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Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!


Aside from the adoring caps lock sentence, I'll see if I can sprite it (as a challenge). Oh, and make an evo! It could be like a queen or someting I don't know... and it IS the best name ever. Joking, but I still think it's pretty funny, AND it rhymes! Gonna get on da sprite...
I guess I wanna request one (doesn't everyone?)

Based on a hummingbird:http://a1.vox.com/6a00e398b114200005011018045871860f-500pi (<reference I guess)
and it be ice type,
wings swirly like wind (north wind pokemon bird thing XD)
colors: white and light blue
Some sort of design on its wings that create the cold wind and snow i guess.

do not have to do if you do not want to, and I can wait, so take your time. Oh and thanks in advance!:talking:

...but nobody ever clicks links! D:

Any more requests? I've got some requests from Mike (who hasn't posted here, buuut), the fake that Starly wanted, and nothing else. I need requests or my head will explode.
Make a better seal Pokemon than Seel and Spheal. Okay, they're both epic but not very original. Make this one... STEEL TYPE. Sphteel :D

The sizing got screwed up, but whatever. There you go.

It's great, but I said I wanted whitish electricity and the Shiny's would be yellow.

So can I get that pic you made, make the shaft flat a the end, and change the electricity to the color of the eyes.
Why are you posting it in this thread? :/

Also late but w/e - thanks for the team pic Kam. :D
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