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Funny Moments at School

Ah, a few days ago, we were doing presentations for Romeo and Juliet. We had to condense Act 2, Scene 2 into a modern day version with 14 lines.

One group set the scene in like, the ghetto and had an Italian/British mafia.

It was odd because at the end, Juliet was like, "So, wanna meet at IHOP?"
Then they left.

It was funny at the time, because it was just such a silly, conspicuous thing with no drama at all. I don't know what the group got, but they laughed throughout the performance.
The other day this dude says "more purdyful" in English class to the English teacher. I still can't stop laughing about it
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Play practice. BEST THING EVER. Besides spending the whole day in the auditorium and cafeteria...well...

The director was trying to get this one scene right. It involved couples. So, of course it takes forever for them NOT to look at the audience.

Then Other Reno (aka Colleen(we have two casts, you see)) and Other Bonnie (aka Stefania) were showing them what to do.

EVERYONE burst out laughing.

Then there was this (okay, so it's more for the play, so it has the character names)...

Evelyn: *talking to Moon, a minister* I wish I could tell you how I admire you...I have hot pants for you!

Moon: ...Get away from me or I'll shoot.

Oh, Evie, I luff you and your Britishness.
In physics:

Teacher: I would show you this, but last time I did it, it made so much smoke that the fire alarm went off.
Boy: Go on, do it!
Teacher: Oh, go on then.
Teacher: If you wrap the coil around the pencil, and turn the voltage up, the pencil could catch on fire.
Same Boy: Go on, do it!
Teacher: Oh, go on then.
Teacher: If the wire comes lose and touches the casing, anyone touching it would ge electrocuted.
Same Boy: Go on, do it!
Earlier today, while I was waiting outside for the band room to open with about seven other bandies, one of the people in freshman band comes up and says "Hi, [my name]. Hi, [the guy standing next to me's name]. Hi, everyone else." The guy who had been walking next to him (who happens to be the trumpet section leader) says "Can you name them?" to which one of the people standing in the circle replies "Can you name all 151?"

This results in a long, entertaining discussion about Pokémon in which one of the mellophones starts attempting to name all 151, I assert my ability to name all of them, but only on paper (this also has the trumpet section leader saying I fail at life because I can't name them in order xD), a Mew and 150/151 argument (the trumpet leader here claims that Mew isn't part of the original set because it was introduced in the movie... but isn't it in the season opener too?), another argument about the anime to which I put in "Brock Obama" and a hilarious world-battle-thing that follows (I didn't hear all of it, but what I did hear was something like "the Middle East sent out Turkmenistan!"). I love marching band. <3
Me in science workin' on project on pc with two friends(pc= near window)

Other kid:Oh S*** look!*points at window
group mate 1: SNAP!
Group mate 2:OMG
Me: ooooooohhh TUMBLEWEED!!!
Everybody:W00T! TUMBLEWEED!
We're in canada and the 'weed was 2.5x3x1.5 foot
best science class ever !:grin:
We got to listen to our MP3 Player/iPod while we wrote in language arts today.

And I loved science last year. It was easy to get our teacher off-topic. One day we were suppossed to study plants again (blech) and instead talked about birth deformations <3
Me in science workin' on project on pc with two friends(pc= near window)

Other kid:Oh S*** look!*points at window
group mate 1: SNAP!
Group mate 2:OMG
Me: ooooooohhh TUMBLEWEED!!!
Everybody:W00T! TUMBLEWEED!
We're in canada and the 'weed was 2.5x3x1.5 foot
best science class ever !:grin:

Do you happen to live in Alberta?

Anyways, last week, my social teacher mentioned how in a mercantile economy, a merchant can have a monopoly. We all ended up talking about Monopoly

Another time, on the board in that class, somebody had written, "I hate teaching a class full of ADD squirrels!"

