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I love how that one is the word I missedI was looking at 2 rooms 1 boom, but I have no playing experience with it :P
If someone else with more experience wants to host it, that'd probably be better, but if there isn't anyone, I think it would be fun to learn it together
(off-site terminology: in this case, Bastard in a Mafia game means that it contains mechanics that subvert expectations in ways that may not be reasonably expected)Rusty Guillotine X is going in the scrap pile, but I'm using some ideas I had for a different game!
-17 players
-Role Madness (No Vanilla Townies or Mafia Goons)
-Moderately Bastard (All lies will be the direct result of roles)
-All win conditions are of the form "Ensure all non-members of your faction are dead" (No Jesters, Aliens, Mad Gods, etc.)
❤ pls and ty !I think I'm ready for some more mafia now that snom mafia practically ended, so feel free tag me if there's any other smallish mafia game ^^
hardclaim blank tile - alienScrabble-Mafia and the Mafia are those letters you can never seem to find a good use for