page for A God Am I and okay bodyguard does not fit that. I wonder if it could be something like he martyrs himself (takes the kill that night) in order to ~ascend~ and achieve something after his death?

Or maybe the mafia just plain killed him but what is that satisfied smile smh

And I also just remembered, here is the bodyguard flavour from the previous game.

Not that it necessarily has to be the same since some things must have changed, but there it is.
Come on guys this was the easiest catch-up EVER smh

that, and also, investigating the ILS wagon for scum hopping on the opportunity; I haven't been able to get around to that task yet but you're all invited-
There was a moment at night I came very close to logging in just to call for this. I feel like there hasn’t been enough thought put into the composition of his wagon.

To facilitate things, here’s a list of every time somebody voted on ILS or moved their vote from ILS to someone else, followed by the Otterwagon × ILSwagon headcount at the time, largest wagon in bold (data taken from Butterfree’s EoD post):

mewtini votes I liek Squirtles (#1092)ILS 1 × 1 Otter (Largest: Keldeo, Odie_Pie (2))
Boquise votes I liek Squirtles (#1141)ILS 2 × 1 Otter (Largest: Keldeo, Odie_Pie, ILS (2))
Herbe votes I liek Squirtles (#1211)ILS 3 × 2 Otter
Keldeo votes I liek Squirtles (#1254)ILS 4 × 3 Otter
Mawile votes I liek Squirtles (#1256)ILS 5 × 3 Otter
Negrek votes I liek Squirtles (#1258)ILS 6 × 3 Otter
Keldeo votes Ottercopter (#1262)ILS 5 × 4 Otter
Boquise votes Ottercopter (#1263)ILS 4 × 5 Otter
Ottercopter votes I liek Squirtles (#1353)ILS 5 × 6 Otter
kyeugh votes I liek Squirtles (#1406)ILS 6 × 4 Otter
Keldeo votes I liek Squirtles (#1432)ILS 7 × 3 Otter
Ottercopter votes abstain (#1459)ILS 6 × 5 Otter
mewtini votes Ottercopter (#1463)ILS 5 × 6 Otter
kyeugh votes Ottercopter (#1465)ILS 4 × 6 Otter
mewtini votes I liek Squirtles (#1473)ILS 5 × 4 Otter

In the end, the people who had their votes on ILS were Herbe, Keldeo, Mawile, Negrek and mewtini.

What does this all mean? I still haven’t made my mind, but we may make something out of it. Still, during this discussion, I invite everybody to print this Panini quote out and hang on the wall for easy reference:

just to reiterate if it is ILS/Otter both as villagers (or Otter as 3p, eitherway) there probably wouldn't be a lot of pressure for mafia to actually be on the wagon since it was sitting that way for quite some time before EOD and no one on their team would've been in immediate danger
well i’m finally going to closely read the last seven pages so bear with me. thoughts below as i go. i have some information but i’d like to get through this first.
i like herbe in #1973. probably one of the townier posts i’ve seen here so far, feels very real/searchy and i think scum is ok with letting the thread languish so that’s a point in his favor
RNP just seems like, benign to me. Like weird, yes, but maybe that's just how he operates.
tbf yes it is pretty much classic rnp play to sort of just dick around, and he is basically always read as scum. except actually i think he tries a bit harder when he’s scum bc people are relying on him. so that’s something.
i was going to say that i don’t really see why he would claim his trope and not his power given the possible presence of a trope killer, but actually i don’t think there is one? they would’ve had plenty of chances to act by now. i dont think that’s why rnp felt comfortable divulging his trope, i still find that odd tbh but maybe he wasn’t alert to the potential of a trope killer—anyway, just. thoughts.
i think i'm solidly pro-herbe

yall touched on flora and i just want to chip in my two cents, tbh i don’t really get scum vibes yeah. like... they do have stuff going on irl but also they’re a pretty quiet player in games that don’t have 3000000 posts so eh this is basically the level of activity i would expect from town flora
i think if they were scum their teammates might issue them to post more if anything given the trend of falling back on inactives
Sorry, I’ll stay hush for the moment D:
I’m afraid of taking a misstep and then be accused of Wrongful Shade™, or worse, convincing a majority of their guilt and cause yet another wrongful death. I’ll be dredging up my sus’s post history, though, maybe I can grasp onto something…
i don’t like this tbh
the entire serimachi thing seems like lot of hot air to me honestly. i don’t really buy it at all and i think scum leans based on their like four posts is very much grasping at the straws and i dislike how little skepticism there seemed to be about it

