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If Pokémon were Real

Re: If Pokémon were Real

what if you had a homosexual pokemon? It's never happened in the anime or the games, but for the longest time we thought that the homosexual people were mentally disturbed. What would happen to your dear, queer Golem, or Rapidash? You would be shunned by the other trainers because your Gallade just happens to like being romantically involved with other Gallades. Also, what would people say if you let your male Kirlia evolve into Gardevoir? Give that a thought.

But other than that, it would probaly be Magical and Brilliant!
Re: If Pokémon were Real


And also there would be world peace because the only things people can fight with are BIG ANGRY DESTRUCTOMONSTURS who will only fight if they want to.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

if pokemon were real id get all my badges, put them on ebad, and sell them for a heck price. 8D
Re: If Pokémon were Real

Of course, nothing bad could come from that. RIGHT GUYS?

You're ruining kids' dreams all over the world. XD

Or something like that.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

well if pokemon was real, i'd not have to sit through school, cuz im 4 years over the "legal" pokemon journey start age.

and the iraq/afghanistan war would be long over.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

Yeah, I suppose. There'd also be no need for strip clubs if said zoophilia was in effect.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

It would be a happy world! Okay, maybe sometimes. Okay, probably not. Okay, real life Pokemon are probably a very bad idea. I'm allergic to Pikachus, and I'm pretty sure Ash Ketchum wannabies will be all over the place.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

Some pokemon would be downright horrifying to encounter in real life. Imagine... walking down a dark city street at night and being assaulted by a Mr Mime. *shudders*
Also, trips to the wilderness would practically be suicide. And the legendaries would be totally badass.
I imagine legendaries would actually be sort of like cryptids. If some lucky bastard did manage to snare one, he'd probably go mad with power and eventually be murdered by his own pokemon when it got fed up with him.
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Re: If Pokémon were Real

It'd be awesome if they were real.I actually have a bag that looks like the Hoenn's trainers bag XD I didnt know what Pokemon was when I got it :v
Re: If Pokémon were Real

i would rule the world with an electric- and flying-type fist.

Re: If Pokémon were Real

That... would... be... awesome! i could finally have a pet furret, pachirisu, and swinub! and i could be safe because OMG monsters hiding in your room could be real! (no! not haunter! dont eat my soul! PACHIRISU TO THE RESCUE!!!):grin:
Re: If Pokémon were Real

It would be good because Iraq would be like "YOU WILL NEVAR BEAT US!"

And then Charizard squad flies in, leaving the base in ruins.

Bad things: Robberies aided/done by Pokémon, more pollution, less work for Mimers. And this, just imagine an ad for a terrorist squad

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