• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hi, people of this place.

Chaos Houndoom

As I said in the title, 'Hi, people of this place'! My name's Chaos Houndoom, but if you don't feel like typing it all, just call me Chaos~ Anyway, here's some info- My favorite Pokemon are Houndoom and Lugia, I like RP's and Forum Games, and I like Pokemon, Sonic, and other things I don't want to list right now, and I read InuYasha manga on the Internet. There. Well, that's a bit about me. See ya 'round!
My favourite pokemon is Salamence, Dragonair second. You'll find me around my art thread, RPs, the Warriors Fan Club, and occaisionally the Intro board.

I lieks Pokemon, Warriors, Maple Story, Dnangel, and dragons. But you can guess that.
I'll see you around, then~
Hi, Chaos Houndoom! I have many favorite Pokemon, but right now, it's probably Chinchou and Shellder.

But ZOMG!!! Eeveeskitty has not come to give cat plushies. This is foreboding...
Welcome to TCoD, Chaos Houndoom. I'm Kai, and you'll mainly see me around the Artwork forum and It's sub-forums.

If you find time, perhaps you could join my RP, Sin.
Hi, peoples! Just throwin' this out there-My favorite Sonic charecter is Tails, or Amy. InuYasha-Shippo, Pokemon-Ash~
Hello and welcome to the forum, I am Ice tiger, and love boxes, also Luxray too. Hurruurrr And I think I am a Tiger (inside)! :3 I wish I was one...
Hi. Nice favorites by the way. Shiny Houndoom is BADASS.

My favorites are Murkrow and Jolteon. Have a nice time here. =D
Welcome and yes sadly I have abandoned my cat plushies :(

It was all to start handing out KITTENS! Ahaha!

So have one(sorry pictures are not bothered to show up anymore)
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