is rari the same person who was looking at people’a forum activity and noting who was in PMs earlier? that + the checking how long people have been registered on tcod thing (??)... i really don’t like this energy
I’ve been trying to cook up a good counterpoint to this but I kinda… can’t?
imo the counterpoint is that it’s not impossible or even implausible that these things all happened to vm, and just dumping the information into chat and then leaving is probably the LEAST schemey/scummy way to deal with it. stryke’s case here (against a probable doctor btw) is basically “this guy has a lot of information (... like 2 information) that people react strongly to. ergo scum” which honestly makes me regard stryke more suspiciously than vm
Oh yeah, I bothered to actually read the page for A God Am I and okay bodyguard does not fit that. I wonder if it could be something like he martyrs himself (takes the kill that night) in order to ~ascend~ and achieve something after his death?

Or maybe the mafia just plain killed him but what is that satisfied smile smh
agree with this. i get weird vibes from the fact that everyone kind of dropped the discussion of the only new information we got overnight bc they settled on some lukewarm idea of what his role might have been, and then got right back into pushing on random inactives. i really feel like a wolf might have been steering the narrative there honestly. weird vibes.

anyway that’s all my catch up. hopefully none of this draft got eaten while i was typing it and it all holds up
Still, during this discussion, I invite everybody to print this Panini quote out and hang on the wall for easy reference:

I think you've answered your own question on why people don't seem to care that much about the wagon formation. At least that's why I don't care at all at the moment. I would be pretty surprised if Ottercopter was an in-group mafia.
i think if they were scum their teammates might issue them to post more if anything given the trend of falling back on inactives
Good point. Maybe we should start steering our attentions towards people who are always there, but not quite? As in, present enough not to be considered inactive, yet not so active that would be too hard to participate at the mafia chat at the same time?

i don’t like this tbh
The moment I wrote that I was going to keep my suspicions for myself for the time being, I thought “oh boy, qva is sure gonna have a problem with this”. I guess I was right.

the entire serimachi thing seems like lot of hot air to me honestly. i don’t really buy it at all and i think scum leans based on their like four posts is very much grasping at the straws and i dislike how little skepticism there seemed to be about it
I completely agree.

is rari the same person who was looking at people’a forum activity and noting who was in PMs earlier? that + the checking how long people have been registered on tcod thing (??)... i really don’t like this energy
I think you didn’t get this one right. Back in the 2nd day of D1, as I signed off, I noted there was one person who was in a PM, but it’s not like I’m stalking people and noting what they are doing. As I said at the moment, my cursor rested on the username and I noticed they were in a PM. I didn’t even say who that was bc that indeed would be shit-stirring for no good reason.

The checking how long people have been registered on tcod thing was in the context of explaining how serimachi could easily know that there are both veterans and newbies in this game, as mewtini speculated that was a sign he was interacting in the mafia chat.

imo the counterpoint is that it’s not impossible or even implausible that these things all happened to vm, and just dumping the information into chat and then leaving is probably the LEAST schemey/scummy way to deal with it. stryke’s case here (against a probable doctor btw) is basically “this guy has a lot of information (... like 2 information) that people react strongly to. ergo scum” which honestly makes me regard stryke more suspiciously than vm
I subscribe to this.
I think you've answered your own question on why people don't seem to care that much about the wagon formation. At least that's why I don't care at all at the moment. I would be pretty surprised if Ottercopter was an in-group mafia.
I still don’t buy that she’s innocent. Those moves at the end of d1… idk man, “I misread my rolecard and I’m actually useful to town” seems like a very cheap way out.
I still don’t buy that she’s innocent. Those moves at the end of d1… idk man, “I misread my rolecard and I’m actually useful to town” seems like a very cheap way out.
Not in-group mafia doesn't mean innocent. It just means "not known to the mafia".
I think you didn’t get this one right. Back in the 2nd day of D1, as I signed off, I noted there was one person who was in a PM, but it’s not like I’m stalking people and noting what they are doing. As I said at the moment, my cursor rested on the username and I noticed they were in a PM. I didn’t even say who that was bc that indeed would be shit-stirring for no good reason.

