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Idea Center

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So er... Just want to run this run by quickly.. I can't seem to let this old idea die.. ^^; I wrote it probably a year back, and always wanted to get it off the ground.. Never QUITE took off on the forum I tried it on.. I was wondering if anyone might be interested in a concept like this?..
This is a copypaste from, like I said, almost a year back. It may have to be tweaked a bit and it's a huge wall of text but.. the idea should be there? ^^; Who knows if I'd even put it back up all things considered.. xD;;

As is the natural progression, Humans have managed to avert their own destruction long enough to make their way into the void of space. It goes without saying that their Pokemon have followed. However, the occupation of trainer has dwindled somewhat as more options open up with less opportunity to obtain new Pokemon, who so far have proven to only exist on our own home planet.
The Earth has become a central hub of activity as more races have joined us in our dance with the cosmos, many seeking these fabled creatures for their very own. The surface of the planet is largely populated with breeders, while intergalactic commerce takes place in high orbital stations.
The largest of these stations known being a massive construct known as The Kane Band, a manmade ring which actually wraps around the entire planet. Held in places by huge pylons connected to the surface and sitting just below the average orbital height, nearly anything can be found from anywhere in the known universe in some area or another aboard the station. It proves to be a truly impressive sight.
Ofcourse, as we expand a careful balance takes place, which often threatens to tip. Political tensions with other races are inevitable, as as spacelane trading becomes a popular occupation, so does space piracy. Trading proves to be a very make or break profession. No insurance company worth their weight in tritanium offers starship insurance, and one trip back home in an escape pod while loot hungry pirates ravage the chosen cargo ship has broken many a life. Meanwhile, trainers now scatter the galaxy looking for new challenges for them and their partners..
With a newly introduced intergalactic Pokemon League opening, in addition to the traditional Earth-based one, new opportunities for trainers have opened on all ends of the galaxy. With a full league badge collection now taking trainers between planets and star systems instead of routes and cities. And conspiracy theories abound as military vessels, predominantly from the Terran Naval Force (Or TNF) continue to vanish, leaving questions raised and fingers pointed..


Basic RP Specs:
~Likely PG-13 rating~
- This story takes place around ~1000 years past the timeline of the Pokemon series.
- For sake of ease, there are no new Pokemon. None have been discovered on other planets, and none have evolved further or been offshoot. However, certain pokes may inhabit other planets in cases. In addition Pokes who evolve on other planets might just take alternate colour schemes.

Races available:
-=There is ALOT of reading per race considering the more alien species, I apologize for my rambling. I put an overview to make things easier, so take a look for basic traits that catch your fancy.

Human: The original species of earth, not much has changed over the years. Humans have excellent computer systems, and generally have the best grasp over Pokemon training. Otherwise very well balanced.
Overview: Well balanced, and fairly basic. You should know about them. ;P

Polaris: Thought to be a genetic cousin to Humans, the Polaris look very similar to humans except for their generally pale skin covered in darker markings, which can range in nearly any colour (Though generally darker shades). They are highly intelligent, and were thought to be the first into space, however their home system is very closed off to outsiders, and most keep to themselves within this space. They utilize biological/inorganic hybrid ships and equipment which have self-regeneration abilities, as well as significant defensive prowess.
Overview: Advanced technology and high intelligence. Self regenerating biological/inorganic starships.

Quintok: Tall, humanoid figures, the Quintok stand on average 7'0" with bulky builds, and feature skin in dark shades of brown and red. They have large, fully black eyes and insect-like feelers on their otherwise fairly featureless heads. They are excellent engineers and have well developed armour and weapon systems. The Quintok home planet lies fairly close to Sol, however they are largely against large government and business and have a shaky system, making it a rare place to visit for reasons besides trade. (Which proves just as difficult)
Overview: Physically imposing, excellent engineers with well defended starships.

Melimarii: Small, rodent-like critters, the Marii only stand around 4'5" average. Their bodies are covered with fur which takes many patterns and earth-tone colors. They walk both upright and on all fours, and their large ears, eyes, and snouts give them astounding senses. The Marii home planet is mostly forested, and they keep their technological structures in space to their best ability. Their ships are built from advanced materials found in asteroid belts in their home system in order to avoid overmining their planet, these materials creating extremely advanced shield generators and advanced engines. They have among the most capable warp systems in existence by way of these systems. (The shielding able to deflect space debris at higher speeds)
Overview: Smaller, furry critters resembling rodents. Excellent senses. Advanced shielding and propulsion.

