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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

I guess I just don't... understand why we're wanting to lynch someone who has not been inspected mafia although he has mechanical weirdness going on, over someone who has been inspected mafia. I understand that MF is "solved" and RNP isn't, but I think lynching someone who is more likely to be mafia is always better than lynching a town to "solve them" when there are also mechanical ways that we can solve RNP that don't involve using one of our lynches.

The healer vig might fail, and using all of our healers with it leaves the cop role open to be killed, although there's been obfuscation as to who will have the cop role tonight.
Exactly my thoughts.
I won’t change my vote unless something Very Spectacular happens
The Fool is a character who survives through sheer luck. A Spanner in the Works is someone who, though no malice is necessarily present, royally fucks up even the best-laid plans
Yeah nah I definitely want to go MF > RNP today. If you think they're both mafia and RNP has a stronger role, what is he doing rn openly trying not to save himself?
tbf him not self presing
a) goes against natural logic no matter which alignment he is
b) means nothing up til the buzzer, since it's entirely possible that he's just saying he won't vote for the sake of numbers
the connecting flavor BFree gave me was something like "Whenever you interact with someone, you tend to mess up whatever they were doing. You've found that this can be useful if you employ it right."
Why do you think MF's a goon?
i just meant that if she's mafia as suspected, then it would be probabilistically likely that she's a goon

Fakeclaimers gonna fakeclaim and everything, but if she perceived Mawile as non-mafia, she was originally claiming targets in order to get people to vote Mawile over herself - if she didn't actually target any of the people she said she did, a watch or track would foil her claim. And she'd been saying she'd targeted those people since d1-d2.
hm. but in that case i still don't think that it's a killing power? i see your point, though; i really hadn't that about that.
3p roleblock doesn't really make sense?
also even if he is 3p this still seems like a not great argument to cite rn
ugh idk what to do. is anyone planning on moving wagons so as to tie things up? if not i can do it
if i die and flip inno, which i will, that's immediate sus on any die-hard voter for me. if i live, i can go back to fishing for a killblock or someone can take my role. really, whatever you do is positive
it would be probabilistically likely that she's a goon
Wait, why? These might be bad assumptions, but tbh I was operating under the assumption that most mafia have powers (just because role madness if you don't get to have any roles isn't very fun), and that the killing is a factional power that can be separate to someone's role power if they have one / gets passed between mafia members.
Wait, why? These might be bad assumptions, but tbh I was operating under the assumption that most mafia have powers (just because role madness if you don't get to have any roles isn't very fun), and that the killing is a factional power that can be separate to someone's role power if they have one / gets passed between mafia members.
maybe! town has a bunch of mostly unpowered roles though (MI) so i don’t think it’s unlikely that mafia are the same way. there are fewer of them but... that’s always true right. idk about the killing power thing though.
if i die and flip inno, which i will, that's immediate sus on any die-hard voter for me.
ftr i don't think that this is true??? then again idk if anyone but VM is a true die-hard voter

Wait, why? These might be bad assumptions, but tbh I was operating under the assumption that most mafia have powers (just because role madness if you don't get to have any roles isn't very fun), and that the killing is a factional power that can be separate to someone's role power if they have one / gets passed between mafia members.
tbh i really have no idea, i was just assuming that most roles are powerless. this is my inner novice showing
Ah, maybe that implies something like multiple mafia have killing roles but only one can be used in a night - I doubt that the mafia have an unlimited vig or something given how few night deaths there've been

if i die and flip inno, which i will, that's immediate sus on any die-hard voter for me
tbh I think this situation doesn't really move the needle on anyone sussing RNP / pushing for his lynch instead of MF's today, tbh, because even though I disagree with it mechanically everyone has seemed fairly genuine in pushing it. Maaaybe kyeugh and VM. But I think I would still they're town.

Note to self that tomorrow I want to look into the chronology of VM and Negrek claiming d1, VM and Negrek claiming their info d2, and Stryke/kokorico/VM/RNP claiming results d3
Mawile said something about inheriting(?) the killing power but (a) it was Mawile post-check so idk how much to trust, and (b) I don't remember off the top of my head what exactly it was
Mawile said something about inheriting(?) the killing power but (a) it was Mawile post-check so idk how much to trust, and (b) I don't remember off the top of my head what exactly it was
i think all he said was that he couldn't inherit KP, presumably if something happened to the maf don, and it was implied that it was because he's out-group
For what it's worth, my role PM specifically notes that I can't inherit the mafia head's killing ability, so do what you want with that knowledge.
Yeah, big grain of salt because this could 100% be meant to mislead but I think this is where I got the "killing power that can be passed around" bit
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