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It's the Legendary Festival!


New member
OK, say you were put in charge of a festival about the various Legendary Pokemon. What events would you have planned to have for a certain legendary, such as a play for the three dogs, an opera for Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno, and something like one of those Chinese New Year celebrations for Rayquaza. What would they be like? What Legendary would they be centered upon?
The Legendary Birds? Three epic Jugglers.
The Legendary Beasts? Relay (Raiku), 100 Meter Sprint (Suicine) and Rock Climb (Entei) races.
The Legendary Rocks? Carving competition.
The Weather Trio? Betting office.
Mew? Entrance
Mew Two? VIP Entrance.
Palkia and Dialga? Jewelery shop.
Girantina? Ghost Train.
Manaphy? Adults pool
Phione? Kids pool.
Lunar duo? Play
Celebi? Gardens
Ho-oh? Fire-eater performance.
Lugia? Synchronized diving performance.
Mespirit/Azelf/Uxie? Poetry competition
Hmm...How about a festival every total solar eclipse celebrating Darkrai? All the dark and ghost pokemon come out and play, causing lots of mischief, and Darkrai protects them from capture or being forced to battle, just for that night. Stay inside and lock your doors and windows during this festival! :3
I'd say Meloetta in a musical, Keldeo in water fighting, Genesect in a play on reaserch testing.
There would be one specific day for Dialga. For each hour of the day, you would do something special for him and celebrating time. There would be timed races, competitions, etc.
There would be one specific day for Dialga. For each hour of the day, you would do something special for him and celebrating time. There would be timed races, competitions, etc.

And for Palkia, you would need to do something involving space. SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE.
And for Palkia, you would need to do something involving space. SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE.

Perhaps Palkia-based Festivals may coincide with rocket launches from the Mossdeep Space Center (assuming the citizens of Hoenn are aware of Sinnoh legends and whatnot).

You would breed frogs to create new universes for him.

The Land of Space and Croagunk.
For Reshiram, you'd have to turn off all electrical appliances for a day/part of a day, so everyone would have to use natural means of lights, making food, etc. It would also cause people to go out and enjoy nature.
I'd think for Zekrom it would be more like a competition where you have to invent and build the most innovative electronic device.
I just realized;

Reshiram is with nature, however is in black, which has the city.

Zekrom is with electrical means, however in white, which has the forest.

They should switch places for the festival so they can actually experience the other side.
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