Also, in math, my teacher keeps on saying that he is in grade five, lives in a box, and has an imaginary dog called Esmeralda who helps him mark our papers
this happend a while back. we were reading from a textbook in health class to learn how to say no to sex. then she asked "who wants too read?" *nobody rases hands* teacher:
"looks like no one wants to read now that we are talking about sex"

I have a evil health/gym teacher
ok, this happened in school today. In science we were testing of these blocks float or not. We had just tested if some see through block could float and it could. Afterwards i was about to put a metal one in, but i didnt see the see through, so this happens.

One kid:Ok, so (insert name here)floats
Me:Alright (we all write down that it floats)
We all start tlaking ot teacher about how slow her computor is.
Me: K, now lets check (insert here), (i put it in and it goes on top of the clear cube)
Me: (in the most seriously amazed tone for the entire class to hear) OH MY GOD IT FLOATS!!!!!!

yea, i felt pretty stupid when i found out about the other cube...
Rick:*types 8008 on calculator or BOOB*
Jenn+Colin:*both type5318008 or BOOBIES*
Mr. S(math science tech teacher, or MST):Math test Time!
Test:khadra... ... ...(somethin' somthein')... (theeeeenn)Jenn and andrew weren't invited so they went to jenn's house to play with her barbies
Jenn:*mistakes barbies for Boobies*:WTFOMGBBQ!

Me+Josh From Languach teach to Mr. S:can we use the computers?
S:sure but go tell Ms. A(language teach) that I said no and was REALLY pissed off at you guys, I'll come watch.
Girl: you go first
Me: naw, I bet ya that whatever you're doing is more important
Girl:What're you doin'?
Me: Prankin' Ms. A for Mr. S, that would be why he's standin' right behind you.
Girl*looks* ohhhhh...
Ms. A: WHAT!!! I ALWAYS LET HIM IN HERE AND NOW...*rantrantrant*
Josh: we were jokin'!
Mr.S*pops head in and waves*
Ms. A*glare*
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Oh yes, in math class:

Guy: When I grow up, I'll make a computer company.
Other Guy: What will it be called?
Guy: Doors.
Other Guy: Er... Why?
Guy: It's going to run Windows out of buisness.
Third Guy: It would be better if it was called Oranges.
Both Guys: o.O That has nothing to do with Windows.
Third Guy: I was talking about Apple.
Guy #4: What about something to run Mac out of buisness.
5Guy: ...Mac and Apple are the same thing.
Oh yes, in math class:

Guy: When I grow up, I'll make a computer company.
Other Guy: What will it be called?
Guy: Doors.
Other Guy: Er... Why?
Guy: It's going to run Windows out of buisness.
Third Guy: It would be better if it was called Oranges.
Both Guys: o.O That has nothing to do with Windows.
Third Guy: I was talking about Apple.
Guy #4: What about something to run Mac out of buisness.
5Guy: ...Mac and Apple are the same thing.

And this is why I rarely listen to discussions in any of my classes that don't involve my friends.
It is really hard to take your teacher seriously when he has his pants around his ankles...

...Halloween is fun.

EDIT: Oh, and in English on Friday we played that game where each person says a word to contribute to a story. I don't remember all of it, but I know it involved imploding toads.

Playing games in class FTW!
It is really hard to take your teacher seriously when he has his pants around his ankles...

A lot of people have a video of this happening to a German teacher at our school. Everyone knows who it was, but he never found out.


Oh yeah, there was an announcement today.
"Nobody bring fireworks to school."

As if it wasn't obvious.
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Okay, so this happened Friday but it was still a school event so.

I was talking to my friend Kristina about the nice little Snowball Dance that we need an escort for and she asked me if I was going. So I started telling her a story. The result...

Kristina: Aww...the two C's. And together they make...a circle. It's not a heart, but I will make it so.

...I never did get to finish that story.
Man, I can't beleve how many replies this has!!!!!! Keep up the work!

I got a 5 pound bag of gummie bears for a fundraiser in second period, by the end of the day after seventh period, i had mabey 15 left

*edit* oh and last friday a guy tried to snuff powder from a pixie stick
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