formerly kokorico
- Pronoun
- she/her
including me! come sign up for it 

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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
nah, anyone can host a game.
Uh... from the reacts it looks like this came across as a joke. It wasn't meant to be, I'm genuinely interested!It occurs to me that everything in the queue right now is explicitly bastardy. Is anyone thinking about doing a more normal game some time in the near future?
oh i was laughing because of everything being bastardy lolUh... from the reacts it looks like this came across as a joke. It wasn't meant to be, I'm genuinely interested!It occurs to me that everything in the queue right now is explicitly bastardy. Is anyone thinking about doing a more normal game some time in the near future?
due to stuff going on in my life BSR may not be running
I will decide whether I will be a. running b. running a lighter game or c. canceling in the next week probably? idk
hrrrrrrrrgh I feel a weird game concept gestating in my braininb4 mafia kills are applied in the middle of day phase
oh lordhrrrrrrrrgh I feel a weird game concept gestating in my braininb4 mafia kills are applied in the middle of day phase
hrrrrrrrrgh I feel a weird game concept gestating in my brain
is this that phil collins song-oh lord
...and when you vote for or target someone, it counts against the person with that member as their flavourI was thinking of hosting a community game (where all the flavor is different TCoD members) at some point, probably late September/early October, if that's something people would be interested in
this would be a Mess and i love it...and when you vote for or target someone, it counts against the person with that member as their flavourI was thinking of hosting a community game (where all the flavor is different TCoD members) at some point, probably late September/early October, if that's something people would be interested in
that would probably be extremely unbalanced but it would be absolutely hilarious
I was thinking of hosting a community game (where all the flavor is different TCoD members) at some point, probably late September/early October, if that's something people would be interested in
well if I were to do that it would become EIMM, so...and when you vote for or target someone, it counts against the person with that member as their flavourI was thinking of hosting a community game (where all the flavor is different TCoD members) at some point, probably late September/early October, if that's something people would be interested in
that would probably be extremely unbalanced but it would be absolutely hilarious
oh my god mistI was thinking of hosting a community game (where all the flavor is different TCoD members) at some point, probably late September/early October, if that's something people would be interested in