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Well I'v actually grown about 8 inches in 2010 so far, so I have hope!! :D

One of my female friends had a head on me last year and now I'm about 2-3 inches more tan her, and another friend actually shrunk - not by her measurements, by her doctor's measurements during physicals.
A) 14 year olds, as I know them, are generally taller than me.

B) I was seriously 4'9" when I went back to school after last school year's winter break. And now, according to my doctor, I am 5'5". So yeah.
I used to get made fun of and called a midget. =[
A) 14 year olds, as I know them, are generally taller than me.

B) I was seriously 4'9" when I went back to school after last school year's winter break. And now, according to my doctor, I am 5'5". So yeah.
I used to get made fun of and called a midget. =[

I can sympathize, I was 4'8" at age 14 xD...I've grown 8 inches in two years. Yay?
A friend of mine, same age as me, didn't hit 5'0" until her senior year... When she did we had a five foot party and sang "happy five feet to you".
I'm 5'2" and never actually thought that was considered really short until I read this thread.
When people call you short, just say "I'm not short, I'm fun-sized."

When people call me short I just tell them I'm taller than both of my parents and my older brother and they're SO SHOCKED that they shut up about it.
It was tipping it down today, so I went out with my umbrella (I usually just put my hood up, but I wanted to pretend to be Mycroft) and discovered that, when I hold an umbrella, the spokey-bits are pretty much exactly at eye level with normal people. You can imagine the chaos I caused in the Christmas-shopping crush.
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