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How do you identify?

  • I lack a Y chromosome and identify as female.

    Votes: 37 39.8%
  • I lack a Y chromosome and identify as male.

    Votes: 10 10.8%
  • I possess a Y chromosome and identify as female.

    Votes: 6 6.5%
  • I possess a Y chromosome and identify as male.

    Votes: 31 33.3%
  • I am genderqueer/agendered/gender fluid/any other combination not mentioned here.

    Votes: 9 9.7%

  • Total voters
Hmm, with all due respect, I disagree with her that being a woman is "a privilege".
I think she just feels like that because she's grateful to be a woman. Becoming a man made her have identity issues, and she was just grateful to go back to the way she was, so it felt like a "privilege" to her, if that makes sense. Made her appreciate what she took for granted and such.
Biological gender and gender perception are, obviously, not one and the same. Femininity and masculinity do not coincide with what genitals one was born with, nor do the mannerisms one possesses that correspond to either sex. I am male and I identify as a male, despite my sexuality. We should all be happy with what gender we were given at birth, for that is how we were originally and shouldn't try to change that, despite any misconceptions we may have about either sex. Appreciate what you've got. I know I do.
We should all be happy with what gender we were given at birth, for that is how we were originally and shouldn't try to change that, despite any misconceptions we may have about either sex. Appreciate what you've got.

okay so even though i'm a girl and am perfectly happy being one (no matter how tomboyish I may act) , I would like to complain about this idea.

some people are born guys, but are also born with the feeling that they are girls or should be girls. likewise, some are born girls and are born feeling that they should be guys. And that's not even considering those who were born outside the gender binary.

speaking of those outside the gender binary, do you suggest that they should consider themselves neither male nor female? correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure genderqueers are expected to choose between male and female. (plus identifying as neither would probably be like walking around with a sign saying "please make fun of me")

also, dude, transgenders don't have an identity contrary to that which they were born because of any misconceptions; it's a feeling they were born with.
Biological gender and gender perception are, obviously, not one and the same. Femininity and masculinity do not coincide with what genitals one was born with, nor do the mannerisms one possesses that correspond to either sex. I am male and I identify as a male, despite my sexuality. We should all be happy with what gender we were given at birth, for that is how we were originally and shouldn't try to change that, despite any misconceptions we may have about either sex. Appreciate what you've got. I know I do.


u mad
Biological gender and gender perception are, obviously, not one and the same. Femininity and masculinity do not coincide with what genitals one was born with, nor do the mannerisms one possesses that correspond to either sex. I am male and I identify as a male, despite my sexuality. We should all be happy with what gender we were given at birth, for that is how we were originally and shouldn't try to change that, despite any misconceptions we may have about either sex. Appreciate what you've got. I know I do.

no u

and what I mean by that is that you have a lot of nerve to come in here and say that to some people who are actually having to deal with an innate sense of wrongness with their body that you've likely never had to deal with! it sucks, and it affects their life strongly, and if they want something done about it, what the fuck does that have to do with you? is it going to hurt to see someone who's physically a woman passing as a man on the street?
Biological gender and gender perception are, obviously, not one and the same. Femininity and masculinity do not coincide with what genitals one was born with, nor do the mannerisms one possesses that correspond to either sex. I am male and I identify as a male, despite my sexuality. We should all be happy with what gender we were given at birth, for that is how we were originally and shouldn't try to change that, despite any misconceptions we may have about either sex. Appreciate what you've got. I know I do.

lol, I was waiting for this post.
We should all be happy with what gender we were given at birth, for that is how we were originally and shouldn't try to change that, despite any misconceptions we may have about either sex. Appreciate what you've got. I know I do.
you have two choices

1) feel miserable forever but your family and friends still love you

2) be happy with yourself but probably lose a great deal of people in your life

Biological gender and gender perception are, obviously, not one and the same. Femininity and masculinity do not coincide with what genitals one was born with, nor do the mannerisms one possesses that correspond to either sex. I am male and I identify as a male, despite my sexuality. We should all be happy with what gender we were given at birth, for that is how we were originally and shouldn't try to change that, despite any misconceptions we may have about either sex. Appreciate what you've got. I know I do.


I don't know how these people manage to stay here for so long without realizing that the mass majority of this forums is pro-LGBT.
Dear God what have I done?

I said to appreciate what you were given, and what you've got. I could have gone on longer about how gender also corresponds to spirituality, but abridged it for various reasons. I obviously didn't mean to offend anybody, but once again I seem to have forgotten that this forum is LGBT-dominant. My thoughts are just as strong as anyone else's, and I hope that any one of you know that and can accept my thoughts just as well as yours. I don't oppose trans-gender people of any kind at all, but I would definitely prefer such people to choose one over the other. As Flora and Ashes said, it is expected for them to choose. So apparently it isn't just me who shares this thought.
We should all be happy with what gender we were given at birth, for that is how we were originally and shouldn't try to change that, despite any misconceptions we may have about either sex. Appreciate what you've got. I know I do.

I'm not even in the group he's bitching about and I feel insulted.

ANYWAY to stay on topic, XX chromosomes and identify as female, nothing more to really say.
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Dear God what have I done?

