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Games you really miss playing

Final Fantasyyyy ;_; (and FFIII as well I guess, since the DS remake isn't quite as glorious as the real thing)

Also Rayman 2. My grandma's computer was the only thing that would play it and it's messed up now.
Pokemon Crystal- My internal battery went dry...I loved being able to have a fire, water, grass, electric and ground type all within the first few hours of gameplay...with an Espeon right around the corner. That, and Sprout Tower. That place rocked for no apparent reason whatsoever.

Oh, and the Stadium mini games...*Sighs wistfully*
Final Fantasy 7 and 9: I had to borrow both of these from surskitty. I was able to complete most of 7 (everything but Emerald Weapon), but I didn't even get past disc 1 on 9. They're still great games, and I'd love to have a chance to play either of them again.

Rayman 2 (PSX version): OH GOD YES!! This was easily one of the most addictive games I ever played when I was younger. I remember that I would go over to my cousin's house to play it all the time (assuming he even let me), and I would always start a new file just to see how far I could get before mom dragged me back to the car. Eventually I managed to get my own copy, which became extensively worn and beat-up before finally becoming lost in some obscure fold of space-time.
Oh, god, Rayman. I used to love that game. Tombi too. But I really miss Klonoa 1 & 2, they were great games. ;-;
I have an emulator, so I have a lot of old games, like Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie (and Tooie) Super Smash original, Majora's Mask...

I might be able to find a way to send that to you guys...
That "A Hero's Tail" one wasn't too bad. The others were crap, yes.
That "A Hero's Tail" one wasn't too bad. The others were crap, yes.

Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning was awful. It was way too short and Sparx made me want to die. After that I was scared to try The Eternal Night (or was it Enter the Night? I can never remember).
A working copy of Tales of Eternia would be really nice. Don't have the disc and the ISO I have is glitchy. Or maybe it's just my emulator, since Tales of Destiny forces it to close when I open the game menu (Not that I want to play that piece of trash. The PS2 version deserves my attention).
That "A Hero's Tail" one wasn't too bad. The others were crap, yes.

I like A Hero's Tail, but Enter the Dragonfly was terrible. A New Beginning and The Eternal Night was repetitive and had nothing to do with what Spyro is about. I mean, come on. Wave after wave of combat? He's a pony-sized purple dragon that flames sheep and collects gems... ;-;

I used to love Crash Bandicoot. They've slaughtered him like they have Spyro, though. .___.
I used to love Crash Bandicoot. They've slaughtered him like they have Spyro, though. .___.
Crash Bandicoot rocked, too - although I was always scared shitless of those nitroglycerin crates. They seriously gave me heart attacks whenever I accidentally touched one.
Crash Bandicoot rocked, too - although I was always scared shitless of those nitroglycerin crates. They seriously gave me heart attacks whenever I accidentally touched one.

I doubt Crash was too chuffed about it either ^_^

I loved how those games had an individual death for each hazard Crash can fall victim to.
Rayman 2: The Great Escape.

It was my favourite PC game back from when I was ten or eleven, and I miss it so much. XD I keep tingling with nostalgia every time I remember it... *sigh* But it doesn't work any more, and it's at my dad's house in Germany somewhere.

It was so messed up, it only played on a certain computer. >> And it was all blurry on other PCs, god it was weird. Also, The Sims 2, I got it recently but it only sort of half works on my mum's laptop because this computer's eight years old and is shitacular.
The commander keen games. I can't play em now, as the screen jogs whenever Keen walks.

Ohhhhhhh, yes. If Rayman was the catalyst for my video game addiction then old Commander Keen was what drew me to computers. It's pretty much the same situation, too. I actually do have a working copy of Marooned on Mars, but it's too old to work on my computer. :/
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