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This isn't really a debate anymore. Except for the occasional person, pretty much everyone on this forum is tolerent.

~I love you guys~

Go Sweden.

I live in Alabama, which in case some of you didn't know, is the "Gayness is an abomination" area of the U.S.

Which is to say most of it.
EDIT: 1000th post.
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Vermont just passed a measure through the state legislature, which is better politically than a court ruling. So that's a good sign.
I believe that homosexuality isn't quite the way that nature intended, simply because a female needs the male's sperm to reproduce. However, that doesn't mean that I'm against it. I have no problem with homosexuality, or homosexual adoptions.
I believe that homosexuality isn't quite the way that nature intended, simply because a female needs the male's sperm to reproduce. However, that doesn't mean that I'm against it. I have no problem with homosexuality, or homosexual adoptions.

Nature didn't intend anything. Nature is not a conscious being.
I believe that homosexuality isn't quite the way that nature intended, simply because a female needs the male's sperm to reproduce. However, that doesn't mean that I'm against it. I have no problem with homosexuality, or homosexual adoptions.
There are homosexual animals, is that not natural?
There are homosexual animals, is that not natural?

Okay, I'll stop using the word, "natural," but if every animal were homosexual, no animals would reproduce. I just mean that men have what women need to reproduce, and it just makes sense that a man and a woman should be together to have a child. Now there's sperm donors, frozen eggs, and things like that, which make the, "traditional," way of reproducing just an option, not a need. Without these technologies, then the, "traditional," way would be the only way.
Well, what you're saying seems to imply that the only reason for a relationship is to reproduce. Is this what you're trying to say?
Actually, we don't need both sexes for reproduction any more. Yes, we wouldn't be having sex to reproduce any more but it can be done. (It actually works better with males because you can insure a population of males an females - using the technique I'm talking about, women will only breed other women)
The problem with that point is that only 10% of the world's population is homosexual so there would never be a possibility of there not being enough heterosexuals to reproduce.

Unless someone wiped out all the heteros but I don't see why you'd want to do that.
The problem with that point is that only 10% of the world's population is homosexual so there would never be a possibility of there not being enough heterosexuals to reproduce.

Unless someone wiped out all the heteros but I don't see why you'd want to do that.

Well yeah, I'm just saying that we can reproduce without ever having sex and with only one sex, so.
The problem with that point is that only 10% of the world's population is homosexual so there would never be a possibility of there not being enough heterosexuals to reproduce.

Unless someone wiped out all the heteros but I don't see why you'd want to do that.

Well, it's likely that the 10% will grow bigger. After all, it seems like the world gets more comfortable with it as time goes on.
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