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Idea Center

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Okay, so I have this idea for an RP. It would be called Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: The RP, or something to that affect. This is the idea-

You are the apprentice of a the Sith , and part of a small army, mainly lead by my character, Darth Vidca. The army goes on and destroys rebels ships etc. Would anyone want to join?
Today as I was playing on Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon, I suddenly had a RP idea.

It would be called:
Chocobo's Dungeon: The Shades Revenge

Mercury while playing game said:
The Shades of Evil have suddenly risen. Although many Chocobo thought shades were easy to destroy, they have become stronger. They captured Choco, the Chocobo of Cid, a Black Mage Chocobo. Choco was known as the strongest of all Chocobo, and was to be feared by all enemies. Knowing that he has been captured, a team of the bravest Chocobo have set out to rescue him.

Would anyone join?
I've had a few ideas for RPGs.... lately I've been thinking about two in particular.

One idea I had was that there's a human medieval society, where members of an secret, elite section of their army would become partners with dragons... so the story would revolve around a small group of teenage humans who are introduced to their dragons for the first time, and the two have to learn to live and work together... People could choose to be a human or a dragon, and the two would have to pair together

My second idea is, in a modern-day (or near futuristic) city, two rival gangs exist. The catch is that these gangs are made up of drakes... magical dragons with the ability to shapeshift into humans. One gang is based on the fire element, while the second is based on ice. The two gangs would fight an underground war for control of the city, while trying to keep their true identities hidden from the humans that mainly live in the city. Players could choose between members of three factions... the two gangs and the city police, or they could choose to be an innocent human bystander, possibly connected to members, but unknowing of their true identities.

Let me know if anyone likes either of these. I might need some help if I chose to make one or both of these into actual RPGs.
Ooh, ooh, dragon-related RPs. Sounds good to me, both of them. ^_^ I'd join either one, or both of them. Just hoping you have most of the plot thought out?
Yup, dragon RPGs ^^

Well, what I said is pretty much all the plot I've come up with. I don't really like having too much of a set plot, so I was just going to have those guidelines, and let the plot go develop based on interactions between characters.
*points to username*
Dragon anythings are epic win. Dragons are epic win. But you have a slight idea for the plot... right? Like, you're not gonna make the RP, and let us do what we want.

Even if you did, though, I'd still join. =D
*points to username*
Dragon anythings are epic win. Dragons are epic win. But you have a slight idea for the plot... right? Like, you're not gonna make the RP, and let us do what we want.

Even if you did, though, I'd still join. =D

... you don't like doing whatever you want to? XD

The first one would probably have some structure to it. I would probably have a 'drill sergeant' type NPC that gave out tasks. The second would probably have 'faction leaders' that drove the main plot. Other than that, though, both would be pretty free-form.
Actually, I do =D

What I meant, was like, you don't say, 'here's your sign up form, fill it out and join, then your character wanders around and talks to the other characters with no purpose, fighting, or action for the rest of the RP.'

But yeah. Expect my form soon, if/when you make them.

We *shot* I should stop spamming the Idea Center.
I likes dragon RPs ^_^

Once again I'll join if I have time to RP a lot and keep up with the plot etc. There are a lot of posting maniacs in the RP forums.
Okay I'm going to give making an RP one more shot. If this dosen't do anybetter than the other ones I give up.

When the space project New Horizons landed on pluto it discovered an extremely rare substance called Quaris. It is the best source for sunlight energy in the Galaxy. Only 15 kilograms exist in the whole solar system. It was first used for solar panels that need only 1 day of charging to power the entire Kanto region for 100 years. A group of scienctists decided to weaponize it and tested it with a poor houndour they captured. Aproximately 2 kilograms of the 15 were injected into him. they captured many more pokemon and injected them with the Quaris. They escaped and multiplied and the Quaris spread through approximately 2000 pokemon. They banded together and used there frightening and wonderus powers on the humans. They wiped out 5.2 billion of the 6 billion humans. What few exist live undergorund as far away from the sun as they can get. The pokemon un touch by the Quaris are now being Genicide by the ones that have it. The uninjected have decided to fight back and kill the leader who calls himself Denizen. But first his Warlords must be eliminated. The uninjected have chosen the best group of fighters to meet in the abandoned ruins of Safron city at the Silph entrance.

If you have any critism or ideas please advice.

Kali that sounds fun!
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