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Idea Center

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*Shakes fist at whoever created the Maple Story RP.* I was all up for it until I noticed my character had to be level 25-40...He's level 8. >.<

I get this feeling Zephy-kun would be interested, too (We're both weird Greek-mythology obsessed). ^^

Percy Jackson sounds like a fun thing.

OOh, I used to read that series obsessively. I would soooo join. ^^

Well, I would start this if I didn't have my other two RPs under me. Wait til the Maple Story one dies, and I'll post it. Or one of you can, if you want... [OFFICIAL PERMISSION] =3
*waves hand* take it then. Off with you~ *looks around* But... dibs on possible sequel(not happening, lol), co-ownership and reserve~

Wow, I'm a loser XD
Fine with me. ^^

Prepare for some horrible title. (Titling sucks with me.)

(Well, except for Shadowy Past and my fanfic. I like those. ^^)
It's probably going to be after the whole "Run for your lives Kronus is going to kill us all" thing. (Speaking of which, how the heck do you spell his name?)

haha I fail at my Greek deities. I forgot Poseidon, Hades, and a lot of Zeus's children. XP
I looked up the rest in my mythology book. (That's why I take Latin; for that book. XP)
But it hasn't started yet, so I am not completely satisfied >:/

I am on teh eternal search for the perfect RP *heroic music* *shot*
Try the Rack Shackle Pack!

I think the Warriors RP needs to start.

Wait, do we have enough leaders?

Cryptica's been looking for an RP where she can be, not have an Electrode...

We need an RP that takes place in... the past.
I'd join the RSP if I knew where you where, knew I'd have a relatively good time(usually doesn't happen when I sign up late for RPs), and could think of a canine/feline Pokemon.

No we don't have enough leaders.

Sudden urges to become genderless? Join the *insert name of RP here*!

Eh, I can't run any more RPs. Join, but not run...
I always really loved what the RSP seemed like, having goals is a great idea and everything is plain great. I can think of many Feline/Canine Pokemon I'd like to be but one problem.

I don't like to join RPs already in progress. It feels like I've missed out on so much and is hard in general to fit in :(
^ That's true. Perhaps there should be a seperate thread for applications, and there might need to be updated news on where the RP is at the moment...

I might try - when exams have passed - to revive Dreams of the Past. With less railroading and more actual info on the plot... >< I still get the feeling it utterly sucked, but...
I might try - when exams have passed - to revive Dreams of the Past. With less railroading and more actual info on the plot... >< I still get the feeling it utterly sucked, but...

Well you might want to at least reinvent some of it, to try and improve it. I look forward to any such reboot.

Onto my two ideas today...

What about some (weird) combination of Pokemon and... World War II?

Perhaps a bit grandiose, but what if we tried to make our own Final Fantasy? Don't actually need really granular detail, we would just need a setting and a plot, with everything recurrent in the FF series.
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