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I like finn because he's so stupid

also brittany

I think I see a pattern here
brittany is a gold mine of comedy and I want a small version of her to keep for opportune moments.

ahem. It's a good show. I like the "High School Musical with STD jokes" description, but have to disagree with it due to that fact that the singing is good, that characters are funny, and everything to do with the show possible except with the fact that it is at a high school is much better than the High School Musical series.

How are you guys liking the new season?!

I'm liking it so far - Britney/Brittany was suitably ridiculous and I adored it because I love Brittany like burning. Slave 4 U was such an awesome number, too.

I'm not liking Finn/Rachel at the moment though. :( I think Finn interacts with people who aren't Rachel much better, and to be honest both of them are acting like twats to each other this season. DON'T CARE IF THEY'RE INSECURE IT'S FREAKING ANNOYING OK.

And I love the Cheerios and I want more of them.

Also ugh Finn singing Losing My Religion. :( WHY.
I actually kinda liked Finn singing LMR, more the context than the singing itself. Mostly because I love any plot relating to Kurt at all. Yep. And I like that Finn is losing his religion. Heh.

Anyhow, the first two episodes of the second season were decent, but had less than spectacular music. Toxic from Brit/Brit was awesome and has been on replay nonstop, but the rest of that ep's songs are so bad they're terrible. Audition's only good song was Telephone, which was only decent, since they changed nothing. :\ There were other decent songs in that episode, actually, but nothing spectacular or that I'd listen to again.

The episodes have all been great, though, especially Kurt-wise, so I'm happy. :D Kurt in a skirt! Hee. And Kurt telling Will to take a chill pill had me dying ohgod.

The latest episode was so good I was crying. :[ Why does Kurt do all the srs stuff? Wry. I'm glad Burt didn't magically wake up at the end of the episode; he did react but no wakey-wakey. Which is sad for Kurt but not super-lame.

Okay yes. That's all. kurt
Losing My Religion isn't even ABOUT religion 8( it's just weird that it was there. And I would have preferred someone else singing it.

I didn't really like the latest episode. But I hate my Glee all serious and shit. :( And Quinn/Brittany/Santana are my favourite characters pretty much and they barely got in there at all. WTF, Quinn is clearly Christian. JUST LEAVE HER OUT COMPLETELY.

But Sue was amazing in it. <3 Sue!
D:! How can you not like srs Glee? Glee is clearly a tragedy disguised as a comedy. I mean - look at Preggers, Wheels, Home, Laryngitis, even Theatricality. Hell, every episode has some sad in it, some are just more so (mainly the Brad episodes, whereas Ian episodes are lulz, e.g Bad Reputation and Funk). But. I love both. ... Possibly sadfaec episodes more. But when they get a perfect mix, I love that most. Like Preggers.

Also Poker Face was sung completely out of context, most songs are. :v The song I reallllly didn't like was Only the Good Die Young, because it was so autotuned it sounded like a robot was singing it. If they'd had lowered the key just a bit Mark could've easily sung it. :[ Wry. Such a good song and they computerize the shit out of it.

Anyhow hrr have you noticed how Quinn has had barely any role lately? I mean, not just acting-wise, but singing too. Which is strange considering how huge a role she played in the first 13 eps. She's never been a great singer so I can't say it bothers me much, but she's a great actress. :\ Papa Don't Preach was awesome though, they should give her more acoustic-y stuff.

And ohyes. Sue was definitely amazing. Sue always is amazing. :D
Because it's always crap and boring (see: all of those episodes). I watch Glee because it's funny, not because I want a contrived message.

Poker Face was ridic. But I quite liked Only The Good Die Young! I wish they would let Puck sing more.

And indeed. It makes me sad. Quinn is one of the best characters and to be honest 99% of the time I want to hit Rachel/Finn with a frying pan so their scenes coul easily be taken out to make time 8(

Sue was lovely. I love her scenes with Jean :(
Because it's always crap and boring (see: all of those episodes). I watch Glee because it's funny, not because I want a contrived message.

Agree agree agree!

No one else seems to agree with me, but I honestly didn't like yesterday's episode at all. It had a few moments, but mostly I was just bored. The episode felt preachy to me.
I didn't like the last episode. Not just because it was preachy, but because it pushed all the characters into two camps, "Intolerant atheists who secretly wish they were religious" starring Kurt and Sue and "Intolerant Christians who can't wrap their minds around being areligious and treat atheism as a personal attack or a mental defect" starring everyone else except for Finn and Puck. I think that the fact that the most eloquent and reasonable comment during the whole episode came from Puck speaks volumes about how stupid they made everyone else look.

