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Help Hiram Farm get a grant from the Pepsi Refresh Project!


that bitch what arranges the blocks
I figured I should post this here since I don't have a facebook to post it on like everyone else in the family. :V If this should go on a different board go ahead and move it.

My dad works at a place called Hiram Farm. It's a nonprofit organization that basically give adults with autism something constructive to do. He also works at Whitehaven, which is basically an apartment for mentally handicapped people in general, and is run by the same people, but that's another story. The farm is just getting started up, and everything is still being built, but there are already 13 people participating, with probably more on the way. Right now, there's... really not much built, mostly due to funding issues.

That's where you guys can come in.

The farm recently applied for a grant from the Pepsi Refresh Project. Each month, Pepsi gives out grants to various local projects. After about a month of voting, the top 10 each get a grant of $5,000, $25,000, $50,000, or $250,000, depending on what category they entered (the Farm's in the $50k group). The money, if the Farm win any, is going to be used to get an actual building so that they don't have to set up tents or go to the (rented) office half a mile down the road every time the weather decides to be a dick.

After everyone in the family plastered the link around Facebook (aside from me, because I don't have one :P), Hiram Farm went from around sixty-something-th place to 41st. I, feeling a bit guilty over not having advertised this, am putting the link over here.

I don't have a Facebook either, but I'll tell two of my friends about it. Then, they'll tell two friends, and then we can start a montage!
awesome. if i hadn't been grounded from fb i would post this.

good luck. tell your dad he's a good man for doing this.
Well, voted again. But it's odd than you can vote more than once.
Well, voted again. But it's odd than you can vote more than once.

Yeah, I don't get it either, but hey! A vote is a vote.

Also, thank you all so much for voting. You don't know how much this means to the participants.
So we're in 31st now! We were in 29th for a while there, but we fell a bit. Right now we need all the votes we can get, so keep 'em coming! If you can spread the word about this in any way you can it'd be a huge help.
Might as well bump this thread if it helps get a few more votes.
We're in 21st! That's good and all, but we need to get in the top ten to win, people! I had intended to post pictures of the tiny little greenhouse where everyone was crammed into during the winter when there was snow up to their waist half the time, but I can't seem to find the camera right now. I'll try to find it again tomorrow.
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