Kreel: ((Instead of trying to describe them, cause it's tough, here's a picture~ I totally stole these guys, cause I love playing em in the game they come from.))
Click here to see what these buggers look like.
The Kreel are an insectoid like race from the far end of the known galaxy, their bodies clad in natural armour. They hail from a planet which is inhospitable to other races, and prove to be among the most adaptable life forms in the galaxy, able to take on almost any planet's environment. The planets they inhabit have no uniform environment and as such have never been targets of military conquest. (Most races attempting this have been all but wiped out by now, however.) The Kreel possess the ability to cloak themselves and their ships, which no other races can boast. As such most prefer to deal with them from as far away as possible. However, the refractive armor they use for more efficient cloaking is delicate and somewhat easily shattered, leaving them relying on their shields or ability to escape unseen should conflict arise.
Overview: Large insectoids. Natural armour and able to adapt to different enviroments. Cloaking ability on ground and in space.

Oomari: A race of large, squid-like creatures, the Oomari hold the distinction of being the first and only aquatic life-form to make their way into space. Although they can live outside bodies of water, they vastly prefer being submerged. Their bodies consist of a large, bulbous head with features almost resembling Earth sea-life, and 8 slender tentacles trailing behind them. Their skin ranges in hue from Pinks/Purples to Reds/Oranges. In addition to being among the most intelligent known life-forms, they are powerful telepaths, and are capable of moving and keeping themselves aloft through simple thought, to where they almost look as if they're swimming through open air. They also communicate telepathically and have no need for conventional translators. The Oomari home planet is entirely covered in water, with few structures penetrating the surface. In addition, the single, massive space station orbiting the planet infact has the entirety of it's lower decks completely filled with water. Only a small portion of the station is devoted to open-air species and much of the station is thus all but inaccessible to all but other Oomari.
Overview: Squid-like aquatic life-forms. Highly intelligent and telepathic.

Drall: Only by some considered a true "race", the Drall are an enigmatic string of shapeshifters based out of an unstable band of space. Outside their home planet they take the form of their choosing, However, The individual "true" form of a Drall is a liquid state. They are only capable of holding a physical form for so long before returning to this state at which point their energies must be regained before reforming. (Taking the form of an average mobile humanoid can be held for around 24 hours. Static objects can be maintained up to an Earth week.) Multiple Drall can join together, sharing thoughts and knowledge as well as being able to form into larger beings and objects. Masses of Drall near their home space have been known to form into living biological spacecraft as large as Super-Capital class ships. Singular Drall being able to form mid-size fighters at most.
The Drall "Planet" isn't even by definition a planet, but rather a huge asteroid, sizing up to Mars of the Sol system. It orbits instead of a star or sun, a gravitational anomaly centered inside a massive nebulae. The orbit keeps this mass near the outer edges of the dense clouds of the nebulae, but it's still treacherous for any non-Drall ships to approach due to other space junk caught in the gravity field threatening collisions. When close enough for visual range, the planet looks like a living ocean, billions of Drall joined in one mass covering the surface. Most Drall return to connect with the mass intermittently. The surface also features eerie structures jutting from the pool, and space junk is captured and consumed, often brought in from far off ship graveyards, eventually reformed into Drall starships. These ships have an eerie feel to them as they give off a pale blue reflection and resemble malformed variants of other race's vessels. Some call them "Ghost Ships"
The Drall have no formal political system, and the home planet seems almost a Hive Mind. However individuals seem completely free at the same time, and outside the mass pursue any profession any other race would. Many races are unsettled by the Drall as a whole, However, they seem to care only for their own issues and show no intentions of hostility or foul play.. Yet.
((When playing a Drall, your appearance and gender refer only to the form your character most commonly holds for interaction with other races. But they are capable of taking any other forms at will considering the energy to do so.))
Overview: Traditionally formless shapeshifters, can take any form, including of starships.


