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Grocery Store!

They were out, so you got AIDS! (Yes you've got AIDS!)

I want a huge wall to climb over while riding my Groudon.
The walls are all short, so, here's a speck of dust instead.

I would like a heavy pokemon from the grocery store.
None of the monsters available were digital, so here's the one from under your bed instead.

I would like a fruit salad from the grocery store.
Fruit salad has been dubbed "Yummy yummy!" Thus, it is all gone. Because of that's here's a MANLY MAN salad. Shut the F up and eat.

Someone should get my Snorlax a fishing rod.
They were out of the snorlax variety, here's an old rod instead.

I'd like a pizza from the grocery store.
No pizza. Here's some fish, though.

*Snorlax gets a bite and uses the Old Rod to toss Zoltea a Magikarp*

I want a crack pairing generator, and I want it now! NOW!
My Groudon was too high to get pasta for you, so it got you Chinese food instead.

I want a Hydro Cannon from the grocery store.
Sorry, you live in australia, and there's a water shortage, here's a sandstorm instead...

I want more free time from teh grocery store.
Sorry, they didn't have any FREE time; it was quite expensive and I didn't have enough. I got you some free space instead.

Can somebody get me the philosopher John Stuart Mill from the grocery store?
Sorry, but he was assassinated, here's a fortune cookie instead.

I would like a cookie from the grocery store.
Sorry, my scoutmaster came by and ate them all before I could get there (fat people can run fast twards cookies, [and hotdogs])

Can someone get me some - OOH a dragonfly - no wait... lalalalalalalalalala...
Sorry, but the insect sprayers just came though, here's a toy dragonfly instead.

I would like some Old Gateau from the grocery store.
Sorry, it was burned for being such a hideous pun on Old Chateau. Here's a Poffin.

I want the Bolshevik revolutionary and father of Russian Communism, Vladimir Illych "Lenin" Ulyanov, from the grocery store.
Sorry, but he died a while back, here's a random dictator instead.

I would like a bubble from the grocery store.
Sorry, but he died a while back, here's a random dictator instead.

I would like a bubble from the grocery store.

Sorry, when they put it in a bag it popped. Here's the bag.

I want the preserved corpse of the Bolshevik revolutionary and father of Russian Communism, Vladimir Illych "Lenin" Ulyanov, as displayed in the Mausoleum in the Red Square, Moscow, from the grocery store.
Sorry, but some robbers got to it first. Here's his coffin instead.

I would like a bag of candy from the grocery store.
Sorry, I ate it on the way back, here's some wrappers.

I want Wensleydale cheese carved into the shape of an elk.
Here you go, unfortunately, it's missing the antlers.

I would like some sellotape from the grocery store.
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