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Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [ASSASSIN WIN]

Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 2]

Sorry, OrngSumb, time is up.

<flavor text here due to busyness.>

"OrngSumb is innocent."

The villagers sigh and prepare for the night.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 2]

The villagers talk recently cronwed king Cheif Zackrai into executing a person they are almost sure is an assasain. As OrngSumb is killed by the gallows, they immediately go to search their cottage. However, they didn't find anything incriminating. They were wrong again. Their numbers were slowly going down, they needed to find these assasains before they were all killed...

Free Flavor text since you're busy
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Night 2]

Thank you!

And we have one more night action that needs to be sent in because I forgot to change the game to night phase in my haste. Sorry about that.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Night 2]

The citizens awake again, still uneasy. They walk up to the town square, when they see a dead body on the ground...

Mai is dead. She was not an assassin.

A divine voice comes from the heavens yet again...

"Today's king is to be Twilight Sparkle."

You have 48 hours to convince the king whom to execute.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

Well...who should we lynch? We have to get an assassin today.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

well, Squirrel is the least active (but from what I've seen this is normal), and after that comes Pig-Serpent.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

Hello, then.
Two assasins, five innocents. So these are our last two days, yeah.
We should probably make the discussion last for as long as possible. Hopefully a hint will be dropped along the way.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

And Pig-serpent doesn't really contribute. Half the posts are just odd jokes. What're his/her usual games like?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

Pig serpent actually tends to be an early kill, from what I've seen. In my first game, at least, he was the very first mafia kill.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

I've seen boar in a few games, and boar doesn't really contribute much.
EDIT: Changed all pronouns to boar.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

Wait...who is boar? Am I going to feel very stupid if I should know this O.O;;
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

Oh...I don't pay attention to these things. Why can't people just use usernames...so are we going with Pig-Serpent?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

Yeah, we should definately go with boar. *snickers*

EDIT: Evolved ^_^
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Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]


Well, we have a lot of time left so I'll wait for a little while before I kill him off if he defends himself of someone slips up.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

Hm. I still don't really find Pig-serpent that suspicious, but I guess we have no leads. :/ Jack was killed the night after he accused Pig-serpent, but that's a very obvious move for the Mafia to make if Pig-serpent was one of them, so you'd think they would have avoided that if he was Mafia (unless they wanted to frame him). I don't know, I haven't really seen much of how Pig-serpent plays.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

Pfff nowadays if someone accuses someone and everyone lives, the mafia will kill the accuser to frame the accussee.

It's a way of throwing innocents off the trail. I've used it in past games and is one of my cheif deception techniqes.

Let's see, out of the list, possible Assasains... No one has really been suspicious. I think the most suspicious thing was Pig's joke and it wasnt suspicious much.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

*Bored* If I was Kinged today, I would have executed P-S already.
I can't believe you executed me! I even said that I said... that because I was bored >:(
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