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How do you like your steak?

So, yeah, i made a poll about steak.

  • Raw (Steak tar-tar!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rare

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Medium Rare

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • medium

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • medium well

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • well

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Burnt

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • I don't eat Steak

    Votes: 11 24.4%

  • Total voters
Er. I just like steak, full stop. :D

Anything goes - apart from burnt, I haven't tried burnt steak. It's probaby not too bad, and I might not mind that it was burnt anyway if I was particularly hungry.
Oh, incidentally, I have tried (all but) raw steak, and it isn't so bad, so long as you have plenty of bread/potatoes/other staple food to go along with it.
Mmm, this thread is making me hungry for steak.

I always order my steak medium... I want it to be juicy... and if I can get mushrooms on it, that's a plus too. :)
Rare-medium rare.

My boyfriend's grandma likes them almost raw. :S
I like it medium well, I had it a few days ago, but before I hadn't had it for a while. I like to have it with garlic, battered, mushrooms. And with fried sweet peppers, lovely. Also, I have this sauce that I have with it, I don't know what's in it, it's simply called "Steak Sauce". It's spicy!
I had it a few days ago, but before I hadn't had it for a while. I like to have it with garlic, battered, mushrooms. And with fried sweet peppers, lovely. Also, I have this sauce that I have with it, I don't know what's in it, it's simply called "Steak Sauce".
Now I'm salivating...
Medium rare. Because at the places my parents drag me to, that's the most raw they serve it D: I do eat raw beef at those sushi places, but I don't think that counts.
Medium please. I don't like it when it's all pink and bleeding all over the plate. It's annoying, and the blood drains to my vegetables, so I end up with bloody, raw-beef-like vegetables, which is not good.

But, really, as long as it doesn't taste raw and it's not bleeding all over the place, I'm all for it.
I don't understand how people could like it raw, It's practically like walking through a shopping centre, taking a cutting of beef out from its packaging, and eating it. ,xD
delicious animal bloood, perhaps~
(it's not really bloood, it's only food coloring to help with cooking. They drain all the bloood beforehand)
I prefer medium well or medium rare. I'm not a fan of the red stuff but I still like there to be some kind of juices. I usually put some Worcestershire sauce on it and put a couple spices on both sides when I cook it for myself. I also stick some minced garlic bits on there. MMMMmmmmmmm...
Brown and crispy. I hate it when my steak's too chewy or raw. Having some extra charcoal on the edges really helps the flavor.
Personally I can't tolerate it if it's too well done.
I like it just a tad pink, but not so much that it's bleeding everywhere.
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