Musically, this is my sum up;

Only The Good Die Young - Puck really didn't live up to Billy Joel here. The autotuning was horrible and even with his voice being fixed for him, he couldn't put any passion into it.

I Look To You - Mercedes sung beautifully but there was no real feeling behind all the ear-drum shattering notes and I thought it was a but pretentious of her to assume that Kurt would want a song about turning to God.

Papa Can You Hear Me - I hated this song. It was a really stupid choice and I felt very uncomfortable watching Rachel flitting around the room singing it to Burt...who she's never met on screen. Um.

I Want To Hold Your Hand - This was the best song of the night, an absolute showstopper and emotional masterpieces. Turning a flirty Beatles' song on its head into this dive into the psyche behind Kurt and Burt's relationship - masterful.

Losing My Religion - This had a lot of potential and Corey Monteith delivered it well but he delivered it in Michael Stipes' accent, which just ruined it for me.

Bridge Over Troubled Water - I couldn't even tell this was Bridge Over Troubled Water. I hated this song, but then, I hate all gospel music. Also, it seemed to advance the message that atheists are unreasonable, intolerant, really wish they were religious, want to believe deep down and the incredibly stupid thing about believing in something more.

One of Us - Ruined an otherwise touching end for me. Kurt and Sue folding and joining in was just blech and it most certainly did not live up to Dr. Evil.
What? Kurt and Sue didn't 'fold'. It's a song. They enjoyed the song. I love the song too and I'm an atheist. I love a lot of songs about god. What.

Personally I think you're trying to take a message from the show, when that's the wrong way to look at it. It's a tv show. They're characters. They're flawed. Mercedes was trying to push her religion because that's what some people do, and she is flawed. Kurt found comfort in Burt because that's what he did; it doesn't mean all atheists should, will or actually do that. It's what he did.

I loved the end because it showed that even though someone disagrees with something, they don't have to push their agenda onto others. Yes, Sue and Kurt don't believe in god, but they can appreciate a good song and don't have to, well, ruin it for everyone else. Just like Will stopped the kids from singing religious songs in class earlier because it bothered Kurt.

But, eh, think what you want. You appreciate I Want To Hold Your hand so you're cool. (Also it's spelled Cory Monteith, not Corey.)
What? Kurt and Sue didn't 'fold'. It's a song. They enjoyed the song. I love the song too and I'm an atheist. I love a lot of songs about god. What.

I don't mind them enjoying the song, I enjoy the song. But that was the last fold after several moments of them compromising their life-long beliefs over the course of a few days for no good reason. That was what was blech.
I didn't like the last episode. Not just because it was preachy, but because it pushed all the characters into two camps, "Intolerant atheists who secretly wish they were religious" starring Kurt and Sue and "Intolerant Christians who can't wrap their minds around being areligious and treat atheism as a personal attack or a mental defect"


Papa Can You Hear Me - I hated this song. It was a really stupid choice and I felt very uncomfortable watching Rachel flitting around the room singing it to Burt...who she's never met on screen. Um.


Bridge Over Troubled Water - I couldn't even tell this was Bridge Over Troubled Water. I hated this song, but then, I hate all gospel music. Also, it seemed to advance the message that atheists are unreasonable, intolerant, really wish they were religious, want to believe deep down and the incredibly stupid thing about believing in something more.

You just summed up everything I would've liked to say and couldn't figure out how. I found it incredibly annoying how they made out that everyone "has to believe in something" and actually does want to believe in God, and they were "betrayed" by God when they were younger and so decided not to believe, etc etc etc.
They didn't compromise their beliefs, though. They're still atheists.

I wasn't talking about atheism; Sue compromised on her beliefs on strict separation of church and state and Kurt compromised on not wanting the other Glee club to do religious songs. I understand at least why Kurt compromised on them but Sue basically dropped hers at the drop of a hat. I just find it annoying.
Goddammit. Season 2's not coming out over here until Ugly Betty finishes next month, and I am sick of waiting, when my friend just watches it on a USA stream >:(
Goddammit. Season 2's not coming out over here until Ugly Betty finishes next month, and I am sick of waiting, when my friend just watches it on a USA stream >:(

Download/stream/torrent. Internet solves trivial problems.

Latest episode was awesome. I actually like Quinn/Sam. :D
Ugh. what? Anyone who still ships Karofsky and Kurt after this last episode are going to make me physically ill. :C I'm go glad I haven't tried seeking out joining any fandom circles yet, because now I don't think I'm going to.

Except for, like, this one. Hi, I'm a Glee fan and haven't posted in this thread yet. I didn't even know there was one.
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