formerly kokorico
- Pronoun
- she/her
guess: due to the bodyswapping shenanigans, rari_teh acquired Ottercopter's original role, whose wincon was to get nightkilledwhat in the hell does this mean???
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guess: due to the bodyswapping shenanigans, rari_teh acquired Ottercopter's original role, whose wincon was to get nightkilledwhat in the hell does this mean???
yeah exactly this! dude seriously! you were awesome! v sad to see you go tbh. we will avenge yourip rari... now that we know you were innocent (unless...?) i just want to say wow you are crazy good for a first time player and your intuition is incredible. i’m glad i got to play with you![]()
oh good catchguess: due to the bodyswapping shenanigans, rari_teh acquired Ottercopter's original role, whose wincon was to get nightkilled
oh keldeo said it too. good catch also keldeo.I think the flavor is because rari got Ottercopter's Thanatos Gambit role yesterday, and therefore won the game because the mafia killed them.
oh?!I got a red check last night. Good times.
per the plan, I coinflipped between Stryke and VM. VM won the toss.@kokorico @Stryke @Vipera Magnifica who'd you heal last night? c:
well, the enemy of the enemy is my friend.. and if the red checks are the enemy of the blue checks, then perhaps...oh?!I got a red check last night. Good times.
damn it. there go my dreamsthe link said:Important: Please note that our verified account program is currently on hold. We are not accepting any new requests at this time.
I healed M&F per kokoricos plan, in an attempt to get them healclashviged... Guess that was a bustI got a red check last night. Good times.
I think the flavor is because rari got Ottercopter's Thanatos Gambit role yesterday, and therefore won the game because the mafia killed them.
@kokorico @Stryke @Vipera Magnifica who'd you heal last night? c:
i can vibe with this reasoning tbh.
like i know i've bodyblocked herbe before because i <3 love him <3 but fr i maintain that my Actual In-Game Read leans far against him being town. i think looking back through his posts and trying to pick a w/w lovers pair is inconsistent with what happened, not to mention his helpfulness in early game, so i think it would be better to focus energy elsewherei would rather not go for herbe tbh, i think it's a wasted lynch and he's way less likely to be scum than the other three ... in my mind he's confirmed harmless 3p and i don't think he has an agenda?
don't care about the other three though and i don't have any other ideas