man. I have no excuses haha
Round Eleven
IndigoEmmy (1/3 left)
Cardinal ♂
Ability: Big Pecks
Health: 77%
Energy: 85%
~This bird is on fiyaaaa~
myuma (3/3 left)
Aster ♂
Ability: Snow Cloak
Health: 92%
Energy: 89%
Status: Looking mysterious in the snow. Surrounded by Aurora Veil (3 more actions). Burned (mild, 2% health/round, 0.75x base power for physical attacks).

Konani, 70%H/40%E, 0 direct heals left

Silke, 8%H/27% E, burned (mild)
Aster flips his luxurious locks out of his eyes. This simply won't do. Calling on his mystical inner powers, he binds Cardinal's thoughts together, chaining them tight, and the little bird falters in the air. Cardinal cocks his head, an itching feeling of
forgetting something making every feather stand up on end. Finally he figures it out - he can't call up his overwhelming fire! The itching continues and, in a bit of a panic, Cardinal thrashes out at the Vulpix blindly.
Snorting with contempt, Aster throws back his head and opens his mouth; a soft, twinkling bell sound emerges, sounding quite unnatural from a little white fox, but Aster closes his eyes with relief as the sound soothes his painful burns. Meanwhile, inside her pokeball, Silke shifts contentedly as her own burns are healed, as well. This sets off even more frustration in Cardinal, who again launches himself at Aster, bending feathers in the process of trying to peck Aster's eyes.
Aster's head drops then, eyes shaded, and suddenly the ice fox looks very sinister indeed. A whipping, frosty wind billows all around the stadium, carrying chunks of snow and ice into a blinding mass, tumbling out of control all throughout the room. It buffets Cardinal around like a puff of cotton, and the Fletchling shrieks as the icy wind bites into his skin. The blizzard sweeps him back around to Aster, and he launches another pelting hail of bird beak at him, the best he can do under such dire circumstances.
The blizzard subsides and Cardinal lands, trying to fluff his feathers out and look intimidating. Aster again swings his head, but the mysterious veil fades from around him just then, leaving him looking a little more ordinary.
IndigoEmmy (1/3 left)
Cardinal ♂
Ability: Big Pecks
Health: 51%
Energy: 79%
Status: Gahhh!!!! Heat Wave disabled (1 more action).
Used: Struggle ~ Struggle ~ Struggle
myuma (3/3 left)
Aster ♂
Ability: Snow Cloak
Health: 85%
Energy: 72%
Status: I am a prince of snow~~
Used: Disable ~ Heal Bell ~ Blizzard

Konani, 70%H/40%E, 0 direct heals left

Silke, 8%H/27% E
Arena Status
- There is a long gash in the roof of the dojo. Snow and hail are gathering on the edges of the debris-covered floor.
- Staff are now scrambling to find space heaters for the audience, and are grumbling about how they should have taken the extended insurance on the building.
- It is hailing (3 more actions).
Damage and Energy
- Cardinal's Health: 77% - 1% (Struggle recoil) - 1% (Struggle recoil) - 20% (Blizzard) - 1% (Struggle recoil) - 3% (hail) = 51%
- Cardinal's Energy: 85% - 2% (Struggle) - 2% (Struggle) - 2% (Struggle) = 79%
- Aster's Health: 92% - 2% (Struggle) - 1% (burn) - 2% (Struggle) - 2% (Struggle) = 85%
- Aster's Energy: 89% - 4% (Disable) - 4% (Heal Bell) - 6% (Blizzard) - 3% (Aurora Veil) = 72%
- Speed order: Aster (65) > Cardinal (62).
- r i p
- @ミ☆ ᴍyᴜᴍᴀ commands first.