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Zhorken, I apologize for the messiness of my post. I recognized that I was starting to get redundant as I went on... I was too lazy to fix it. :\

All hats aside, the point of gay sex not making babies is also a popular argument... a void argument, in my opinion.
how the hell is homosexuality not natural?

"THIS JUST IN: homosexuality was created by a team of scientists in an Arizona lab using synthetic chemicals in a petri dish"
in fact, hats are quite good at preventing babies

(that is, if you don't mind getting lint on your dick)

and if you don't mind having most uncomfortable sex ever
unless you have a hat contraception fetish or someting
Welllll two men and two women can make babies together. We have the technology! It might not be "natural" as "in nature," but we can do it. If your benchmark is "ability to make babies together" then ... er ...
What do you think of homosexuality? Should homosexual marriage be legalized everywhere? What about homosexual adoptions?

Homosexuality is living proof that perfection does not exist. While I find the concept of ''normal'' to be dispicable, homosexuality is a freakish mutation. However, as technology advances at a rapid rate every day, the cure may be found. Science always finds a way.

It should be banned everywhere. We cant have such rotten things corrupting the minds of our youth, and the generations to come.

I dont even know what the hell that is, so Im not commenting.
I'm having a hard time taking the above post seriously for some reason, but anyway.

1. And why would scientists even be looking for a "cure", especially when things like cancer and AIDS are still around? Homosexuality isn't even considered a mental illness any more. There's no point to throw money at research like that, especially when there's more evidence that it's completely natural.

2. Personally I think religion corrupts minds more than two men kissing, but okay.

3. ...It's pretty self-explanatory?
Igziglor said:
Homosexuality is living proof that perfection does not exist. While I find the concept of ''normal'' to be dispicable, homosexuality is a freakish mutation. However, as technology advances at a rapid rate every day, the cure may be found. Science always finds a way.

er what is your evidence for this 'freakish mutation'? Every respectable medical and psychological journal has removed homosexuality from their list of disorders. In fact, science has found that not only is homosexuality not a disorder, disease or mutation, it's also found significanct evidence that it's natural and even occurs in animals. [link]
But you know you'd know this already if you'd decided to read like, any of the past four pages.

Also I'm sure your idea of 'perfection' is vastly different to everyone else's. My idea of perfect certainly has homosexuals in it. o.O

It should be banned everywhere. We cant have such rotten things corrupting the minds of our youth, and the generations to come.
Why? What exactly is wrong about Homosexuality other than the fact that you don't like it? Why should I have to restrict my behaviour everywhere just to cater to your personal tastes? I don't know you. Hey, so far I don't like you much either. Yet you're expecting me and many others to forcibly change the way they are and who they have sex with because you for some reason have a problem with it.
If you don't like homosexuals, then don't be one. Why is it so important to you who I have sex with that I should change for you?
Please explain how new generations of acceptance for everyone is bad.
I dont even know what the hell that is, so Im not commenting.
er well you obviously know what a homosexual is (right??) and I assume you know what adoption is

I'm sorry if I'm being a bit short with you but that's what you get when you come in here and insult people. >:|
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