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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Google your username.


Lets see who can get the most results for simply typing in their TCod username into a google search engine and count the number of results.

279,000 Results.
352 for this user name. And I'm the first two results.

For Dragonicsoul, however... 176,000 results, and I"m the first three.

Ryuu-anima has 1,260,000 of which I am the first four.

For Yami-no-ryuu, though... 153,000 results and I'm actually not on the first page.

I have a lot of usernames.
Bipolarbear - 64,100 results.

I think I'm the biggest loser. Is there a prize for that?

EDIT: Oh darn. Meowzie-chan beat me for last place.
well, Meowize-chan is still a relatively new name for me. I only use it on two sites, and I assume most of the results were here and I Can Haz Cheezburgr.
218. That's what I get for using a word that's barely even registered as official and a Pokémon's name.

...Incidentally, the majority of them do seem to be me in some way or another.
Just your username here please. Also, if possible, do it on Google, you know, to make it fair.

(My username sucks.)
7,140,000. Hell yeah. What am I, fourth or fifth place on this thread so far? 8D

Kinda surprised though. I mean at least mine is an actual noun. D: And none of them will relate to me in any way...
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...419 for mike the foxhog. I'm losing just after Meowzie-chan.

And through the wonder of quotes we can deduce that 393 of those are me~
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