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HeartGold And SoulSilver

ZC, I'm putting your last post in my sig.

So what does everybody think of the Pikachu colored Pichu event? I personally don't get it.
ZC, I'm putting your last post in my sig.

So what does everybody think of the Pikachu colored Pichu event? I personally don't get it.

I think it's based off of a Japanese special or something and is triggered by a Pokemon given out in Japan for D/P/Pt or something..? Or maybe the Pikachu-colored Pichu was announced ahead of time to be an event for HG/SS, I dunno.
From the screenshots so far it just looks like a fun story thing. The very most I would expect is a Pichu with a weird sprite (didn't Bulbapedia say it involved the notch-eared Pichu?), but since that would probably go away once it evolves I wouldn't really even care... Raichu isn't the most competitive thingy anyway. It'd be a cute novelty, I guess.

If there's any actual information on what this event entails, somebody clue me in?
I think it's based off of a Japanese special or something and is triggered by a Pokemon given out in Japan for D/P/Pt or something..? Or maybe the Pikachu-colored Pichu was announced ahead of time to be an event for HG/SS, I dunno.
From the screenshots so far it just looks like a fun story thing. The very most I would expect is a Pichu with a weird sprite (didn't Bulbapedia say it involved the notch-eared Pichu?), but since that would probably go away once it evolves I wouldn't really even care... Raichu isn't the most competitive thingy anyway. It'd be a cute novelty, I guess.

If there's any actual information on what this event entails, somebody clue me in?

Serebii says that it is from an event that you get at the movie, and if you have the pikachu colored pichu in your party when you go to the shirne in the Ilex forest, the notched ear pichu shows up. And thats really all they know

Which part? And is this in a complimentary or insulting way?

The first part, in an extremely complimentary way.
R/S/E Contests are so much win!

Unfourtunately, they didn't bring contests to Fr/Lg, so I doubt they won't be in the GSDS games.
RSE contests were WAYYYYYYYY better than DP Contests, I love Combos soooo much. And some of the effects you could get like Explosion on the last round was good but now there isn't really anything that goes 'Omph'...

And Dancing is fun and all but I can lose sometimes because of it and it pisses me off so bad.
I think they'll try to stay somewhat accurate to the originals, so I don't think there will be contests in HeartGold and SoulSilver. But it's a possibility.
Ugh, I hate contests. Because I suck at them. >.<

But yeah, I've decided on using a Chikorita as a starter. I already have Cyndaquil in Emerald and Totadile in Coliseum. And it's my second favorite grass starter. <3
I liked Bug Catching Contests. It made getting some Pokemon (like Scyther and Pinsir) easier to obtain than in the previous generation.

A Dragon Catching Contest wouldn't make sense with the remake. There are ways it could work, but not in a remake of a previous game.

I think a fair about of the gyms need a makeover. Blackthorn could look so much cooler with DS graphics.
I think a fair about of the gyms need a makeover. Blackthorn could look so much cooler with DS graphics.

Yah...I mean, look at Violet city. A walkway over the endless abyss...boo. Give us some sort of gimmic! Maybe an aviary? Some birdcages? Wind, clouds...anything remotely sky/wind/bird like?
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