• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Japanese folk, coming through!

Fujiwara Yaminichi

over uses smilies waaay to much. XD
Hi. I am Fujiwara Yaminichi, and I moved from Tokyo to New York two years ago. I live in an apartment with only my parents and two annoying chiwawas named Yip and Darci. I think we all know how Yip earned his name. -_-

Anyway, please don't ask me how to type Japanese characters. I didn't have a computer in Tokyo. Amazing, huh. XD

By the way, my name isn't really Fujiwara Yaminichi. I like to keep my privacy, thank you very much.

I also love Warriors, by Erin Hunter. I love cats in general. If I see a picture of a kitten, I'll start squealing. XD

Edit: And my favorite Pokemon is Skitty.

Anyone know how to change my user name? I accidentally put g instead of j. XD
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Welcome to TCoD! Hope you'll enjoy everything here.
And sorry, but I have no clue how to change your username....
Welcome! Hope you have fun here! By the way, I have a question you may or may not know.

Did ramen originate in Japan or China?
Guys seriously you can't change your name right now, if you payed any attention.

Welcome, Fujiwara! Enjoy your stay! :3

(I win. >D

But Arylett, this isn't a competition!

I don't care, I still win. >D)

Huh...? Oh hello there, new person~ Welcome to the forums and stuff. (You get one~) I'm tonight's host for this show, Arylett Dawnsborough~~! Whoo!

And I welcome you, uh-huh. Um, what is that that I always say about sugary treats and what not...? Oh yeah! May you enjoy yourself. With many sugary delicious treats! Yeah.
I'll say hi while resisting the urge to say konichiwa.

Japan is awesome. I've never been there, but it just seems cool.

So, uh, hi! Have a good time!
Aww, I realy want to visit Japan. Was it nice there?

Anyway, I'm Kai. You'll mainy see me around the artwork forum, or it's subforums.

Have a good visit here!

Welcome to tcod. =D
Hi, welcome to this fine website. You'll see me everywhere except the Wi-Fi league. I have dial-up... :(
Welcome to TCoD! I've always wanted to go to Japan, since I like the food there. But the only sushi I eat is ebi nigiri -_-

Anyways, I like Warriors too. Eclipse came out today, so I went and bought it along with Into the Woods Warriors manga.

Bye, see ya later!

Hello there, if you like cats then you will probably like this picture!
Anyway, welcome to Tcod!

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