The checking how long people have been registered on tcod thing was in the context of explaining how serimachi could easily know that there are both veterans and newbies in this game, as mewtini speculated that was a sign he was interacting in the mafia chat.
i mean i understand what you're doing i just don't really like the whole, like, using out-of-game information thing to form the basis for a read i guess
for one thing it doesn't require any actual analysis which is the kind of thing you'd expect scum to do
for another it just kind of takes me out of the game tbh
The moment I wrote that I was going to keep my suspicions for myself for the time being, I thought “oh boy, qva is sure gonna have a problem with this”. I guess I was right.
i mean it's never too late! i don't really understand the point in keeping them to yourself? who does that benefit? simply say your opinions tbh
i mean it's never too late! i don't really understand the point in keeping them to yourself? who does that benefit? simply say your opinions tbh
If I’m wrong, it benefits either who I’m suspecting of (who might get themself into a lynchtrain) or me (who might be seen as gratuitously throwing shade at somebody above suspicion, ergo scum)
If I’m right, with all gut feelings and zero solid evidence, spilling might make me a target for the mafia
If I’m wrong, it benefits either who I’m suspecting of (who might get themself into a lynchtrain) or me (who might be seen as gratuitously throwing shade at somebody above suspicion, ergo scum)
If I’m right, with all gut feelings and zero solid evidence, spilling might make me a target for the mafia
i mean yeah but those are just risks of participating in the game innit
Do you wanna hear about a time when I was loudly extremely wrong leading to a town loss to make you feel better?

I also have an amusing anecdote of how Butterfree was gifted the loltown crown in our last invitational!

Be confident in your thoughts imo, I don't care who turns out to be wrong in the end. I don't care much about winning. I just wanna have fun playing our best (ish) together!
Y’know what? You both are right.

Mawile has given me the weirdest of vibes since the beginning. There’s nothing he’s done that solidly makes me say that’s mafia!, but… Yeah, I feel like there’s something fishy about him.
Agree with kyeugh that it's probably worth thinking more about what "A God Am I" means. What do people think of Dreaming God (basically a Jack of All Trades who only gets hints about what each power does)? It got suggested a few pages back but nobody really seemed to pay attention to it. imo it's just about the only plausible suggestion I've heard so far that allows Boquise to have been bodyguarding someone.

Beyond cultist (which I understand the mechanics of, but not familiar with the strategy/implications so not sure how to evaluate its likelihood), the only other thing I can think of is something that plays into the "delusions of grandeur" aspect, like an info-gathering role that actually gave him false info?

I'm really wary of FoSing VM right now because he seems more plausible a doc than not (I think that's been a couple people's consensus yeah? in this discussion) and I will literally go stupid and go crazy if we mislynch a second doc.
mmhm, that was supposed to be a reductio ad absurdum, not a fos: "that would mean VM was lying, which doesn't make sense for multiple reasons".

Re: Stryke's concerns: Sure, it's a bit concerning that we're basing a lot of logic on his roleclaim being accurate... but tbh I feel like all the previous reasons we trusted VM are still valid? Like, yeah, there's always gonna be a chance he's misleading us, but we can't just go through the whole game saying "well, we can't really be sure about anyone, might as well ignore everything I didn't come up with myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

Just right out of the bat, I can remember both you and I also expressed suspicions of Keldeo at some point in d1, and I’m pretty sure there was at least one more person who did so.
Sure, but Boquise was/is clearly far more experienced/a greater threat than either of us. In any case I wasn't saying mafia!Keldeo would probably have targeted him - tbh even if he were mafia I don't think he'd be so transparent as to go after his detractor(s) straight away - more just questioning why he wasn't mentioned at all, except by M&F, when people were talking about "who did boq suspect?"

an unavoidable egg or chicken situation
you. I like you.
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