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Have your pets ever done something hilarious?

Ken - duck, male, a few months old, tan and white indian runner - does not grok glass.
My pet rat (Really hard to type this, have to backspace a lot and try to ignore the rodent on the keyboard. ^^;) likes to sit on the keyboard and learn against/step on the control key. ON PURPOSE. And he always sticks his nose in the inside of my elbow to sneeze. So freaking adorable. x3
My dog Max tripped up stairs once. Also, he is afraid of anything smaller than himself, including kittens and puppies. Quite hilarious to see. He is also afraid of thunder. For a German Shepard/Golden Retriever, he is a big wimp XD

When my dog Copper was alive, he would forget how to breathe when excited. He was put down years ago for a bad hip, so don't worry, he didn't die via snorting

Suicidal Fish

Suicidal Hamsters

I once span around really fast with my guinea pig (when he was alive), then put him down. He stumbled about on his hind legs

My rabbit, when he was around (he ran away with a wild rabbit, presumably to add to the rabbit population), ate meat

Ritz, when she was alive, would sometimes suck on my finger. Also, she would go CRAZY with string that you taunted her with

Back to the guinea pigs, Timothy constantly tried to hump Amber. She always ran away, leaving him chasing her hopelessly

The hamsters we once had (the suicidal ones) chewed through flat plastic

Once, when we had my uncles doves for awhile, one of them flew out of the cage... And into a wall. She shook it off right after. Also, they would try sitting on each other. Dumb birds :3

In short, all animals we get are fucked up

Now I just need to see what my sister's new pet rabbit will do XD
My brother's dog is scared of balloons and farts.

When my hamster was alive he figered out out how to unscrew to top of his tower to escape. One time we found him because my mom's cat was scared of him and freaked out.
My dad was attempting to fix a vacuum cleaner once, trying to fiddle with something under it, when suddenly my older dog charged to the rescue, barking madly and growling while attempting to get the evil machine off my father. (He never growls. Ever.)

My younger dog has a habit of barking at random inanimate objects such as balloons (the kind without helium).
My puppy like lays on top of our chicken, like she trying to crossbreed. its just plain weird. And she also makes this funny sound when you let her up on the computer chair then push her off. She also makes a funny sound when she attacks your shoe while ur wearing it and u keep pulling back.
We gave my guinea pig the pumpkin that was left: yes she loves pumpkins and banana skins *although actual banana's make her sick-wierd* this year cos we got a big oen shes sitting inside it snuggling in it. and no- the light happily wasn't still inside.

My Terrepins like to dive off their ledge, we have a stupidly big Tank for them.

My old dog *who's sadly no longer with us* got a bag of crisps stuck on his head and walked into walls. *Okay that bit was mean.*

Oh yeah the same dog learnt to swim when my Dad threw him into a pond *he'd never been in water before* -evil bastard, nevertheless it worked.

My cousin's Yorkie. Lets her cradle it upside down like a baby.
Me:*draws a map to explain stuff to parents looks like a messy phoenix wright map*
My Dog: *slams paw down pushing the paper onto the couch* ARF!!!!!!!!!
phoenix wright ftw!
My Australian Shepherd, Magic taught herself how to say "Hello". So every time my dad or I come home from somewhere, she runs up and greets us. :D

And my Westie, Holly gets on her hind legs and begs with her front. At every single opportunity she can. I'm holding some food? She begs. I'm standing up? She begs. Cat walks on a shelf beside her? She begs.
Several years ago my gourami swings its fin thingys that apeared to be "jogging IN the water" that looks pretty hilarious (now died already). But then when my baby lobster (fresh water one) were startled, it swims so fast that it made my other baby lobster swims in that manner too (also died already). And my 2 other gouramies are also quite irritaing when standing near the tank they were in as they often think that YOU (and ME) are their food and chase you. The bigger one has red marks on its lip lol (since it keep bashing the tank)
hope it isn't against the rules to bump like this

if my dog is around when my parents hug, then first he'll whine, then he'll bark, then he'll pretty much attack my dad. not actually try to hurt him, just bark at him and nip at his legs. it's hysterical
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