Character Sheet:
Name: (Be as creative as you want for inhuman species, and even humans, remember cultural influence and evolution. )
Affiliation: (Civilian, Trader, Military, Space Pirate, etcetera..)
Occupation: (Any race can be a trainer, keep in mind. Even the Kreel can work their way around a pokeball. xD )
Description: (Again you can use your imagination, I gave a basic outline mostly)
Gear: (Galaxy's a dangerous place remember, so even a trainer may want a form of defense)
(Optional) Pokemon: (Nicknames optional) (No legends/ubers, and limit 2nd/final stage evolutions.)

Option - Ship Sheet: (This is if you would like to own a starship. It'd be nice if not EVERYONE did, however. I'd like to see multiple people on the same multi-person ship, too.)
Class: (This would include the basic size/design of your ship. So imagine Fighter, Freighter, Cargo Ship, Frigate, Cruiser, Destroyer, etcetera. No, you can't have a Battleship, Carrier, Mothership, Dreadnought or Titan.)
Ship Name:
Ship Description: (Have fun here~ )
Outfits and Abilities: (This would be anything extra, bolstered defenses, advanced CPU system, stolen Kreel cloaking device, armaments, the like.)
>: if so many people like space, why has moony and I's RP been ignored?

I find that one major part of the likelihood of people joining a roleplay is how familiar the players are with the topic it's based upon. Pokemon RPs benefit the most from this aspect, as, given that this forum itself is based on Pokemon, everyone here knows about it. I suppose one could think about it in some way similar to this:

Pokemon > Popular anime/video-games/books/etc > less popular anime/video-games/books/etc > other already established mediums > 100% original stuff

So even though both of these RPs are "spacey", this one has the advantage of featuring Pokemon (even though, in my opinion, their role is rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things), and thus it is more likely to become successful, however small or large that degree of difference may be.
I have had an idea for awhile. I decided to throw it out there. It is called
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Heathen Temple​
In the time of the Ceasars the Humans and Pokemon lived alongside eachother. They weren't alone as a race similar to the humans peacefully. A Ceasar who feared their power secretly with the help of all Pokemon wiped them out. The Heathen king (Aronyis) swore he would return to bring Judgement to Humans and their Pokemon counterparts. The king picked a large number of humans and turned them into Heathens. They attackedc with frightenig power and cunning. They have wiped out all Pokemon life on planet Earth and have now turned to the humans. However a single Heathen has realized there is no survivors from the Ceasar who attacked. He believes tha small pockets of Pokemon may still exist in secret. He has chosen to lead whatever humans willing to destroy his race. He plans to attack the king at his heart, the Fire temple of Aronyis. He wishes the world to return to it's normal state.If 3 people like the idea I will make the RP. If I should edit something than please advise.
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I think the Darkest Hour should get restarted. That was just about my favorite RP, and it died. Does anyone else think so?
I think I'll just restart it. A lot of my RPs die, and restarting doesn't hurt if so many people want it.

It was getting rather boring, though, so anyone have an idea for a better plot before I restart it?
The world is being taken over~ and they have to stop it~

...Does that work? Classic plots are sometimes the best. For popularity, include lots of different missions!~
You already said that, and it didn't work. >:/

I want something new, not something cliché. If you're wondering, that means average and expected when it comes to fiction and role-playing.
They ended up in the real world?
Someone important caught by humans?
Something relating to Lightstruck Pokemon?
Fending off pirate-zombie-robot-ninja-fish attacks? (:D)
Rabies pandemic? (>>)

That's all I got at the moment. Disregard last three. :sweatdrop:
Lightstruck Pokémon were made not by me and without my permission used in the RP, so I will not use them myself as I have no idea what they are.

Perhaps the leader Infernape, Onko, is captured by humans, and they have to get her back... yeah, that'll work. You'll see it in a few minutes.
Lightstruck Pokémon were made not by me and without my permission used in the RP, so I will not use them myself as I have no idea what they are.

Yeah.. that was a just a quick, random idea. Ah, those days, when I was a wee newbie... :sweatdrop:

Perhaps the leader Infernape, Onko, is captured by humans, and they have to get her back... yeah, that'll work. You'll see it in a few minutes.

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