I said to appreciate what you were given, and what you've got. I could have gone on longer about how gender also corresponds to spirituality, but abridged it for various reasons. I obviously didn't mean to offend anybody, but once again I seem to have forgotten that this forum is LGBT-dominant. My thoughts are just as strong as anyone else's, and I hope that any one of you know that and can accept my thoughts just as well as yours. I don't oppose trans-gender people of any kind at all, but I would definitely prefer such people to choose one over the other. As Flora and Ashes said, it is expected for them to choose. So apparently it isn't just me who shares this thought.

say WHAT now

What do you mean, appreciate? Nobody cares whether you meant to offend anybody, or that ~everyone is entitled to their own opinion~ because our opinions... aren't really all that oppressive to other people.

You don't oppose transgender people, but you reckon they should stick with a body that they feel is completely at odds with their mind and feels horrifyingly uncomfortable and just wrong? And you say you don't oppose transgender people?

Bringing 'appreciation' in makes no sense, nobody thinks "I'm a girl in a man's body, but hey, I guess I should just be thankful for having a body at all".


ETA: Also, any particular reason why we should be happy with the body we got at birth? We can't say, sorry nature, but my sex and gender don't align and I'm going to have to intervene? I don't think you understand what sort of a hassle transgendered people have to go through just to feel comfortable in their own bodies. :|
Dear God what have I done?

I said to appreciate what you were given, and what you've got. I could have gone on longer about how gender also corresponds to spirituality, but abridged it for various reasons. I obviously didn't mean to offend anybody, but once again I seem to have forgotten that this forum is LGBT-dominant. My thoughts are just as strong as anyone else's, and I hope that any one of you know that and can accept my thoughts just as well as yours. I don't oppose trans-gender people of any kind at all, but I would definitely prefer such people to choose one over the other. As Flora and Ashes said, it is expected for them to choose. So apparently it isn't just me who shares this thought.

Ookay, so this issue is mostly with people who "can't pick one or the other"?

We shouldn't have to pick one or the other, because the gender binary is ridiculous and oppressive. Just because I'm expected to doesn't mean I'm going to do it, either. There are a whole lot of things people in my life expect me to do that I'm not going to, and most of them happen to be related to my assigned gender role in one form or another. Am I selfish? Yeah, but so are they for wanting me to do things that would only make them happy. This also applies to whatever higher spiritual being that probably doesn't exist may think. Doing things just because other people want you to isn't going to result in a very good life.

Another fun fact: I posted this article in the LGBT club a long time ago but it goes well in this thread too. Science is awesome. :v
Just because I'm expected to doesn't mean I'm going to do it, either. There are a whole lot of things people in my life expect me to do that I'm not going to, and most of them happen to be related to my assigned gender role in one form or another. Am I selfish? Yeah, but so are they for wanting me to do things that would only make them happy.
This is what I've been trying to get at. It's expected, but not necessary.

And Cirrus, when the hell did I say that?
And Cirrus, when the hell did I say that?

say WHAT now

Appreciate what you've got. I know I do.
I said to appreciate what you were given, and what you've got.

What do you mean, appreciate?

I obviously didn't mean to offend anybody, but once again I seem to have forgotten that this forum is LGBT-dominant. My thoughts are just as strong as anyone else's, and I hope that any one of you know that and can accept my thoughts just as well as yours.

Nobody cares whether you meant to offend anybody, or that ~everyone is entitled to their own opinion~ because our opinions... aren't really all that oppressive to other people.

I don't oppose trans-gender people of any kind at all, but I would definitely prefer such people to choose one over the other.
We should all be happy with what gender we were given at birth, for that is how we were originally and shouldn't try to change that, despite any misconceptions we may have about either sex.

You don't oppose transgender people, but you reckon they should stick with a body that they feel is completely at odds with their mind and feels horrifyingly uncomfortable and just wrong? And you say you don't oppose transgender people?

Appreciate what you've got. I know I do.
I said to appreciate what you were given, and what you've got.

Bringing 'appreciation' in makes no sense, nobody thinks "I'm a girl in a man's body, but hey, I guess I should just be thankful for having a body at all".


We should all be happy with what gender we were given at birth, for that is how we were originally and shouldn't try to change that, despite any misconceptions we may have about either sex.

ETA: Also, any particular reason why we should be happy with the body we got at birth? We can't say, sorry nature, but my sex and gender don't align and I'm going to have to intervene? I don't think you understand what sort of a hassle transgendered people have to go through just to feel comfortable in their own bodies. :|

It was unclear what, specifically, you were asking that you said. Citations added.

This is what I've been trying to get at. It's expected, but not necessary.

You're not making any sense whatsoever, you realize.
Ryubane said:
This is what I've been trying to get at. It's expected, but not necessary.
When I said this, I meant that it was expected by others for trans-gender individuals to choose between male or female. That being said, it isn't 100% necessary for them to do so. No one can force them to make that decision; they will make it only if they want to, and that's that.
No one can force them to make that decision; they will make it only if they want to, and that's that.

you're pretty much saying that they have to decide, and that they have to decide that they're the sex they were assigned.

key word being assigned.
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