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I posted this on #tcod already

Let me find it.

... yep

  • handwriting is painful for me about 80% of the time because I'm a rockstar and basically hold the pen between my ring finger, pinky and thumb (like this). when i was in grade one my teacher was like 'no stop' and my mum said 'it's legible so it doesn't matter'
    ... well
  • doesn't hurt when i draw though! whee
  • because i write like an arthritic monkey i smudge ink even though i'm righthanded. yep
  • i make more mistakes handwriting than i do typing
  • don't really care how shitty my handwriting is because nobody ever needs to read it and i can read it fine :o
  • please don't ask me to write lefthanded that guy's been getting a free lunch for years and doesn't know how to do shit
  • i also know how to proofread (like an actual real editor) with all the symbols and margins and stuff but i'm out of practice. i do have the 2010 (?) style guide memorized though p.much!
This is (according to the file on my computer) from 2008, but my handwriting hasn't changed any since then.


(Left-handers are also > you.)
My handwriting is soooo awful.

It's a good thing that they invented the typewriter (and therefore the computer), otherwise I would be in trouble by now.

Also, yay for lefties!
My handwriting is a little sloppy.
Also, the photo below is kind of big. And sorry about the horrible quality.

All of the people with gorgeous handwriting in this thread is making me sad about my own :c

Here is mine from the last thread, and here's mine from now:
I made use of my rubbish drawing skills to make my handwriting look better by comparison.
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