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Holiday Mafia [Day 3]

Richie: Do note that Mr. Moon only voted for me after I voted for him. He also voted for Littlestream last. My explanation for the horrible failure in general is that (I wasn't paying attention to this game or anything at all) I miscounted; I thought only one mafia had died and therefore there would only be me and two mafia. I was hoping one and/or both of you wouldn't notice and I'd get to sneak in one more lynch. It doesn't matter too much now, but I'm Santa Claus.
Richie's same argument can be said for myself. I don't want to die.
If we had the same vote counts, we'd both die. So, I voted for you. Thus keeping me alive and the game going. But for all Richie knows, I could be Santa Claus. I did target Star69 last night. But look, our 48 hours is up.
And a majority has been decided.
... This is just mafia. I don't want to die, really, but it doesn't matter.

No, not really. You aren't keeping the game going at all.

What does targeting Star69 have to do with anything? And you could be Santa Claus, if I wasn't. How is that even relevant? You aren't saying you're Santa Claus because you aren't, and if you're meaning to say I might be lying then of course I might be lying. But you haven't said anything about your role, except that you targeted Star69. Who died.

Yeah, the 48 hours were up when the votes were still me and Richie. Good game, I suppose.
Good game indeed.
I jest, I targeted Star69 AND Wargle. xD
However, you killed one of them, I can only kill one per night. But even if only one of you died during the lynch, I just roleblock with one night action, and kill the last innocent with the other.
Mafia win, no matter what!
Good game, guys! :3

EDIT: Richie is Tiny Tim, amirite?
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Good game indeed.
I jest, I targeted Star69 AND Wargle. xD
However, you killed one of them, I can only kill one per night. But even if only one of you died during the lynch, I just roleblock with one night action, and kill the last innocent with the other.
Mafia win, no matter what!
Good game, guys! :3

EDIT: Richie is Tiny Tim, amirite?

Unless Phantom GMs by having the days last until she gets online to stop the talking. That's how I do it, and if Richie looks here... Well then. I deserve to lose at the very least, but winning would be nice!

I didn't send in my action, actually. 0_0 Probably Scrooge/Frost/overdose. You get two actions?

Yeah, Richie's probably Tiny Tim.
Wow that really sucks, but I guess Richie didn't get online in time.

Mafia Win.

As everyone gathered in Town Square they arranged three suspects, a small little boy, the big red guy himself, and of course the little green monster... thing.

They argued for the entire day, and then they decided it was Mai and Richie together who'd done everything.

As they lead Santa to the gallows he gave one final "HO, HO, HO!", and as they lead the little boy, they had to bring him a stepstool.

When their feet stopped twitching the townspeople realised that they had been very wrong.

Mai is dead. She was Santa Clause.
Richie is dead. She was Tiny Tim.

Game over, Mafia win.

Here is the mafia's communication thread.

Mr. Moon you call me a 'he' one more time I will tear your arms out of socket.
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I healed Mai on the first night. And got ultimately killed. >:[

This was a really fun game, even if I did die the first night :P

EDIT: I saw the entire discussion thread just now...I feel kind of offended, but at the same time guiltily at the sad truth of me and how I play mafia...:\
Good game, guys, I had fun. And I have realized that having the ability to roleblock AND kill every night is overpowered. But it's fun when you get to do it. :3
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