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Re: Hunting.

I honestly have nothing wrong with hunting. It's people choosing to go and do it because they enjoy it. Some people find a thrill in it, just like you might take a thrill in playing a video game or reading a book. They have the freedom to do it. Besides, hunting doesn't have that much of an affect. You don't shoot hundreds of your animal of choice a year, you might get one or two, and that might be your limit. Humans expanding throughout the world and urbanizing has, I'm guessing, caused far more animal slaughter than hunting has.

The thing is, using the body parts doesn't really work much anymore, because there are tools that can do it more efficiently.
Re: Hunting.

I don't agree with hunting merely for sport. I don't see the charm in it, and killing other animals just for the pleasure of killing certainly says something negative about the hunter. As far as killing for food, though, that's fine by me, as everything needs to eat. :3 And really, even if you're only eating plants, you're still killing something for food, as plants are indeed living things.

As far as killing for population control, well, that sounds like a good idea, but what if we applied it to ourselves? If any species is vastly overpopulated, it's humans, so... should we have a hunting season for humans?
Re: Hunting.

I honestly have nothing wrong with hunting. It's people choosing to go and do it because they enjoy it. Some people find a thrill in it, just like you might take a thrill in playing a video game or reading a book. They have the freedom to do it. Besides, hunting doesn't have that much of an affect. You don't shoot hundreds of your animal of choice a year, you might get one or two, and that might be your limit. Humans expanding throughout the world and urbanizing has, I'm guessing, caused far more animal slaughter than hunting has.

But hunting involves causing animals distress for fun.
Re: Hunting.

Though that may be true, it doesn't make humans not overpopulated.

Humans aren't overpopulated. There is an unequal and disproportional distribution of resources that makes humans seem overpopulated, because they use more than is necessary.

My point is, why do you want to hunt humans when you can hunt insects who are far more populated? Or microbes? Humans don't taste particularly good, either. It makes no sense from an evolutionary vantage point.
Re: Hunting.

How do you know what humans taste like? Have you tasted them? :D

Hunting should only be done if it's a last resort for food, like if you're stranded somewhere and have to kill or die. Men in silly red suits on horses in the English countryside are in no danger of dying of hunger. 9_9

I like to shoot things, however. Hence why they make hunting video games. ^_^

Edit, because I'm forgetful: Have you ever tried to hunt a fly? Those things are frickin HARD to catch, and are more of a nuisance than a thrill. Hunting insects is not the way to go.
Re: Hunting.

Humans aren't overpopulated. There is an unequal and disproportional distribution of resources that makes humans seem overpopulated, because they use more than is necessary.

My point is, why do you want to hunt humans when you can hunt insects who are far more populated? Or microbes? Humans don't taste particularly good, either. It makes no sense from an evolutionary vantage point.
Well, if they're using more resources than are there, it seems like there should be less of us, but, well, I haven't researched this topic thoroughly.

My point was merely that we think little of controlling the populations of other species, yet nobody seems to much like the idea of controlling the population of our own species.
Re: Hunting.

No, they are using enough resources but not spreading them equally. They use too little in some areas and too much in others.
Re: Hunting.

Too much in America, Great Britain, France, etc...

Not enough in Malasia, and general Africa.

Also, when you think about it in a pyramid of biomass, and not in a pyramid of numbers, humans and insects probably come about the same as each other.
Re: Hunting.

Why do people do things like give blood? It weakens them and helps complete strangers they;ll probably never meet and are probably unrelated to.

So that they can feel morally superior to people who don't give blood.
Re: Hunting.

Hunting for sport is just sick. What the hell is so cool and manly about having an innocent animal's head mounted on your wall? Ooh, I took a life, I'm so hardcore. (My uncle's like that, which I hate. ><)

Hunting for food makes more sense. If something's getting dangerously overpopulated, kill them and use them for food - it's still cruel, but like Mike said, a necessary evil. If it's not overpopulated, and you want to kill like one or two for food, that's fine, too.

If there's a point for it other than showing your self-proclaimed awesomeness, then sure. Otherwise, put down the gun.

I agree. The thing that gets me the most is how they twist some animals up afterward like a bear. They shoot it from a good distance away but after they kill it the bodies are twisted up to make it look like the bear was attacking them.

Bears rarely kill humans and they don't attack you unless you are either messing with their food or messing with their cubs. I think they would sooner run away.

The only human I know to have died by a bear was that man who decided to go and study bears and live with them. He got dragged from its tent and was torn apart by it.

I like bears DX.
Re: Hunting.

I like Bear Grills. :D

I would much rather hunt the deadliest game. *points gun at forum-goers*
Re: Hunting.

I agree. The thing that gets me the most is how they twist some animals up afterward like a bear. They shoot it from a good distance away but after they kill it the bodies are twisted up to make it look like the bear was attacking them.

Bears rarely kill humans and they don't attack you unless you are either messing with their food or messing with their cubs. I think they would sooner run away.

The only human I know to have died by a bear was that man who decided to go and study bears and live with them. He got dragged from its tent and was torn apart by it.

I like bears DX.

Some people can live with animals, some get mauled by a bear. I wonder what would happen to me.
Re: Hunting.

Sorry for the necromancy, but I want to make a point here:

I think that hunting endangered animals is very, very wrong. It should be banned and never reopened for questioning. But what about animals that are overpopulated in an area? I support this, because I'm living in a situation like this.

My area of the country is practically flooded with white-tailed deer. Every other mile on the highway there's one dead on the road. There's reports of attacks and injuries caused by these bastards all the time. Even in the middle of neighborhoods that are WAY out of their normal habitats, they pop up. And here, there's no wolves to keep them in check. Sure, we tried the natural alternative by introducing a few cougars (which were native to this area once upon a time), but they spent more time killing off the local pet population and for the most part didn't even touch the deer.

In a case like this, I even support extending the hunting season. But even outside that, I don't have a fundamental problem with hunting, as long as it's not a species that's close to or is endangered.
Re: Hunting.

I am for it under certain conditions:

1) The animal will be used to its fullest, meat organs, coat, the lot.
2) People maintain a certain sense of etiquette when hunting. I think its shameful to hunt endangered species and adults with offspring, unless its a survival necessity (for example if you're genuinely lost in the wilderness and need food). If you intend to hunt, you should make sure you know what is endangered and what is not.

There is a slight problem with hunting - if everyone were to do it there would be few large animals left. Populations need to be watched very carefully, and restrictions placed when populations fall.

That's the benefit of farming. Its easier to control the numbers of your stock.

Ah, crap I didn't notice how old the topic was.
Re: Hunting.


Sorry, I hate hunting animals like foxes. Even more so when people bitch about the fox hunting for sport. But I find fur to be un-nessary (sp) for humans. It's just cruel. If these gits want to be "real men" but hunting, then I challenge them to be REAL MEN - no weaponary, no protection. One to one with the animal. Let's see who f***ing wins then.

Yeah, I'm bias ><''''
Re: Hunting.

If these gits want to be "real men" but hunting, then I challenge them to be REAL MEN - no weaponary, no protection. One to one with the animal. Let's see who f***ing wins then.

Where in the name of Bonaparte's balls do you keep getting such epic ideas from, Mil?! XD
Re: Hunting.

Why only foxes? Is it okay to hunt animals that aren't cute?

I'm against sport hunting anyway because I don't see why you'd want to shoot random animals to feel better about yourself but that's just me.
Re: Hunting.

Of course it's wrong to hunt other animals. Foxes just sprang to mind because my grandparents never liked them and think it's fine that they be hunted. As far as they care, foxes = vermin.

But no animal should be hunted, least endangered ones.
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