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Happy New Year!

Happy new year, everybody!

I'm drinking a margarita-flavored thingy at the moment. 'Tis good. I'm a wee bit tipsy. :D
Happy new year and all that crap. My resolution is to force the resolution on other people that they won't be douches.

Not really, but I wish those were their resolutions.
It's been the new year for about an hour. 2009 isn't all that great so far. Well I'm off to browse the rest of the interwebs.
Happy new year, everyone! Have fun on tCoD in 2009!

My resolve:

To practice art, definitely.
To write more!

Of course, it's only creativity stuff...
It's been 2009 for ages over here. But last night one of our neighbours set off fireworks and it was so windy they were exploding in our front yard. Awesome, but kind of dangerous.

Happy 2009, TCoD. :]
[Insert generic 'Hooray' here]

'Tis has been the year 2009 for 12 and a half hours now. Hope this one's better than the last (Which was frankly terrible).

(In my opinion alcohol is disgusting, so I didn't have any~ Wooo~ [/killjoy])
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